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The Witness - The Town Puzzle Solution

Images and solutions for every puzzle in The Witness in this complete walkthrough and puzzle guide.

The Town in The Witness utilizes a combination of the various mechanics taught in the previous puzzles. Unless you are here simply for the solutions, we recommend that you complete the previous puzzle sections in this guide first prior to attempting the Town puzzles. This Town Puzzle Solutuion Walkthrough will show you how to unlock the tower in the center of the town to activate the light beam at the top.

The Witness - The Town Puzzle Solution Walkthrough

The tower in the center of the Town contains several wires that are attached to a series of doors. Completing certain Town puzzles will activate these wires, unlocking the doors that allow you to reach the top of the tower. We will only be covering the Town puzzles that are necessary for the tower. Start by approaching the Town from the Windmill side. The first puzzle will be to the left, behind the statue of the person.

Begin at the door with the Tetris/starburst puzzle on the white building, just past the stone statue in the courtyard. If you finished the Quarry puzzle area, you should be familiar with the starburst mechanic.

If you are unfamiliar with the starbursts, the basic idea is to isolate the starbursts in pairs of two, based on color. Note that you also have to section off the Tetris shapes in this grid as well. We’ve provided the solution in the images down below.

Solving the previous panel will cause the door to open. Your next puzzle will be the panel on the door on the adjacent building. This panel contains multicolored starbursts that don’t seem to easily group into pairs.

To solve this puzzle, look through the yellow tinted glass on the previous puzzle panel door. This will reveal the adjacent panel's true colors. When you have figured out the solution, walk over to the door and input it on the panel, as we did in the image below.

This new door opens to another puzzle panel inside on the back wall of the room. Actually, you don’t need to open this door to access the room, as there is another opening on the far left. However, in order to apply the puzzle clue to the next panel, this door must be open in order to have the correct perspective. Stand further away from the door and align some nearby wood posts with the back panel to reveal the puzzle solution. You can also skip opening the second door altogether and just input our solution below if you wish.

The next puzzle set will be at a building along the far side of the Town that contains large blue pillars. These blue pillars provide a subtle clue for the puzzle panel on the door on the right. Solving this panel causes a staircase to lower, allowing you to reach the rooftop of the building.

Go up the metal staircase to the rooftop. Here you will find a Tetris puzzle near some yellow squares in the center. This puzzle creates a footbridge out of the yellow platform squares. Use this concept as a clue for the outline of the puzzle. If you need help, consult our solution below.

Cross the newly formed footbridge over to the adjacent rooftop. Here you will encounter a set of puzzle panels that combine both segregation and symmetry mechanics. Solve the puzzle panels from right to left, using the solutions below as your guide if necessary. Keep in mind that certain puzzles may have more than one correct solution.

Head back down the stairs and make your way towards the waterfront. Locate a single symmetry puzzle on the outer perimeter of the Town. If you completed the Symmetry puzzle area earlier in the game, you may already know where to look for the clue for this panel.

If not, no worries. Simply walk to the back side of the transparent panel and look out across the water. Align the panel with the palm trees in the distance, as we did in the figure below. The goal is to section off the trees in your solution by outlining around each one.

Follow the green wire up the hill to the next panel. This puzzle features the environmental silhouette mechanic from the Shady Trees puzzles. To solve this puzzle, use the shadows on the panel as well as the wires wrapped around some nearby metal bars as your clues. We have provided the solution in the image below.

Follow the green wire to the next panel beneath the fruit tree. We are honestly unsure about how to arrive at this solution, though it likely has something to do with the placement of the fruit in the tree itself. Solve the panel using the solution below, and move on to the next puzzle set.

The pink wire leads you into a room with a single puzzle panel that has three different connected wires. This means there are three different solutions you must draw on the panel to activate each of the wires. Use the silhouette cast upon the panel as your guide to the first solution.

Next, walk through a hole in the wall onto some outer scaffolding. Align the vines with the panel to reveal the second solution. Then, exit the room and ascend the staircase on the outer wall to reach the rooftop. Look through the hole in the roof and use the sunlight to reveal a reflective clue on the surface of the panel, then solve for the final solution.

Now that you’re on the rooftop, solve the red reflective panel by tracing the partial shadow. Use our solution below as a reference if necessary.

Before leaving the rooftop, make sure to rotate the reflective panel on the adjacent roof. Use the dial below the panel to turn the reflector in the direction you wish. The goal is to deflect the light beam from the Desert Ruin toward the mountaintop in the distance.

There is only one more series of puzzles to complete before you can activate the light beam. Head back down to the center of the town, and locate a brown building with a series of Tetris/dot puzzle panels. Solve the five panels using the solution set below.

Ascend the newly lowered staircase beside the previous puzzle set, and solve the final panel on the rooftop. This panel incorporates elimination, tetris, and dot mechanics, which were explained in the Quarry puzzles earlier. Solving this puzzle panel unlocks one last door on the tower, allowing you to ascend to the top.

Now, all you need to do is climb the winding stairs to the top of the tower to activate the light beam. Once you reach the top, be sure to stop and take in the beautiful view overlooking the island.