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Activision vs No Doubt Band Hero case to go to trial

A Superior Court judge has once more upheld No Doubt's suit against Activision over use of the band's likenesses in Band Hero, despite the publisher's move to dismiss.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports judge Ramona See wasn't impressed by Activision's gambit and ruled that there were genuine disputes worth a jury's time later this year.

No Doubt is suing Activision over the use of its in-game likenesses, claiming it was not informed the band members' avatars would voice each other's parts or even those of other artists, something they claim reduces it to "a virtual karaoke circus act".

Activision's defence points out that it's common knowledge that's how these games have always worked, and also claims to have a video showing No Doubt being informed of these features.

In 2009 Courtney Love pursued a similar case against Activision over the likeness of her late husband, Nirvana front man Curt Cobain, in Guitar Hero 5. Love was expected to join No Doubt's suit but has fallen off the radar somewhat.

Thanks, Polygon.

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