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EA announces trio of brand new XBLA, PSN, and PC games


EA's bread-and-butter may be triple-A unfathomable-budget titles, but the publisher's venturing outside the realm of dudes with guns, race cars, and Gears-of-War-but-with-boy-wizards with three very interesting-looking indie titles.

First up, there's Warp, which is a top-down stealth-action title from indie dev Trapdoor. It features "a sci-fi world with a distinctive art style, addicting levels, hazardous traps and challenging puzzles," and is set to launch in summer 2011.

The Fancy Pants Adventures, meanwhile, is a port of popular browser-based sidescroller, but with a new world, story, and modes designed for the fanciest, classiest folks of all: console gamers. It's coming next spring thanks to a partnership between EA, Borne Games, and Over The Top Games.

Finally, there's Gatling Gears, which is a twin-stick shooter from Vanguard Games, the product of a recent merger Guerrilla Games and Greed Corp developer W!Games. Twin-sticked and shooty though it may be, Gatling Gears is a Greed Corp sequel at heart, featuring "collapsing land, walker units and warring factions." It's also due next spring.

Pertinent press releases are here, here, and here.

Fancy Pants Adventures is trailered below (thanks, Blerk).

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