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A Valley Without Wind 2 is free to owners of the original

A Valley Without Wind is a rather lovely indie title from Arcen Games. It's a Metroid-vania platform title with retro visuals and tons of weapons. It's getting a sequel, and if you already own the original, you get the new game for free.

First of all, watch the first game's trailer if you haven't heard of the series. It's good:

Watch on YouTube

Over at IndieDB, Arcen Games issued a blog post that explained the giveaway.

"Basically everyone will be getting both games whenever they buy either one. Kind of like what Zeboyd Games does with Breath of Death 7 and Cthulu Saves the World. You get both for the price of one."

"Why do it this way? Well, we think that's fairest to existing customers, for one. And for two, we don't think anyone will be much inclined to buy the first game after they see the second. But the first game is cool in its own right, and so that's something we wanted to preserve."

"It breaks a lot of new ground that no other games have ever experimented in before, and we didn't want to just throw that out. The game isn't perfect, and it doesn't last forever, but it's fun for a goodly number of hours and it's something that people should be able to experience for years to come if they're into that sort of thing."

"Meanwhile we get to move the "Valley franchise" forward in the manner of our choosing with the sequel."

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