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Acti forced Nintendo to create Wii U Pro Controller with CoD threat: Pachter

Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter has claimed that Wii U's Pro Controller was only created after Activision threatened to leave Call of Duty off the machine unless it has a traditional input method.

"I think that essentially this is a solution in search of a problem," Pachter said, speaking at Develop in the UK last week, as reported by Edge.

"I mean, somebody had an idea - 'let's make the controller a tablet' - and there aren't many games that are going to take advantage of that. Activision never said anything to me, but I know that [for] big games like Call Of Duty they said, 'No, we're not putting it on there if you don't give us a conventional controller'. So they gave in."

Nintendo confirmed the Pro Controller - a traditional format controller in the model of 360's pad - at E3 this year.

Pachter went on to say that Wii U as a concept is likely to fail.

"I don't think they suck - I just think that they really believe that, 'If we're still novel, everything we do will work'. This isn't going to work," he said.

"Hardcore gamers will buy them; hardcore Nintendo fanboys will buy it. They could put out a piece of cardboard and say that it'll play Mario and they'll buy it."

Wii U releases this year.

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