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Craziest Fallout 4 NPC Battle yet: 1,000 Deathclaws vs 100 Brotherhood of Steel

NPC Battle videos are rather fun, and with the release of Fallout 4, more are popping up everyday. This one is rather crazy though, as it pits 1,000 Deathclaws against 100 Brotherhood of Steel.

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If I tried to do this on my PC, it would catch fire or explode into a million pieces sending shrapnel into my eyes, chest cavity, and every other part of my body. Basically turning me into a dead, bloody mess.

At least my death would provide sustenance for the four-legged creatures which reside in my house until my mother or someone else wondered why they hadn't heard from me in days and popped in.

I wouldn't want them to starve you know. They're like my children, after all.

Enjoy the video above from Cosmic Contrarian. If you like this particular video, more of his creations can be found through the Fallout 4 playlist he has created.

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