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What are you playing this weekend?

Nothing matters but the weekend.

Friday is done and dusted. Everyone has clocked out, ran out the door as fast as possible, and jumped into their cars or ran to catch the next train home. Hopefully, the traffic or the ride wasn't too bad on the commute home.

Now that folks have arrived at their domicile, it's time to kick off the shoes, change into some sweats or yoga pants (even just skivvies - we don't judge!), grab some beer or wine, fire up the console or PC and gave a nice sit down to take their weekly frustrations out by playing a game or two.

That's what we're doing anyway, and here's what we're playing:

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Connor Makar, Guides Writer - Tower of Fantasy

This weekend, I'm going to go hard on Tower of Fantasy since I will review the title later in the month. In fact, it looks like anime BS will make up a big part of my days off since Genshin Impact is also streaming the version 3.0 showcase, which is cool if you're into that kind of thing. I'm also going to clock in some DNF Duel practice time too.

It's worrying how much of this anime stuff has wormed its way into life since I started this job. My sister came into my room this week to say hi and chat a bit, and at this point, I don't even alt-tab away - it's a part of my life now whether we like it or not. I dread to think about what's next, to be honest.

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Dom Peppiatt, Features Editor, Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Here we go again: time for me to oil up my sword, hammer another monster’s pelt onto the front of my shield, and head back into the fray. Friday saw the release of Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak’s first title update – a massive patch for the game that adds Lucent Nargacuga, Seething Bazelgeuse, Gold Rathian, and Silver Rathalos – alongside a slew of balance updates and weapon alterations, too.

And that’s good because I ate up just about everything in the DLC’s base offering before it even launched (cheers, review code). I am looking forward to drawing the curtains, ignoring the sun beating down and turning London into nothing but a dusty crucible, and working my way through the newly-added quests whilst crafting every last bit of that newly-added armour. The Eldago Outpost still needs my help, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let nice IRL weather keep me from doing what I can.

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James Billcliffe, Guides Editor - Portal: Companion Collection

The Portal games rule extremely hard, and it's crazy to think it's been 11 years since the series was tragically struck down by the Valve trilogy curse.

I first played the original as part of The Orange Box on PS3 (surely one of the best deals in the physical-first era of gaming), like a lot of people, and was blown away by how the 2nd game built on the foundations it laid to create one of the most characterful puzzle games ever.

People often talk about how the best puzzle games make you feel smart. Like you're bending the rules and getting one over the developers, even when that's precisely how you are meant to solve a scenario. Portal and Portal 2 are the absolute masters of this, particularly as things start to unravel in the Aperture Science Testing Facility.

The new Portal: Companion Collection is a perfect excuse for a long-overdue replay - especially when I've got expiring Gold Points burning a hole in my Switch wallet.

That's it for us. What about you? What are you playing this weekend? Is there anything particular in your backlog you're interested in playing? Something new? Something you have played more than once and wish to revisit? Let us know!

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