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What's the Best Class in Battlefield 4? Beginner's Guide: How to Play, Loadouts, Unlocks

Want to play Battlefield 4, but don't know where to start? We've got the details on each class, from loadouts to unlocks - and recommendations on how and where to play them.

This article first appeared on USgamer, a partner publication of VG247. Some content, such as this article, has been migrated to VG247 for posterity after USgamer's closure - but it has not been edited or further vetted by the VG247 team.

Ready to take to the Battlefield, but aren't sure which class is best for you? We break down the strengths and weaknesses of the Assault, Engineer, Support and Recon classes so you can choose the one that best suits your style.

When you start out, choose a class that best suits your playstyle. As your Battlefield skills improve, you can start to diversify and choose roles that best suit your team's needs.

Complete Class Guide

While Battlefield 4 is a team game, it's important that you play to your own strengths - especially when you're starting out. The ideal choice of class is the one that best suits your playstyle. While it is important to have a balanced team with a good mix of offensive and support characters, the reality is, if you can't play a character type particularly well, you're better off choosing the role that best suits you, rather than "playing out of position."

So from a high-level perspective, here's a quick breakdown of class types:

  • Assault: Ideal for aggressive players who like to get into the thick of the action. If you can aim quick and shoot accurately, this is your class.
  • Engineer: Often find yourself heading towards the closest vehicle? Love taking out enemy machines? Welcome to your wheelhouse!
  • Support: If you're happy letting others rush in, while you provide cover fire and backup, the Support class is your choice. If you play it well, expect to receive mondo love from your teammates.
  • Recon: Are you a happy camper? Love picking people off from afar? Look no further than this class for your thrills and spills.

Okay, now you're a little more up to speed on which class might suit you best, here's a deeper dive into the specifics of each class.

There are plenty of upgrades - but choosing the best one is easy. Whichever one most effectively augments your playstyle is the "best" upgrade.

Assault Class

Assault class is great for beginners, because it's a good all-rounder that'll let you get a feel for different aspects of the game, which will help you decide whether you want to focus on a different role, or stick with this one. Assault rifles are typically excellent at any range, offering great rates of fire and top-notch damage output capabilities. In order to get the most out of this class you'll want to stick close to your squad members and have Defibrillators at the ready.

Class Strengths

  • Heal/Revive Teammates
  • Strong Primary Weapons

Class Weaknesses

  • Low Anti-Vehicle Capability

Starting Loadout

  • Primary Weapon: AK-12
  • Sidearm: P226
  • Grenade: M67 FRAG
  • Gadget 1: FIRST AID PACK
  • Gadget 2: M320 HE
  • Knife: BAYONETTE

Unique Field Upgrades

  • Combat Medic Field Upgrade (Assault Score: 66,000)
  • Grenadier Field Upgrade (Assault Score: 133,000)

Notable Unlocks

  • Defibrillator (Assault Score: 11,000)
  • Medic Bag (Assault Score: 100,000)

Ideal Game Modes

  • Domination
  • Squad Death Match
  • Team Death Match
That's one way to stop the pesky sniper on the 25th floor...

Engineer Class

Being an Engineer is all about vehicles – whether you're fixing them up so your team can drive into battle, or taking out enemy machines to prevent them from being mobile. This class is most effective on larger maps that feature plenty of vehicles, so they can really take advantage of their strengths. The Engineer class no longer has exclusive rights to carbines, which have now been replaced by PDW weapons. Carbines are still in the game – only now all Battlefield 4 classes can use them. So use your PDW until you can get a carbine, whereupon select that as your primary weapon.

Class Strengths

  • Destroying Enemy Vehicles
  • Repairing Friendly Vehicles

Class Weaknesses

  • Inability to Heal/Revive Teammates

Starting Loadout

  • Primary Weapon: MX4
  • Sidearm: P226
  • Grenade: M67 FRAG
  • Gadget 1: REPAIR TOOL
  • Gadget 2: MBT LAW
  • Knife: BAYONETTE

Unique Field Upgrades

  • Mechanic Field Upgrade (Engineer Score: 146,000)
  • Anti-Tank Field Upgrade (Engineer Score: 218,000)

Notable Unlocks

  • AK 5C (Engineer Score: 36:000)
  • FGM-172 SRAW (Engineer Score: 250,000)

Ideal Game Modes

  • Conquest Large/Small
  • Rush
  • Obliteration
Those Assault guys love taking all the glory. But us Support folks know that we're the ones who make them look good.

Support Class

The Support class is for players who take pride in doing the little things that help keep the team rolling. The only class that can use the LMG range of weapons, Support soldiers should focus on laying down suppressive fire and dropping Ammo Boxes at every opportunity. Don't use this class for running and gunning – if that's your thing, choose Assault. What a good Support player does is focus on setting up in strategic locations, with plenty of line of site to drop cover fire, and keep the enemy troops pinned. Think Rush defense here.

Class Strengths

  • Suppressing Fire
  • Supplying Friendly Soldiers

Class Weaknesses

  • Close Quarters Combat / Mobility
  • Starting Loadout
  • Primary Weapon: U-100 MK5
  • Sidearm: P226
  • Grenade: M67 FRAG
  • Gadget 1: AMMO PACK
  • Gadget 2: XM25 AIRBURST
  • Knife: BAYONETTE

Unique Field Upgrades

  • Indirect Fire Field Upgrade (Support Score: 105,000)
  • Perimeter Defense Field Upgrade (Support Score: 174,000)

Notable Unlocks

  • Ammo Box (Support Score: 87,000)
  • MP-APS (Support Score: 157,000)

Ideal Game Modes

  • Conquest Large/Small
  • Rush
  • Obliteration
Camping from a helicopter would be the best thing ever were it not for those pesky surface-to-air missiles.

Recon Class

A primary complaint about the Recon class in Battlefield 3 was the feeling of being disconnected from the fight. Battlefield 4 solves that problem by making carbines available to any class, as well as the addition of C4. This helps give the class more flexibility, enabling them to concentrate on their core ranged strengths when necessary, but also allowing them to move with the team if needed. Before gearing up your Recon solider, consider what gadgets will best suit the needs of your squad.

Class Strengths

  • Long Distance Engagements
  • Laser Designation Capabilities

Class Weaknesses

  • Close Quarters Combat

Starting Loadout

  • Primary Weapon: CS-LR4
  • Sidearm: P226
  • Grenade: M67 FRAG
  • Gadget 1: PLO
  • Gadget 2: C4 EXPLOSIVE
  • Knife: BAYONETTE

Unique Field Upgrades

  • Spec Ops Field Upgrade (Recon Score: 96,000)
  • Sniper Field Upgrade (Recon Score: 144,000)

Notable Unlocks

  • Motion Sensor (Recon Score: 16:000)
  • Radio Beacon (Recon Score: 80:000)

Ideal Game Modes

  • Conquest Large/Small
  • Rush
  • Obliteration
  • Squad Death Match
  • Team Death Match

This article was compiled with help from Prima Games

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