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USgamer's RPG Podcast Wonders How Final Fantasy VII Would Look With Sephiroth as the Hero

AXE OF THE BLOOD GOD: New information about Mass Effect Andromeda, a hands-on preview of Tyranny, and what if we could play more RPGs as the villain? Kat and Nadia chat it up (and reminisce about Grandia 2).

This article first appeared on USgamer, a partner publication of VG247. Some content, such as this article, has been migrated to VG247 for posterity after USgamer's closure - but it has not been edited or further vetted by the VG247 team.

Axe of the Blood God is our weekly RPG podcast hosted by Kat Bailey. You can find the previous episodes here.

In this week's episode of Axe of the Blood God (download link here), we talk about the Mass Effect series in light of new information about Mass Effect Andromeda. We also discuss Tyranny, and wonder what it'd be like to play RPGs as Sephiroth, Kefka, and Suikoden II's Luca Blight.

Also, we reach into our mailbag and discuss an underrated RPG: Grandia 2!

What does the Mass Effect series mean to you? What kind of influence does it have on games in general, if any? And which RPG villain would you love to wreak havoc as?

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Show Description

Nadia and Kat talk villains and space as they gab about Mass Effect Andromeda, RPG bad guys in their own games, and their hands-on experience with Obsidian Games' Tyranny. What would Final Fantasy VII be like from Sephiroth's point of view? How's Tyranny so far? And does anyone remember Grandia 2? All this and more!

Music from Axe of the Blood God is courtesy of Lena Chappelle, who has also contributed the themes to Active Time Babble and Roleplayers' Realm. I also use music from the RPG Music Pack over at Check it out!

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