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Mad Max Scrap, History Relics, Scrotus Insignia, Water Sources, Fuel Cans - Collectibles Guide - All Locations

Get all of the Scrap, History Relics, Scrotus Insignia, Water Sources, and Fuel Cans in this complete guide to all the items and resources in Mad Max on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Mad Max on PS4, Xbox One, and PC is a big game full of things to find. We've put together a huge guide that covers all the camps in Mad Max and details the locations of scrap, Fuel Cans, History Relics, Scrotus Insignias, water sources, and Transfer Tanks. If you're looking for an item in Mad Max, this is the locations guide for you.

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Mad Max Item and Resource Locations - Scrap, History Relics, Scrotus Insignias, Water Sources, Fuel Cans, Transfer Tanks - Collectibles Guide

We've split out collectibles and resources guide into regions, so skip to the area you want help with. Inside each section we've bolded the items or resources so you can easily see the info you need.

Black Maws Region

Bonecrack Oil Pump Camp

Use the harpoon to tether the vehicle to one of the posts holding up the sniper's location just outside of the main gate. Drag the post down, then look to the right of the gate to find a weak spot (this comes from intel located on top of the hill just west of the camp). Attach your harpoon to the weak point and pull it down, then get out of your car and head inside the camp.

Once you squeeze through the newly revealed crack, head left until you reach the main path, then go right. There's a fuel can to your immediate right, but you may want to hold off on picking this up since you're not even in the Magnum Opus right now. You can use it as a bomb to fight the enemies ahead if you'd like, but there are two fuel cans here (the second is just a bit to the south) so use them as you'd like.

To the left is a platform you can climb on that has shotgun ammo. Jump back down and through the opening to the left to engage several enemies just beyond. Defeat the enemies then look in the far right corner to find an entrance to a small area where you'll find a Scrotus Insignia.

Head out of the room and continue straight ahead to find another enemy. Take him down, then climb up the ladder at the end. To the left is food that will replenish your health. Eat the food if needed, then head to the left. When you reach the end of the path, go left instead of right and circle around to find more scrap.

Turn around and continue down the main path, then cross the bridge to the right. Go into the room directly ahead and shoot the Scrotus Insignia above. Move into the room to the left to find more scrap, then look in the room to the right to find a water source. Fill your canteen then head back out to the main path and continue to the left.

There are two fuel cans in the far right corner. Around the corner to the left are a group of enemies and a War Crier. You can use the fuel cans as explosives or fight the enemies with you bare fists. Either way, clear the enemies, take down the War Crier, then break down the gate to the right of the War Crier's wench to enter the small room here. Inside you'll find scrap in the far left corner.

To the left of the War Crier's wench is another gate that can be kicked open. Go through the gate and take an immediate left (don't go across the bridge directly ahead yet). Near the end of the area is a scrap location and another Scrotus Insignia, then turn around and head across the bridge you just passed.

Take down the two enemies that appear, then head to the left to find another piece of scrap at the end of the room. Collect the loot, then head right to find another water source to your immediate right. Refill if need be, then continue down the path. There are a number of enemies ahead, so if you have a lot of health, hold off on refilling your canteen until after the upcoming fight.

Finish off the enemies, then head down to the end of the path to find the oil pump. To the far left of the oil pump is a room that holds another History Relic, and on the northern outer wall of the room is the final Scrotus Insignia.

Collect the History Relic, break the Insignia, then head around behind the oil pump and look to the northeast to see a platform with a crane on the end of it. There's a faint glowing connector holding the crane in place. Break it, then look to the right to see a ladder. Kick the ladder so it extends to the lower area, giving you a shortcut back to the entrance (although you're not ready to leave yet).

Turn around to see a room to the left of the oil pump. Kick down the door to the room to find the last piece of scrap and a fuel can inside. Collect the scrap and pick up the fuel tank, then head outside, ignite the tank and throw it at the oil pump to complete your objectives in this camp.

The Edge Oil Pump Camp

East of the main gate you can sneak around the side of the mountain here to find a narrow path.

From the eastern hidden entrance there are several cans of fuel to the left and a gang of enemies to the right, alongside a War Crier. Take down the enemies and the War Crier, then kick open the gated building to the southwest and make your way across the bridge just beyond.

Head into the small room to the right once you cross the bridge. Collect the scrap inside, then head out of the room and around the corner to the right. Climb up to the path above and follow it around to the left. Head inside the first room to the right to find more scrap, then continue down the path.

Take down the enemy that appears in the room below, then head through the doorway to the south to find scrap and a melee weapon, along with two more smaller rooms. Inside the smaller rooms you'll find a Scrotus Insignia and a History Relic. Do not break the insignia with the melee weapon. You have a limited number of strikes with the weapon and there's no need to waste those on the insignia.

Collect all of the loot then head back out to the room you were in previously and kick open the doorway to the west. Inside the next room is the Survey Crew project part. You need this to help build the Survey Crew Project in Jeet's Stronghold.

Collect the item and eat the nearby food if you need to, head back through the doorway and up the stairs to the right. Take out the two enemies at the top of the stairs and continue through the next two doorways. After the second doorway go left to find a ladder. Climb up and head to the far side to find more scrap and another Scrotus Insignia to break.

Climb back down the ladder, then continue down the path and across the next bridge to engage a group of enemies in the area beyond. Kick open the gate on the far side, then go right and into the room on the left at the end of the short path. Collect the scrap in the corner, then head back out of the room and climb the ladder to the right.

Continue down the path to the right and onto the ramp ahead. When you reach the area below you'll see the oil pump, but before you take it out, look to the immediate right to see another ladder and to the far right of that you'll find a small entrance into the area below the ramp you just came down. If you need to refill your canteen, there's a water source in the room above the ladder. In the area below the ramp you'll find another Scrotus Insignia, a shiv and some scrap. When you get to the fuel coming up in a moment, you can ignite it and then set it down near the insignia to destroy it without wasting ammo.

In the open area with the oil pump, there's more scrap behind the wooden structure to the east, and a fuel can and thunderstick weapon to the south. Climb up the ladder in the southwest corner to find the last bit of scrap at the top. Pick up a thunderstick and move to the eastern side of the area to see the final Scrotus Insignia across the gorge. Throw the thunderstick to destroy the insignia.

Use the fuel to take out the oil pump and complete your tasks in this camp. Once you're done, stand on the painted yellow line on the eastern edge and you'll get an indication to use the zip line to return to the entrance.

Top Dog Gasworks Camp

If you have sniper ammo, take down the sniper in front of the camp from a distance. If not, move in and focus on the sniper first, then take out the other towers surrounding the front of the camp. Once the perimeter defenses are down, remove the front gate using the harpoon, then run around to the west side of the camp to find an opening in the fence.

There are two ladders to the right, but before you climb, first destroy the Scrotus Insignia to the immediate left, and head into the open area just beyond. Finish off the enemies inside and make note of the Scrapulance vehicle in the southeast corner. You'll want to take that back to a stronghold when you're done here. There are also two fuel cans to the west.

For now, go back to where you came in and climb up the first ladder. Collect the scrap at the top, then turn the valve just beyond to remove the flame thrower blocking the main entrance. Climb back down and continue around the corner to the second ladder. Climb up and make your way around the upper path to find a sniper round at the very end.

Drop down to the middle area and kick open the gate to the south. Inside this small room you'll find more scrap and a water source. Collect the scrap, fill up your canteen, then climb up the ladder on the right (south) side of the room. Break the Scrotus Insignia at the top (on the left), then continue up the stairs.

Take out the enemy near the top, collect his shiv, then climb up the next ladder. Continue to climb up the ladders until you reach the gate near the top. Kick open the gate and take out the enemies beyond. There's a flame spout blocking your path here. Look on the north side of this small area to find more scrap, then move to the southwest corner to find a yellow paint mark on the wall.

You can cross the gap here by hugging the wall where the yellow paint is at and moving toward the gap. Max will automatically navigate the small ledge and move to the far side. Another enemy immediately attack, so be ready to take him down once you cross.

Make quick work of the two enemies near the end of the path, then turn the valve here to shut off the flames blocking your path in the previous area. Collect the scrap on the east side, then break the crane to the left of the valve to give yourself a shortcut back to the previous area. You can zip line to the right of the valve, but first go back to the previous area using the shortcut you just created.

Head down the stairs to the far right and up the ladder at the end of the path. There's a small room here with some food. Eat up if need be, then head through the doorway. To the right is another flight of stairs, but before you go down, head around the corner to the left to find another Scrotus Insignia. Break the insignia then head down the next flight of stairs and across to the small open area ahead.

A War Crier and more enemies await here. Make quick work of them, then turn around and head south (to the left of the stairs you just came up) to find the final Scrotus Insignia, a fuel can and more scrap at the end of the path.

Pick up the fuel can and turn around again and continue to the north to find scrap at the far end, to the right of the door. Ignite the fuel tank and use it to destroy the door. Head inside and to the right to find a ramp. Make your way up the ramp and continue to follow the path until you reach a ladder. Pick up the final piece of scrap to the left of the ladder, then climb up.

Continue down the path, climbing up to the platform and circling around to another ladder. Climb up again to find a water source at the top, as well as yet another ladder. Fill your canteen if need be, then get to climbing.

At the top is the Top Dog of the camp. You need to take him out to effectively dismantle the site. On one end of the area is a set of flame spouts. If you can knock the Top Dog into the flames he will take additional damage over time.

The easiest way to take out the Top Dog is by simply backing away and waiting for him to charge at you. Once this happens, dodge in any direction, then immediately run up to him and attack with a barrage of punches. Once he starts blocking your attacks, quickly dodge away from him to avoid his counter attack, then repeat the process until he goes down for good. Loot the body to find more scrap and shotgun ammo.

There's one valve in the southern corner and another in the southeast corner that turn off the flames in the area. If you look to the southwest corner, there's a path that leads around the top of the camp. Immediately after entering the path, there's a zip line point to the left, marked by yellow paint on the ground. Use this to zip line down to the other zip line you passed earlier, which leads down to the ground so you can quickly exit the camp. Don't forget to take the Scrapulance vehicle in the southeast corner of the entrance so you can earn more scrap at your stronghold.

Parch Moon Region

Rook Nest Transfer Tank Camp

You don't have to enter this camp from the main entrance, but you do need to take down the sniper out front before you use the secret entrance. If you have sniper ammo this is fairly easy to do, but if you don't you'll have to get close to take him down.

Once the sniper is down, there's a road due east of the camp that appears to be a dead end on the map. Travel to that dead end and get out of the car to find a small crack you can squeeze through. Take down the sniper on the other side, then move to the yellow paint on the ground just right of the sniper's location to find a zip line point.

Zip in and pick up a fuel can on the north side of the upper walkway. Destroy the first transfer tank here, then drop down to the lower area, then head through the opening to the northwest. Take down the enemies in the next area, including the War Crier, then pick up the scrap in the southwest corner and turn the valve to the right of the scrap to remove the flame that blocks your path.

There's a ladder just beyond the flames, but there's also a tasty helping of maggots to the left of the ladder. While it may not sound particularly appetizing, eating the maggots will replenish your health, so dig in if you're not at full health.

Climb up the ladder and grab the scrap to your immediate left. There's a closed gate to the right and a cage directly ahead. Head around to the left side of the cage to find an entrance, and pick up the scrap inside. Kick open the gate that was previously to your right and head into the next room to find a water source dead ahead and scrap to the left.

Continue all the way to the left to find a History Relic and fuel can at the end of the path. Just before you reach the loot, there's a ladder to the left that stands in front of the second transfer tank. Use the fuel can to blow up the transfer tank (don't worry about the fence in front of it), then climb up the ladder and look to the left to find more scrap.

Head down the path to the east, then to the right after you pass through the container to find a shiv and sniper round on the ground, as well as another fuel can to the left of the ammo. Turn around to see a Scrotus Insignia and more scrap to the left of the container exit. Grab the scrap, break the insignia, then take the fuel can back through the container and to the right once you reach the previous area.

When you get to the next container, look to the right to see more scrap, then head left and around the corner to find stairs and a War Crier with several accompanying enemies in the area below. To the immediate left (before the stairs) is a shiv and a sniper round. Use the fuel can to blow up as many of the enemies as you can, then take down the rest.

Pick up the scrap just east of the bottom of the stairs, then look east to see a path to the southeast and a path to the northeast with a set of oil drums between the two paths. First you need to head up the stairs to get another fuel can. If you don't remember where it is, go up the stairs and head right. Continue forward until you can turn left, head through the container then look left to find a fuel can.

Go back down to the area with the oil drums and two paths. The oil drums are actually another transfer tank. Ignite the fuel tank and throw it at the oil drums, but do not ignite the fuel anywhere near the oil or it will explode immediately and kill you.

With the transfer tank down, take the southeast path first to find the last piece of scrap to the right, and the final Scrotus Insignia to the far left. Head back and take the northeast path to find another fuel can to the right, directly opposite the third transfer tank. Use the fuel can to destroy the tank, then continue down the path. The last two transfer tanks await at the end of the path. Break the yellow locks holding them in place to destroy them and dismantle the camp.

Knit Sack Region

Havoc Point Oil Pump Camp

Use the long shot to finish off the two snipers around the edge of the camp. Move the Magnum Opus around the outer barrier so you can attach the harpoon to the main gate and tear it down. With the gate out of the way you can use the long shot to take out the War Crier in the first area. You can also head to the right of the main gate to enter through the small crack if you want to avoid having to tear down the gate.

Once you move into the first area of the camp you must face off against three waves of enemies. Focus on any enemies with thundersticks strapped to their backs. Thee enemies will back away and throw thundersticks at you from a distance. You won't have much time to dodge, so it's best to get them out of the way as quickly as possible. Keep the camera positioned so you can see all of the enemies coming at you and parry accordingly. Perfect timing parries work best here to inflict as much damage as possible as you beat your way through this horde of enemies.

Between waves, drink from your canteen if need be, then quickly pick up the thundersticks scattered on the ground and use them against the first few attackers in the following wave. You can also strike the red oil drums around the outer edge of the area to cause explosions that will take out any nearby enemies.

Once you've cleared all of the enemies, go through the container directly ahead then make a sharp right turn to enter the adjacent container and find scrap inside. Do the same with the container on the other side (all three containers side one right next to the other) to find ammo and scrap.

Just ahead are two Scrotus Insignias. The first is on the right, next to the rack of thundersticks. The other is in the middle of the area on top of the large pole. Use a thunderstick to take out the Scrotus Insignia on the pole and the three oil pumps in the area as well.

Look in the container on the far right to find a water source and two more pieces of scrap, then head back out into the open area and search the far left corner to find one piece of scrap on either side of the thunderstick rack.

Climb up the ladder on the north side of the area to find more ammo, then head back toward the entrance. Climb up the ladder to the right of the container you entered through to reach the area above. To the right is more ammo and a Survey Crew project part. To the left are the last two pieces of scrap. At the end of this small area is the final Scrotus Insignia. With this camp 100 percent cleared, you can drop down or head to the far left corner and use the zip line to reach the ground floor.

Grave Bridge Stank Gum Camp

Take out the two snipers and the War Crier from a distance before you approach. Enter the camp via the entrance on the west side of the bridge. Break the wench in the first small area to lower the ramps on either side, then head up the ramps and climb the ladder at the top.

Head around the left side of the structure ahead, then weave through the interior and down the stairs beyond. Clear out the cluster of enemies below, then look in the half-bus to the northwest to find ammo at the end of the it.

Exit the bus and go up the ladder to the northwest to find scrap and more ammo on the platform above. Climb back down the ladder and head into the half-bus ahead. On the far side of the bus there's a small area to the right with a Scrotus Insignia inside.

Break the insignia, then turn around and head into the small area to the right to find a piece of scrap. Collect the loot, then move back into the main section of the bus and leave through the northern doorway to find stairs directly ahead. Continue down the stairs to find a water source and more scrap below. Be careful as the enemies on the far side of the camp can throw projectiles at you in this location.

Break open the door to the south and head left to find more enemies in the area below. Clear the enemies, then enter the half-bus from the north side to find a Scrotus Insignia inside.

Ignore the stairs near the bus entrance (they just lead to the ground below) and look into the small structure to the east to find two more pieces of scrap. Collect the loot then continue up the stairs to the southeast and climb the ladder in the area above.

Head up the stairs to the left to find more scrap next to a wench. Pick up the scrap, then break the wench to lower the bus and provide a new path. Go back down the stairs and continue through the newly fallen bus. Defeat the enemies in the area beyond (including the War Crier) to complete this camp.

You still have a few more items to find for 100 percent completion, so head down the path to the southwest to find more scrap at the end, then turn around and walk straight ahead into the small structure. There's ammo on the ground here, as well as a water source to the right.

Go back to the main area and continue east to find food on the ground. Head up the stairs to the left of the food to find a History Relic. Keep moving east until you reach the opening on the right, Circle around into the bus to the right to find the last piece of scrap inside, then turn around and head over to the far left corner to find a door that you can break through. Inside is another Scrotus Insignia.

Take care of the insignia then continue up the stairs. When you reach the top, turn around again and look inside the floating structure above. As it spins you will see the final Scrotus Insignia inside. Shoot it with your shotgun to destroy the insignia. This gives you 100 percent completion in the camp.

Colossus Region

Rust Bird Stank Gum Camp

This camp has weak outer defenses. Take out the sniper in front of the main entrance and head through the tunnel and into the first main area. Your primary objective is to take out 12 enemies, the first 4 of which are located in this first area. Take them down then climb up the ladder to the northwest to find a Scrotus Insignia to the left and scrap in the far right corner.

Break the insignia and collect the loot, then head up the ladder to the left and run down to the end of the wing to find ammo. The ladder to the left is an alternate entrance into the camp, but with the limited defenses it wasn't necessary.

Head back to the main area and kick open the door to the northwest. Inside is another piece of scrap and some food. Kick open the door in the southeast corner. Two more enemies wait around the corner. Take them out then collect one piece of scrap inside the small structure due east, and another piece of scrap under the tent to the southeast.

Go through the corridor to the southeast and down the ladder directly ahead. Look south to find more scrap, then go back up the ladder and up the wing to the left to encounter the remaining enemies required for the primary objective. Once the enemies are down, look toward the plane to the north to see the final Scrotus Insignia hovering above the cracked fuselage.

Use the shotgun to take out the insignia, then head inside the plane to find the final piece of scrap to the left and a Maggot Farm project part to the right.

Take the zip line to the right, drop down into the area below and head southwest to find a water source. Pick up the History Relic by the mattresses to the right to complete the camp with all objectives met.

Great Watcher Top Dog Camp

There are multiple snipers in front of the camp that should be taken out before you get too close. Approach from the north to get a clear shot at the snipers. There are also towers that need to be taken out once you get close, but you can sneak in via a crack in the northwest rock face.

Using the crack or going in the normal way, you'll find two enemies waiting in the first small area. Take them out then head west and look behind the ladder to find some scrap. Collect the loot, then climb the next two ladders. At the top, look to the left to find more scrap hanging on the wall.

Head up the stairs to the right of the loot to find several enemies at the top. Take care of them, then pick up the two pieces of scrap in the far left corner. Continue to the north, pick up a Thunderstick on the right and throw it at the red oil drums ahead to lower the walkway.

Pick up another Thunderstick and throw it at the Scrotus Insignia hanging just beyond the walkway. Continue through the doorway ahead to engage one more enemy, then head to the right. Just beyond the ladder ahead is another piece of scrap on the ground and some ammo. Collect the loot, then climb up the ladder and break the next Scrotus Insignia at the end of the walkway.

Go back down the ladder and break the wench in the southeast corner to lower another walkway. Take out the enemies on the far side then look in the far left corner to find another Scrotus Insignia. Break the insignia, then head inside the building here to find ammo in the far right corner and more scrap in the far left corner.

Continue out the other side of the building to find more ammo next to a fuel can. There's also a ladder here, with food just behind it. Eat the food if you need to, then climb up the ladder and collect the scrap in the far right corner when you reach the top.

Head up the stairs to the left and climb the ladder at the end of the path. Go right to find a water source, then continue up the stairs just beyond to find the Top Dog. This fight is very similar to the other Top Dog fights, but there are multiple flame spouts and a few normal enemies attack during the battle as well. The flame spouts turn on and off throughout the battle, with the sound of creaking pipes heard just before they turn on. Pay close attention to the position of the flames when they're on so you can stay away from those areas when they're off.

Once the Top Dog is down, head east and break down the door to the left. Inside the next room, look left to find another piece of scrap, then continue through the doorway ahead. Break the final Scrotus Insignia to the left, then circle around to the right to find the last piece of scrap and a History Relic.

Cadavanaugh Region

Blood Ridge Oil Pump Camp

When you first enter this camp there are no perimeter defenses and only a handful of enemies in the first area. Take care of the enemies and make note of the Scrapulance to the southwest. When you're done at the camp (or now if you choose), take the Scrapulance to Gutgash's stronghold to earn a hefty scrap reward.

Just past the Scrapulance is a piece of scrap to the right. Collect the loot and continue down the path to the south. Take down the single enemy waiting ahead, then pick up the scrap to the west before continue up the path to the east. Take out the enemies in the next open area, then collect the scrap on the wall to the north side. A Scrotus Insignia is found under the tent to the northeast.

Break the insignia, then kick open the door to the southeast and continue across the bridge just beyond. If you're in need of food, you can find some directly ahead at the end of the rocky path to the left. If not, there's another structure to the right. ammo can be found to the left of the entrance to the structure with a water source on the right, inside the entryway.

Kick open the door to the right of the water source and head into the room to the immediate right. Collect the scrap on the wall and eat the food on the ground if you need to. Continue around the path and into the next open area. Shoot the War Crier above, then take out the remaining enemies. The oil pump is here, but before you worry about blowing it up, circle around to the southeast to find another Scrotus Insignia.

Break the insignia, then climb up the nearby ladder. When you reach the top, look to the right to find more scrap and a fuel can (which you can use to blow the oil pump). Up the stairs to the right is a Survey Crew project part. Collect the loot, then head north to find more scrap to the left just before you reach the stairs ahead. At the top of the stairs is another ammo stash if you're in need.

Kick down the ladder behind the stairs to get back down to the room where the scrap was on the wall and the food was on the ground. Head back around to take out the oil pump, then kick down the door to the northwest. In the room beyond there's one last Scrotus Insignia straight ahead on the left, scrap directly ahead, and stairs to the left of the entrance. Collect the loot, then just before you head up the stairs look to the right to see a piece of scrap in the corner.

Collect the scrap, then continue up the ramp to the left to find the final piece of scrap on the far side of the platform. With all of your objectives complete, you can use the zip line here to get back to the entrance of the camp.

Proving Ground Top Dog Camp

From a distance, take out the sniper guarding the entrance. As you approach, take down the towers in front of the entrance, then climb up the ladder to the right of the entrance to find two valves that must be turned to remove the flame spout and allow access into the camp.

Once inside this is essentially just one big coliseum battle. You must make it through four waves of normal enemies, then fight the Top Dog. Remember to always face your camera toward the enemies when you're beating on your target so you don't get attacked from behind. Focus on the yellow enemies first as they will charge at you and can be troublesome if left alone. Drink water between waves and pick up any weapons on the ground to help speed up the fights. Once the enemies are defeated and the Top Dog has been taken out, turn the valve to the south to open the nearby gate.

Once inside look to the left to find a Scrotus Insignia and some scrap in the next room. Back out and climb up the ladder in the corner. Move out to the main path and head left to reach the former Top Dog's throne. Around the left side of the throne are two pieces of scrap and ammo , with more ammo , History Relic and another piece of scrap to the right of the throne. Keep moving along the upper path to find a Scrotus Insignia hanging on the left.

A little bit further down there's an entrance to the left. Head inside to find scrap and a valve to the right. Collect the scrap and turn the valve to open the gate in the northern part of the lower area. Drop down into the lower area again and head through the newly opened gate. Inside the next room there's one piece of scrap to the right and the final two pieces of scrap to the left. Turn around and face the entrance to see the last Scrotus Insignia hanging above. Use the shotgun to take it out and complete all of the objectives in this camp.

Reek Hills Region

Scorched Sand Transfer Tank Camp

As you approach the main entrance, stop a good distance away and use the longshot to take down the snipers guarding the perimeter. Once they're down, move in and take out the Molotov Sling towers. If you have enough ammo you can use the longshot to take down all of the perimeter defenses of the camp, otherwise you'll need to do it at close range.

While you can walk around the flame spout and enter the camp, if you wish to shut it off, move around to the right side of the entrance to find the valve. To the right of the valves is a narrow opening you can squeeze through as an alternate way into the camp.

If you use the alternate way in, this room holds ammo and a piece of scrap. Kick down the door on the south side to enter the first main area and engage a group of enemies, including a War Crier. If you opt to go in the main entrance, the first area still has all of the enemies, but you can access the room with the loot by kicking down the door to the north.

Once all of the enemies are down and you've collected the loot, use one of the Thundersticks on the ground to destroy the transfer tank to the west. If you don't see any Thundersticks on the ground, there's a rack of them in the southwest corner by the stairs.

With the first transfer tank down, head up the stairs near the Thunderstick rack and use a Thunderstick to blow open the door at the top. Head left to find another Thunderstick rack and a group of enemies. Take out the enemies, then use a Thunderstick to blow the second transfer tank in the southwest corner.

There are more transfer tanks in this small area, but first head up the stairs in the northern corner to find a Scrotus Insignia at the top. Break it, then head back down the previous stairs and up the stairs to the south to find a History Relic and more scrap in the room. Go back down the stairs and use Thundersticks to destroy the two transfer tanks in the southeast corner and another transfer tank in the small area to the right of the other two tanks.

With five of the seven transfer tanks already down, head back to the area where you entered the camp and go up the stairs to the north. Continue up the second flight of stairs and around the corner to find a water source and a wench in the next room. Break the wench to lower the path to the right, the cross into the next area to find another War Crier and a few other enemies.

Take out the enemies here then look over the railing to the northeast to see another Scrotus Insignia hanging over the unwelcoming area below. Shot it down then use a fuel can, found on the west side of this small area, to blow up the transfer tank to the north.

With only one transfer tank remaining, pick up another fuel can, climb up the ladder in the northwest corner, collect the scrap to the left, then head around the corner and use the fuel can to destroy the door ahead.

Continue around the corner, but before you use the zip line to the left, go into the small room to the right to find a piece of scrap. Collect the loot, then use the zip line to reach the area near the entrance. There may be more enemies waiting for you. If there are, take them out, then look above the stairs to the west to see another Scrotus Insignia. Use a Thunderstick to destroy it, but before you head up the stairs, go through the doorway to the right of the stairs to find another piece of scrap in the next room to the right. Collect the loot, then continue up the stairs.

Head through the doorway to the right and around the corner to see the final Scrotus Insignia hanging in the tall room ahead. Take out the insignia, then break open the door to the left and take out the enemies just beyond. Collect the scrap in the southeast corner, then climb up the ladder to the right of the scrap. Continue around the corner and through the doorway to find more scrap hanging to the right. Kick down the ladder on the left side of the platform, then turn around and head back to the area where you just fought a few enemies.

This time go up the stairs in the southwest corner, collect the ammo to the right of the Thundersticks and eat the food to the left. Pick up a Thunderstick, stand where the food was and look north to see the final transfer tank ahead. Use a Thunderstick to destroy the tank and complete every objective in the camp.

Storm Shelter Transfer Tank Camp

There are four snipers outside of this camp. The first two can be taken out from the south, but the third and fourth are difficult to see until you get almost due east of the camp (and a little south).

Hit as many Molotov Sling towers as you can, but at least two of them will have to be taken down at close range. Boost through the first road block on the way to the entrance so you can use the harpoon to take out the last Molotov Sling tower. Once they're all down, head into the fenced area to the left of the entrance and turn the valve to remove the flame spout and clear all of the perimeter defenses.

Head into the main entrance to find ammo to the left after you pass the fuel cans. As soon as you reach the first open area, several enemies attack. Take out the War Crier first, then focus on the remaining enemies. If your health gets low, there's food near the northwest wall around the point you entered.

Once all of the enemies are down, there are quite a few things to collect in this area. Behind the barrier on the south side you'll find one piece of scrap, with another piece of scrap and a fuel can behind the barrier on the northwest side. On the northeastern outer wall of this barrier is a Scrotus Insignia.

Collect the loot, break the insignia, then use the fuel can to destroy the two transfer tanks to the east (stacked one on top of the other). With the tanks destroyed, make your way down the path to the northeast and break open the door at the end. Once you're through, turn around to see another Scrotus Insignia hanging above the other side of the door.

Destroy the insignia, then pick up the scrap just beyond the door and continue down the path to find scrap on the left and another piece of scrap on the right, with a few enemies ahead as well. There's a water source near the middle of the room on the left (east), another piece of scrap on the outer wall of the structure to the right of the water source, with a Maggot Farm project part a bit further down on the left and a Scrotus Insignia in the middle near the far end of the room. Pick up the fuel can and use it to destroy the transfer tank in the fenced area in the southwest corner.

Kick open the door at the end of the room (southeast corner) and use a fuel can to blow the door behind it. Enemies may attack from both directions once the door is blown, so be careful and look behind you and directly ahead as you enter the next room. There's also an enemy in the next room with Thundersticks, so take him down first to avoid the explosions.

Once all of the enemies are taken care of, look in the northwest corner of the room to find more scrap. There's also another piece of scrap as you came in the room on the east side. This is easy to miss because you get attacked right as you come in. Pick up a Thunderstick and use it to remove the Scrotus Insignia on the far side of the room.

The final transfer tank is located above the structure to the west. Pick up a Thunderstick and walk over to the structure. It's difficult to see the transfer tank from this angle, but it's there. Throw the Thunderstick just above the structure to take out the transfer tank.

Pick up another Thunderstick and continue down the corridor to the south to find ammo on the left. At the end of the corridor is another door that needs to be blown up to remove it. Use the Thunderstick to clear a path which leads back to the room you entered through, but watch out for the bear traps that litter this corridor.

Head back outside as if you're leaving the camp, then make your way to the right to find a narrow mountain path. Follow the path around until you can climb up to the next level. Continue following the path to the left, then cross the makeshift wooden bridge. Keeping following the path to the left, hugging the right wall. At the end of the path is the final piece of scrap to complete all of the objectives in this camp. Kick down the ladder to the left to get back to the entrance.

Dry Gustie Region

Ironclad Stank Gum Camp

As you approach the camp, take down the single sniper guarding the perimeter, as well as the Molotov Sling towers surrounding the camp. Enter through the ramp on the southeast side of the camp. Climb up the wall at the end of the ramp and move toward the inner portion of the camp. Several enemies may rush out to attack. If not they'll be waiting in the first open area ahead.

Make quick work of the enemies and pick up the food in the southern corner if you need it. Break open the door to the northeast and head down the hallway to find scrap at the end on the left. Continue to the right and climb up the ladder, then destroy the Scrotus Insignia in the room to the left.

Leave the room and head east into the next structure to find a Survey Crew project part on the right. Continue through the room to find a water source to the left as you exit. Keep moving to the left into the next small room to find another Scrotus Insignia and a piece of scrap.

Go back outside and drop down into the lower area to the east, which is back where you started. This time kick open the door to the north and head through the room and down the path to the left. Another Scrotus Insignia awaits in the far left corner. Destroy it, then break into the door to the right of the insignia to find two pieces of scrap in the corner of the next room.

Head back outside and follow the path to the north until it splits into a lower path to the left. Before you take the lower path, the final Scrotus Insignia is hidden in the paint on the large rusted steam pipe here. Use your shotgun to destroy it, then head down the lower path.

At the end of the path the last set of enemies await. Defeat this group of enemies to clear the primary objective of the camp. Break open the door in the southern corner, collect the scrap in the next room, then climb up the wall to the right. Eat the food here if you need it, then climb up the next wall to the left and up the ladder just beyond to find the last piece of scrap at the very top. This completes all objectives in the camp.

Wreck Hill Transfer Tank Camp

There are no snipers guarding the perimeter of this camp, only a few Molotov Sling towers. Approach from the north and take them out with ease, then look in the small room to the right of the entrance to find the valve that turns off the flame spout blocking your way in.

Once you're inside, take down the handful of enemies that attack, then pick up a fuel can from the western or southern wall and use it to blow the transfer tank on the west side. This will also destroy the Scrotus Insignia just above the transfer tank.

Use another fuel can to blow the door to the right of the transfer tank, but before you climb the wall just beyond, head over to the northeast side of the area to find another wall you can climb around the corner.

Climb the wall and the ladder above, then head around the corner to find a Scrotus Insignia and a door you can break open. Destroy the insignia and break through the door to find two pieces of scrap in the next room.

Go back down to the main ahead and head through the door to the right of the blown transfer tank. Climb the wall and drop down into the area below to engage a few more bad guys, then pick up a fuel can right in front of the transfer tank to the south and blow that thing sky high!

Shoot the Scrotus Insignia at the top of the structure to the northeast, then head through the container to the left of the transfer tank to find a water source to the left. Circle around to the find a piece of scrap, then moving through the container, picking up the fuel can you pass at the end of the next corridor. When you reach the last section, you'll find one more enemy, along with another door that must be blown up in the far right corner.

Take care of the enemy, then use the fuel can to blow the door. Continue moving forward through the doorway directly ahead, then climb the ladder at the end of this small area. Go left to find a ladder ahead. Climb down the ladder and look in the northeast corner of the area to find a small gap between the containers. Squeeze through the gap to find the last Scrotus Insignia and two pieces of scrap just beyond.

Climb back up the ladder and head all the way to the left to find another piece of scrap, more ammo and several fuel cans. There's also a crane in the far right corner of this area. Break the crane then follow the path back the way you came.

When you reach an open area to the right, prepare to battle another group of enemies and a War Crier. Take them down, then use the fuel can in the southwest corner to destroy the transfer tank to the west. Head through the opening in the northern corner and climb down the ladder to find a History Relic and the last piece of scrap below.

Climb back up the ladder and go back to the area where the last transfer tank was located. This time climb up the ladder to the east to find another ladder directly ahead. However, before you go down the second ladder, pick up a fuel can in the small alcove to the north. With a fuel can in hand, climb down the ladder and destroy the last transfer tank in the area below. This completes all of the objectives in the camp.

Fuel Veins Region

The Pipes Oil Pump Camp

Approach the camp from the south and use the longshot to take down the two snipers and Molotov Sling towers from as far away as possible. You can also target one of the two War Criers from this distance, so take him out as well. When you approach the camp, the flame spouts will activate, covering the entrance. The oil tanks that fuel the spouts are on the east and west sides of the camp. Drive around and use the harpoon to drag them off the walls and remove the flame spouts.

You won't be able to latch a harpoon to the main gate. Instead you'll have to use a Thunderpoon or blow up a fuel can to remove the gate. You can also head to the southeast corner of the camp to find a yellow paint marker that indicates where Max can squeeze through the outer wall to enter the camp.

If you go in through the hidden entrance the enemies in the first area will attack you. There's also a War Crier here if you didn't take him out from a distance. Once the enemies are down, go back into the room you entered from the hidden path and collect the two pieces of scrap on the ground. If you came in through the main entrance, this room is in the southeast corner.

Look in the fenced area to the west to find another piece of scrap to the left and a fuel can to the right. Collect the scrap , then head over to the northeast corner of the area to find two ladders, one in the middle and one to the left. Between the ladders you can enter a corridor with a container at the far end. Pry open the container doors to find another piece of scrap inside.

If you turn around to leave the corridor you'll see a door ahead that can be blown open. However, before you do that, head up the middle ladder you just passed to find a Scotus Insignia at the top (to the right). Break the insignia, then look to the left to see a fuel can by the fence to the right, and ammo under the tent ahead. Collect the ammo and pick up the fuel can, then head down to blow open the previous door.

Head across the bridge to see more enemies and another War Crier to the left. You can shoot some of the enemies from the bridge if you desire, otherwise you'll engage them soon enough. Continue across the bridge and take out the single enemies standing in front of the next open area. In the northeast corner of this area you'll find a History Relic and scrap . To the west is another piece of scrap , and up the stairs to the southwest is more ammo . Collect all of the loot, then look toward the path to the west to see another Scotus Insignia hanging above.

Shoot the insignia, then continue down the western path to find a door straight ahead that can be blown open, and a fuel can to the far left (opposite the door). Head through the door and to the left, down the next corridor. To the immediate left is some food on the ground, but save it until after the upcoming fight unless you need it now. Continue down the corridor to see a fenced area to the right. Inside this area is a hatch that can be pried open.

Drop down into the hatch and follow the hallway around the corner to find another Scotus Insignia . Continue to the left to find a container at the very end with two pieces of scrap (one on either side). Collect the loot then head back out of the hatch and continue heading south.

Just before you reach the ladder at the end, head down the path to the left to find a water source . Refill your canteen if need be, then continue down the stairs ahead to enter the open area below with the enemies you saw before. Shortly after you engage the enemies, a few more will flood into the area.

Take out the mob then head through the doorway to the north. Inside is a piece of scrap to the right, a fuel can straight ahead and the final Scotus Insignia to the right of the entrance (turn around to see it). Collect the loot then pick up the fuel can and use it to destroy the oil pumps in the open area where you fought the enemies. This completes the primary objective for the camp.

Head up the stairs to the northeast and circle around until you reach the ladder. Climb up and collect the final piece of scrap at the top, then head through the doorway to the left to reach the entrance to the camp. This completes all of the objectives in the camp.

Black Sands Oil Pump Camp

Approach the camp from the south to clear the sniper and Molotov Sling towers outside. Hit the oil tank above the entrance to clear the flame spout, then head inside. The hidden entrance is on the northwest side of the camp, marked by yellow paint.

No matter how you choose to enter, take out the group of enemies in the first area. Look to the west to see a Scrotus Insignia you can't reach just yet. Head under the insignia and to the left and kick open the door ahead. Climb up the ladder beyond and pick up the scrap to the west. Head east to find the Scotus Insignia you saw earlier behind the fence, as well as a water source just below it.

Break the wrench to the northeast, then cross the bridge and head to the lower area to the northeast to find more enemies. Finish off the bad guys then head down the southeast corridor into the next open area. Climb up the wall to the east and around the corner to the right.

Follow the path into the next area, but don't go down the ladder to the left just yet. Instead, head north to see another Scotus Insignia on the wall to the right. Shoot the insignia, then look south to see a piece of scrap in the corner. Collect the loot, then head down the ladder you just passed and break through the door to the east.

Collect the scrap and ammo inside, then head down the next ladder and collect the scrap behind the ladder when you reach the bottom. Continue through the doorway to the west, take out the enemy in your way, then head north through the next two doorways to find another water source .

Refill your canteen if you need to, then break open the doors to the left and right of the water source to find food through the left door. Once inside the room, turn around to see the final Scotus Insignia hanging above the door. Shoot it down, then head through the other door to find scrap and a History Relic behind the right door.

Go back to the room with the water source and continue through the doorway to the northeast. Weave through the rooms until you come across two more enemies and another door you can kick open. Before you kick open the door, head through the doorway to the northeast to find more scrap .

Kick open the door and climb up the next ladder. Pick up the fuel can in the southwest corner and use it to blow the oil pump through the southern door. This completes all of the objectives for the camp. If you climb up the next ladder you'll reach the open area near the entrance.

The Heights Region

Wheel Greaser Oil Pump Camp

There's an intel encounter due south of the camp. From this location you can easily take out three of the snipers that guard he perimeter. You'll have to move in a little closer to take out the fourth sniper on the west side of the camp and to see the Molotov Sling towers around the perimeter. If you approach the fourth sniper from the southwest it's a little easier to get a good line of sight to use the longshot. There's also a Thunderpoon launcher, but you'll have to get closer before you can take that out as well.

While there are a good number of defenses on the south side of the camp, if you wish to take out all of the perimeter defenses you'll have to drive around to the north side of the camp as well. You'll find more Molotov Sling towers and Thunderpoon launchers around the north side, and they generally fire more rapidly than the camp defenses you encountered in the past.

One of the Molotov Sling towers on the north side is right next to three of the seven oil pumps you need to destroy for the primary objective. Taking out the Molotov tower will also destroy all three of these oil pumps and make your job a little easier.

This is a vehicle-based camp, which means that you won't be running around the interior like you would with almost all of the other camps you've encountered. Instead you must drive around the perimeter to find the oil pumps and destroy them. The easiest way to destroy these oil pumps is to use the Thunderpoon, but there are other methods such as fuel cans.

In addition to the three mentioned around the north side of the camp, there are two more on the southeast side of the camp, along the outer road. There's a Molotov Sling tower nearby, but simply destroying it won't remove the oil pumps. If you drive your vehicle near the oil pumps, the Molotov Cocktails that are launched at your car will do the rest.

Once you've circled the perimeter and taken out the five oil pumps (as well as the perimeter defenses), head just south of the camp icon on the map to find something a little more familiar to the other camps in the game.

Take down the oil drum north of the main gate to turn off the flame spout blocking the entrance, then head inside on foot. Just inside the main entrance, look to the left to find scrap. Circle around to the right to enter a larger open area. Once inside, there's a fuel can and scrap to the north, with a ladder to the right of the scrap. One more piece of scrap is found on the southeast side of this area, with two pieces of ammo in the red container to the southwest with a water source just outside of the container.

Use the fuel can to blow the oil pump in the center of the area, then collect the scrap and head up the ladder to find another piece of scrap at the top. Head back down into the open area and climb up the wall to the southeast.

Directly ahead more scrap is hanging on the wall. Collect the loot, then continue through the broken down bus to the left. Circle around to the doorway on the right to find a Scrotus Insignia and ammo in the next room. This completes everything in this portion of the camp. Get back in your vehicle and head to the structure just northwest of the camp icon on the map.

Fire a Thunderpoon at the gate here to take it out, then head inside on foot. Once inside, head up the ladder to the immediate left to find an Oil Well project part in the bus directly ahead. Head through the bus and out the doorway to the right to find a water source and another Scrotus Insignia just outside.

Break the insignia and refill your canteen if need be. It's possible to climb up the wall to the right of the insignia, but there's nothing of interest above. Instead, head back down to the lower area and collect the two pieces of ammo in the small room to the north.

Move northeast into the middle of this small area, then look to the immediate left to find a little alcove with more scrap hanging on the wall, along with a fuel can to the right of the alcove entrance, and another piece of scrap to the right of the fuel can. Gather the loot and use the fuel can to destroy the final oil pump in the middle of this area, then collect the scrap on the far right wall (southeast), break the Scrotus Insignia in the far right corner (northeast, on the back wall)

Get back into the Magnum Opus and head northeast of the camp icon on the map to find a small room with the final Scrotus Insignia hanging from a pole above the structure. Use the harpoon to destroy the insignia, then walk around to the northeast side to find a ladder. Climb up the ladder to find the final two pieces of scrap at the top. This completes all of the objectives in the camp.

Skull Top Transfer Tank Camp

Approach this camp from the east so you can take out the single sniper with the longshot. As you get close to the camp, several Thunderpoon launchers attack. Take them down quickly with your own Thunderpoon, or use the normal harpoon to conserve ammo. Ram your way through the blockade in the road as you move closer to the main gate. If you have a level six harpoon, you can spear the gate and bring it down, otherwise use Thunderpoons and/or ram the gate to get through.

Once you've breached the entrance, get out of the car and head into the camp. A group of enemies is ready to ambush you in the first area, but if you wait outside too long some of the enemies may rush out to greet you. Take them down and look to the left between the disabled cars to find food if you need it.

Collect the scrap in the far left corner, then break down the door ahead. Before you cross the bridge here, look to the left to see a Scrotus Insignia on the table. Break the insignia, then look to the left to find some ammo and head out through the doorway (to the right of the ammo) to find more scrap just outside.

Head across the bridge to engage another group of enemies in the open area ahead. Focus on the enemy holding a thunderstick first so you don't have to worry about dodging projectile attacks as you're taking down the other enemies. Once all of the enemies are down look into the first fenced area on the left (coming from the bridge) to find scrap .

Climb up the wall just ahead and to the right to find a water source in the room above. Refill your canteen if necessary. then head through the doorway to the right to find more scrap just outside. Head in the opposite direction to find a thunderstick rack. Use a thunderstick to blow the three transfer tanks across the way to the left. You may have to aim a little high to hit the two tanks to the left, but to blow the right-most tank aim directly at the fence.

Pick up another thunderstick so you have it to use in the next area, then drop back down to the area below and look directly under the thunderstick rack to find ammo , with another piece scrap to the right. Head across the way into the makeshift building to find a Scrotus Insignia to the left and another piece of scrap hanging on the wall to the right.

Exit the building and climb up the ladder on the southeast side of the structure. Collect the scrap in the corner, then break the crane to the right of the scrap to take out another transfer tank directly below. Drop back down to the lower area and continue to the northwest.

Run across the plane wing, then look to the right to find another piece of scrap on the ground. Collect the loot, then head the other direction and break open the door on the right. Use the thunderstick from the previous area to quickly take down the War Crier hanging above, then finish off the other enemies in this area.

With the enemies down, head into the fenced area to the south to find ammo and another piece of scrap . There's food inside the fenced area to the north. There are five transfer tanks surrounding this area, but unless you want to run all the way back to the previous area to get thundersticks, you're going to have to wait to blow them.

For now, look for an opening to the southeast. Head through the opening and to the left to find two cranes and a ladder. Break both cranes to destroy the two transfer tanks hanging from them, then look southeast to see another Scrotus Insignia on the nose of the disabled plane hanging off the cliff.

Head through the opening to the left of the ladder ahead to find a History Relic and another piece of scrap inside. Turn around to see the last Scrotus Insignia hanging over the doorway. Head back outside and climb up the ladder to find the final piece of scrap to the left next to a thunderstick rack. Collect the scrap , then pick up a thunderstick and stand on the metal platform to the right of the rack so you can take a clear shot at the transfer tanks that line the area. If you don't remember where the transfer tanks are, drop down to the area below so you can target them again. There are three locations lining the area with a total of five transfer tanks. Use the zip line opposite the platform to reach the area near the beginning and leave the camp.

Wailing Wind Region

Stonehold Oil Pump Camp

The outer defenses of this camp consist of two Thunderpoon Launchers and one sniper. Take out the sniper from a distance, then close in to take out the Thunderpoon Launchers. If you have a level six harpoon you can pull down the main gate, otherwise you will need to ram it or use your own Thunderpoon.

Once you're through the gate, collect the scrap to the immediate right, then continue down the path. Fill you canteen at the water source on the right if need be, then climb up the ladder at the end of the path. Collect the second piece of scrap just before the path turns to the left, then head down into the lower area to engage a group of enemies.

Clear the enemies, then look inside the fenced in area to the east to find ammo . To the north is another fenced area where you can break down a door. Before you do, eat the food to the left of the door if your health is depleted. Kick down the door and head across to the far side to find another piece of scrap on the floor. Collect the loot, then climb down the ladder to the left.

At the bottom of the ladder you'll see a raised bridge to the southwest, with a Scrotus Insignia hanging high above. Use your shotgun to shoot the fuel can sitting on the ground to the left of the raised bridge. This lowers the bridge and destroys the insignia at the same time.

Do not cross the bridge. Instead, refill your canteen at the water source to the east if need be, then use the zip line to the left of the water to reach the area below.

Head down the stairs to the left and look in the building on the left to see another Scrotus Insignia . You can shoot it from here with the shotgun, or you can wait a moment and you'll be able to reach it directly if you want to conserve ammo.

Go up the next flight of stairs to engage a handful of enemies in the raised area. This includes a War Crier, so make sure you shoot the wench to the left of the stairs (at the top) to take him out first, or else the enemies will get a damage boost.

Break down the door to the northwest, then head left to reach the structure where you saw the insignia before. If you didn't shoot it before, break it now, then head around the south side of the structure and look beneath it to find another piece of scrap .

Head back the way you came, but instead of going through the doorway and into the area where you previously fought the enemies, climb up the wall directly ahead and collect the scrap above. Drop down into the lower area to the right (where you fought the previous enemies), then climb the wall to the south.

Go up the stairs to the left and look to the left as soon as you reach the top to find another piece of scrap . If you continue around through the doorway you'll find some food on the balcony. Go back to the stairs and head into the room to the east. Circle around to the right to find another piece of scrap in the corner.

Head back down the stairs and proceed south until you reach another stairway. To the right of the stairs is another piece of scrap . Collect the loot, but do not go up the stairs yet. Instead, head right and follow the path around to the next building. Inside you'll find ammo and another Scrotus Insignia . To the right of the insignia is a doorway, with another piece of scrap just outside.

Collect the loot, then head back around to the previous stairs you passed earlier. Go up the stairs and follow the path to the far side of the area to find another group of enemies. Clear the area, then break down the door to the east and climb up the ladder beyond. Head through the doorway at the top to find the final Scrotus Insignia .

Drop back down to the platform below and head down the stairs to the southwest and turn left at the junction (the oil pump is to the right, but we'll get to that in a moment). Head up the small flight of stairs and into the building. There's a ladder to the right and a doorway to the left. Head through the doorway to find another piece of scrap outside. Collect the scrap, then go back and head up the ladder to find more scrap .

Head through the doorway to the right, then through the next doorway to the immediate left to find a History Relic on the floor. Continue to the right to find a bevy of fuel cans scattered on the ground. Pick up a fuel can, then head north toward the oil pump. Up the stairs to the left of the oil pump is the final piece of scrap . Collect the scrap and use the fuel can to blow the oil pump and complete all of the objectives in the camp.

Hell's Grill Transfer Tank Camp

Approach this camp from the west so you can get a clear shot on all three snipers and the War Crier inside the camp. This leaves only two Thunderpoon Launchers to deal with as you attempt to enter the camp. Once the outer defenses are down, you have a few different ways you can enter the camp. If you have a level six harpoon, you can pull down the main gate. However, it's recommended that you enter via the diner south of the main gate. There's a door you can break down, or an opening a bit further south of the door.

Once inside the diner you'll have to take out a few enemies. If you went through the doorway you had to break down, directly ahead is a can of food on the ground. Eat up, then head through the doorway to the right. If you went in through the opening, you enter in the location to the right of the door.

Either way you go, the area south of the door is a diner and behind the counter is a piece of scrap . Collect the loot, then head through the doorway to the east and break down the door to the right. Inside the bus ahead you'll find a Scrotus Insignia to the right.

Leave the bus to find the first transfer tank right next to the bus (northeast), and a second transfer tank to the southeast. Next to the second transfer tank is another bus. Go through the bus to find more scrap and a fuel can at the end, on the left. Collect the scrap, pick up the fuel can and turn around to see a ladder that leads to the roof of the bus. Climb the ladder and move around to the roof of the first bus to find another piece of scrap . Blow the transfer tanks with the fuel can, or shoot them with your shotgun if you don't mind using your ammo, then head back inside the main building and through the door to the right (after you enter).

In the first room, pick up the scrap on the ground to the right and refill your canteen at the water source if need be. Head through the doorway to the north and into the open area to engage a moderately large group of enemies. Clear the area, then look around the southwest corner to find another piece of scrap on the ground. Make your way through the large opening into the room to the south to find a fuel can , ammo , stairs heading down, and a Scrotus Insignia in the corner near the ammo.

Collect the loot, break the insignia and head down the stairs. Defeat the three enemies in the basement, then use the fuel can in the southwest corner to blow open the door on the east side. Head through the doorway and to the left. At the end of the hall collect the scrap to the right, then head into the next room to the left.

There are two transfer tanks in this room, with a fuel can on the north wall and ammo in the northwest corner. Blow the transfer tanks, then head back up the stairs and out of the basement. Swing back around into the large open area and pick up a fuel can from the room east. To the left of this room is another transfer tank. Throw an ignited fuel can into one of the window-like openings to blow the tank.

Climb up the ladder on the south side (near the doorway you originally came in through). Take out the single enemy on the rooftop, then head west to find another piece of scrap on the adjacent roof. Just above the scrap a Scrotus Insignia hangs from the rusted sign.

Shoot the insignia, then continue west to find ammo on the roof above the entrance. Head back down into the open area and climb up the ladder on the north side. Refill your canteen at the water source on the roof, collect the scrap to the right of the water source, then drop into the area below.

You are now in the area where the main gate is located. There are several fuel cans scattered on the ground. Use them to blow the last two transfer tanks behind the bus on the south side. Collect the piece of scrap inside the bus on the south side, and the scrap just north of the main gate, then head through the opening to the left of the bus on the north side.

Collect the final piece of scrap in the northwest corner, then head through the doorway to the east to find ammo inside and the last Scrotus Insignia to the right of the doorway. This completes all of the objectives in the camp.

Grit Canyons Region

Gob Stone Oil Pump Camp

Approach the camp from the east to take out the sniper and two Molotov Sling towers. The only remaining defense is the main gate, but it's harpoon-proof and the flame spout blocks your entrance. Drive around to the northeast side to find yellow paint on the cliff face. This is a hidden entrance into the camp. Squeeze between the rocks by the yellow paint to enter.

Once you're inside, head left to find some fuel cans on the ground with the main gate directly ahead. Use a fuel can to ignite the red oil tank to the right of the main gate, destroying not only the gate, but the flame spout as well.

Continue in the opposite direction to find a Scrapulance parked near the entrance. Before you leave the camp, before sure drive the Scrapulance to Gutgash's or Jeet's stronghold to earn some scrap. Engage a few enemies ahead, then look behind the fence on the east wall to find the first Scrotus Insignia .

Break the insignia, then look behind the fenced area on the south wall to find a piece of scrap on the ground. Continue into the small hut to the south to find ammo on the right, then head east to find two more pieces of scrap on the ground next to a fuel can .

Make your way around to the right side of the hut where you found the ammo, and continue heading south. There's a breakable door just ahead, with a water source to the left of the door. Refill your canteen if need be, then break through the door.

Proceed into the open area ahead to engage a War Crier and a posse of enemies. Take them down then look inside the structure to the south to find a Water Storage project part and History Relic inside, as well as a fuel can just outside near the north wall of the structure, and a Scrotus Insignia on the outside of the southern wall. There's also more ammo in the southeast corner (outside) if you look closely.

Collect all of the loot, then head north and look behind the pile of rubbish to the right to find another piece of scrap . Use the fuel can to blow the oil pump to the north and complete the main objective of the camp, but you're not done yet. Follow the path to the left of the oil pump and climb up the ladder at the end. Before you climb up the second ladder at the top, look left to see another piece of scrap . Pick up the scrap, then head up the second ladder.

When you reach the top, the final Scrotus Insignia is to the right, near more ammo and the last piece of scrap . This completes all of the objectives. You can use the zip line to get back to the entrance.

Black Cove Oil Pump Camp

There are two Molotov Sling towers and one sniper guarding the perimeter of the camp. You can take out the sniper from quite a distance if you position yourself due north of the camp. The first tower you have to get a bit closer to take it out, and the second you can't get a good line of sight on until you're almost right next to it. In this instance it's best to simply harpoon it.

Use the harpoon to pull down the main gate, then head inside the camp. Climb up the ladder and the stairs beyond, then move into the open area ahead. Take out the War Crier, then finish of the other enemies that attack here.

Break open the door to the north to find a piece of scrap and some food inside. Head back out and continue through the large open gates on the south side. Keep moving across the bridge, then head into the fenced area to the left to find another piece of scrap . Go down the ladder here and collect the scrap by the wall to the northwest, as well as the scrap to the east by following the narrow path to the end.

Head back up the ladder and move toward the bridge, then head left through the doorway. Refill your canteen at the water source ahead, then follow the path around the corner to the right to find ammo ahead. Continue through the doorway to the right to engage another group of enemies.

There's a structure to the west. Circle around to the north side of the structure to find the entrance. Inside you'll find more food and a Scrotus Insignia . Collect the loot, then head to the east side of the area and break down the door there.

Ignore the stairs directly ahead for the time being and proceed left to find a wench at the end of the path. Break the wench to drop the bridge hovering above, then cross the bridge and head up the ladder at the end. Follow the path up the stairs to find another water source at the top, then break down the door to the west.

There's a History Relic on the far side of the room here, as well as a piece of scrap on the left balcony near the end. Collect the loot then climb up the ladder on the balcony and head right to see another flight of stairs. Just before the stairs there's a fuel can to the left, and at the top of the stairs is another piece of scrap . Use the zip line at the top to reach an area with another Scrotus Insignia .

Drop down into the lower area, pick up the fuel can here and use it to blow the oil pump to the left. Head up the ramp to the right of the oil pump, then climb the stairs at the end to find the final Scrotus Insignia just ahead. Head up the next flight of stairs to the left to find the last piece of scrap . If you climb up the wall here, there's a ladder you can kick down at the end of the path that leads back to the entrance.

Overlook Transfer Tank Camp

The perimeter defenses of this camp consist of two snipers and a flame spout (at the main gate). You can take out the snipers from a position north of the camp, while the oil tank for the flame spout is located above the main gate and slightly to the left.

Once inside take out the two enemies that attack in the first area, then pick up the fuel can from the west corner and destroy the first transfer tank in nearby. Access the water source to the southwest if need be, then break through the door to the right of the water source and head into the next area to engage a War Crier and more enemies.

There are two transfer tanks here, but one thing at a time. Take out the enemies, then climb up the wall behind the transfer tank to the northeast to find a Scrotus Insignia and a piece of scrap above.

Drop back down to the lower area and climb up the ladder on the south side. Head through the doorway to find a few more enemies. Take them down, then go back to the doorway you just came through to see a transfer tank on one side of the doorway and three fuel cans on the other side. Just behind the fuel cans is a Scrapulance that should be driven to the closest stronghold once you've done here.

Use the fuel cans to blow the transfer tank here, then look in the small building to the southeast to find scrap hanging on the wall. Follow the path to the southwest, drop down to the lower area at the end, then circle around to the left to find more scrap on the ground. Turn around and head west around the crane, then to the right.

There's another transfer tank dead ahead ,with food in the structure to the right just behind the tank, a fuel can on the far right side of the tank, and three fuel cans , a piece of scrap and a wench (holding two more transfer tanks ) to the left of the tank. Use any one of the fuel cans to blow the transfer tank, eat the food if need be, then collect the scrap and break the wench to destroy the other two tanks.

Following the path to the north leads back to the area you were just in, but instead of dropping down into that area, look to the left just before you can drop down find more scrap on a table. Use the bevy of fuel cans here to clear the two transfer tanks in the area you were just in (if you haven't done that already), then head back to the path that lead down to the previous area.

Go south along the path (opposite the direction of the previous area) to move around the cranes and down toward the area below. Climb down the ladder at the end of the path, then continue down the stairs to pass another water source. Refill your canteen if need be, then head down the next flight of stairs and the ladder just beyond.

Take down the enemies that attack in the open area at the bottom, then break through the door to the north and head down the next ladder. Follow the path to the junction ahead, then go left to find another piece of scrap . Collect the loot, then take the right path at the junction and climb up the wall ahead.

Break the wench to lower the bridge, then cross and head up the next ladder. There's another transfer tank at the top. Look to the left of the tank to see yellow paint indicating you can easy across to the adjacent balcony where you'll find a fuel can and more scrap.

Blow the transfer tank, then follow the path to the southwest. Before the path turns to the right, you can climb up the wall. However, for now follow the path to the right and circle around to find a fuel can and more scrap on the ground. Collect the scrap, pick up the fuel can and turn around to see another transfer tank above. Ignite the fuel can and use it to blow the transfer tank.

Head back to the area where you could climb up the wall and take out the two enemies above. There's a fuel can near the point where you climbed up, scrap off to the right (west), and the final transfer tank to the left. Pick up the fuel can and blow the transfer tank, then walk over to the blown tank and follow the path directly to the left of the tank. Squeeze through the crack at the end of the path to find a small room with food and a Scrotus Insignia .

Go back to where the last transfer tank was and follow the path to the northwest. Collect the scrap hanging to the right that we previously mentioned, then continue down the path to find the last piece of scrap in the tent ahead and the final Scrotus Insignia to the right of the tent. Climb up the ladder to the left of the tent to find an Oil Well project part at the far end of the platform above. This completes all of the objectives in the camp.

Balefire Flatland Region

Sand Sifter Oil Transfer Camp

If you position yourself due south of the camp you can use the longshot to take down the War Crier and the snipers in front of the camp. You can also shoot the crane located just above the War Crier and take out a transfer tank before you even enter the camp. You can pull down the main gate or head around to the east side to find a small crack to slip through that's covered in yellow paint. There are several enemies in the open area just beyond, but no War Crier to worry about.

Finish off the enemies, collect the scrap in the northeast corner, ammo in the southeast corner, and the fuel can in the southwest corner. Ignite the fuel and throw it at the transfer tank to the north. There are six total transfer tanks that need to be destroyed in the camp.

To the right of the entrance of a small covered area. On the north side of the outer wall of this covered area is a ladder. Climb up the ladder and move to the end of the platform to find two pieces of scrap on the ground.

Drop back down to the main area, head up the stairs to the north and circle around to the left to see a Scrotus Insignia hanging in the distance. Move to the end of the path and shoot the insignia, then head left to find a ladder at the end of the path.

Before you climb up the ladder circle around to the left of the ladder and break the Scrotus Insignia in the back room. Eat the food in the next room, then head through the doorway to the right to find a Survey Crew project part. Continue into the next room and out into the open to find a water source ahead with scrap on a plank to the left of the water, and a transfer tank (and fuel cans ) to the right.

Refill your canteen if need be, collect the scrap, then blow the tank. Be careful when you collect the scrap on the plank as falling here could result in instant death. Once you've collected all of the loot, head back to the ladder you passed before.

Climb up the ladder and take down the group of enemies above. There are stairs to the north, with scrap on the ground to the left of the stairs (under the tent) and another piece of scrap up the stairs. In the southwest corner is a small alcove with a piece of scrap on the ground.

Look to the south to see a wall you can climb up. At the top there's a crane to the left . Break the wench on the crane to destroy the transfer tank the crane was holding. Go back to the area below and look west of the point where you climbed up to see a ladder heading down. Climb down the ladder to find another ladder that leads into an area below. There's a fuel can and a transfer tank here. Use the fuel to blow the tank, then head back up.

To the west is the last transfer tank with several fuel cans behind it. Use the fuel cans to blow the transfer tank, then break down the door to the left of the tank. Straight ahead is the final Scrotus Insignia , with scrap hanging on the wall to the right and more scrap on the ground to the left. Collect the loot then head back to the previous area. North of the blown transfer tank is a staircase (south of the other stairs here). Head up the stairs and around the corner to the right to find another piece of scrap on the ground next to a ladder.

Grab the scrap and head up the ladder, then follow the path and look to the left to find the last piece of scrap in the corner. This completes all of the objectives in the camp.

Hollow Point Oil Pump Camp

Take down the sniper from the south using your longshot, then pull down the fuel tank above the main gate (to the right) to turn off the flame spout blocking your path. Use the harpoon to clear the main gate, then head inside to find a Scrapulance to the right of the entrance. Make sure you take this back to Jeet's stronghold at some point to collect the scrap reward.

Head into the next area to face a few enemies, then look in the tent to the northeast to find a piece of scrap on the ground behind the broken down car. Continue north just beyond the two cars and look in the tented area to the right to see a Scrotus Insignia on the southern wall. Keep moving west up the small staircase to find ammo on the elevated platform.

Go back to the west and search the other tent to find two pieces of scrap on the ground. Collect the loot then break down the door to the northwest just past the water source . Take out the War Crier and the other enemies in the next area, then head inside the structure to the southwest to find fuel cans and a piece of scrap inside.

Collect the scrap, then you can use the fuel cans to blow up the door to the north, but before you continue through the doorway, there's a ladder on the west side of the area that you can go up now or after you're done in the area through the doorway. To make things a little easier, head through the doorway and take out the two enemies in the next area, then break the wench holding the crane. Circle around to the northwest corner to find a small crack in the wall. Squeeze through the crack to find a Scrotus Insignia just beyond.

Break the insignia, then head back into the previous area and down the ladder to the east. When you reach the bottom, use the fuel can to the southeast to blow the oil pump in the middle of the room. Head west to find a piece of scrap at the end of the path.

Head back to the ladder you passed up before (in the area where you blew open the door). At the top of the ladder, go straight to find food , a fuel can and a piece of scrap on the ground, with a ladder to the right. Collect the loot, then head up the ladder to find the last Scrotus Insignia to the far right.

Take the zip line down to the lower area to find an Oil Well project part to the northeast. Move along the top of the containers heading southeast to find the final piece of scrap at the end. This completes all of the objectives in this camp.

The Dredges Transfer Tank Camp

The outer defenses of this camp consist solely of two Molotov Sling towers, one on the north side and one on the south side. Shoot the one from the south, then head to the gate on the southeast side. Ram through the gate and take down the handful of enemies that attack.

In the first area just inside the gate there's a transfer tank to the north with a fuel can and ammo on the ground in front of it. Collect the loot, then blow the transfer tank and head through the doorway to the left to engage a few more enemies.

Pick up another fuel can from around the entrance and blow the two transfer tanks in the southwest corner. Continue through the doorway to the south to find food in the first room, then go through the next doorway to the left of the entrance to find scrap on the ground in the adjacent room.

Head back to the previous area and break down the door to the west. There's yellow paint on the ground to the left. This indicates you can break the grating here and climb down the ladder to the lower level. However, before you do that, refill your canteen at the water source to the right of the yellow paint. Climb down the ladder and head east. Move into the fenced area to the right to find an Oil Well project part on the far side, next to a ladder.

Climb down the ladder to find a small room with a fuel can and a transfer tank. Blow the tank, then go back to the previous hallway and continue north. Pry open the contain door when before you turn the corner to the right. Inside the container is a Scrotus Insignia and another piece of scrap hanging on the wall.

Continue east down the corridor to find another piece of scrap , two fuel cans and some food in the next room. Around the corner to the northeast is another transfer tank . Use a fuel can to blow the tank, then continue down the corridor to the north and climb up the ladder at the end. When you reach the top, turn around to see the final Scrotus Insignia on the other side of the fence.

Shoot the insignia (or you can run around to the right to gain direct access to it), then head north and break the wench holding the crane in place to blow another transfer tank . Drop down into the area below and take out the War Crier and the other enemies, then use the thundersticks on the rack to the west or the fuel cans on the upper platform to blow the three more transfer tanks in the fenced areas.

Collect the scrap in the fenced area to the south, then use a thunderstick to blow the doorway to the southwest (by the thunderstick rack). There's another water source to the left, and two pieces of scrap in the room behind it.

Head back to the previous area where the thundersticks were located, and climb up the ladder on the east side to get back to the upper platform. Climb the next ladder to the south and head left to find another piece of scrap under the tent at the end of the path.

Cross the two bridges to the south, then continue straight ahead (past the ladder to the left) to find another piece of scrap under the tent. Climb down the ladder and continue through the doorway. Break the ladder on the path ahead to gain a shortcut to the lower area (you've already been there), but do not climb down the ladder.

Continue northeast and up the stairs to the left to find a crane on the elevated platform. Break the wench holding the crane in place to blow up the final transfer tank . Turn around and head through the opening to the right to find a Scrotus Insignia on the wall to the right. Head south and through the container to find the final piece of scrap on the right. This completes all of the objectives in the camp.

Chalkies Region

Finger Peak Stank Gum Camp

Position yourself east of the camp to get a line of sight on the two snipers that guard the perimeter. You should also be able to hit the three Molotov Sling towers from this position. As you approach the camp you won't find a main gate or anything of that nature. Simply drive up to the road block, get out of the car and head into the first large area.

This is a camp that requires you to defeat 25 enemies to complete the main objective. Take down the first six enemies that appear in this first area, then Look inside the main cabin of the ship to the south to find a History Relic inside.

Kick down the door to the south. When you reach the opening to the right, take down the two enemies here, then look toward the north wall to see a piece of scrap on the ground. There's a second piece of scrap on the ground near the west wall as well. Move around to the south side of the hill just left of this scrap to find a Scrotus Insignia on the wall at the top.

Kick open the door on the south side of the area, collect the ammo to the immediate right once you're through. Turn around and look high above the doorway to see a virtually hidden Scrotus Insignia blending in with the paint.

Shoot the insignia, then circle around to the right to engage a few more enemies, including a War Crier. Along the way to the enemies, you passed a tent on the right. Once the enemies are down you can go back to the tent to find a piece of scrap inside.

Follow the path around to the right and kick open the door at the end. There's food to the right, and a doorway to the right of the food that leads into the adjacent structure. Break the Scrotus Insignia inside, then head into the similar structure to the northeast to find scrap on the ground.

There's a door you can kick open to the northeast. Go through the door to find a few more enemies in the next open area. There's a piece of scrap and a fuel can in the tent to the east, more scrap in the wooden structure just north of the tent, and a crane at the end of the path that you should break.

While you're in this area, more enemies might flood in and attack, so be on the lookout. Look in the tent on the northwest side of the area to find another piece of scrap on the ground. Finally, in the southwest corner there's a zip line, scrap on the wall and ammo on the ground.

Before you go down the ladder next to the zip line, or use the zip line itself, head up the stairs on the south side of the area and break through the door at the top. Head right, then continue up the hill to the left to reach the smoke stack at the top. Circle around to the east side of the smoke stack to find a scrap pallet, two pieces of scrap, ammo and a Survey Crew project part on the interior of the smoke stack.

Zip line back down to the previous area, then take the zip line to the west to reach the area below. Take down the War Crier here and the last few remaining enemies to complete the primary objective. Look southeast to see the last Scrotus Insignia on the outside of a small fenced area (which will be flaming if you broke the crane above), break open the door on the structure in the southwest corner to find the last piece of scrap inside. The adjacent structure to the east has food inside. Head east and break through the next door to get back to the entrance. This completes all of the objectives for the camp.

Blood Beach Transfer Tank Camp

As you approach the camp, take a position to the southeast and you will have a clear line of sight to take down the two snipers and Molotov Sling towers guarding the perimeter. As you take them down, a few vehicles may depart from the camp to engage you so be ready for some vehicular combat before you get to the camp.

When you reach the main entrance, look above the camp and to the left to see the red oil tank standing out like a sore thumb. Use the harpoon to pull it down and disable the flame spout blocking the main gate. The gate is harpoon-resistant, but you can ram your way through or get out of your vehicle and walk around to the left of the gate to find a hidden entrance.

Head up the stairs to the north to find scrap and a fuel can on the ground to the left. Continue down the next flight of stairs to enter an open area with a War Crier and several enemies. Make quick work of the enemies, then use your shotgun or the fuel can you just passed to blow the transfer tank in the middle of the area. Look above the tank to see a Scrotus Insignia hanging on a container door.

Use your shotgun to destroy the insignia, then climb up the wall to the southeast to find another fuel can and transfer tank on the platform above. Drop back down to the lower area and use the fuel can in the northwest corner to blow the two nearby transfer tanks.

Move over to the northwest corner to find a water source next to a door you can break through. Refill your canteen if need be, then break through the door and follow the path into the room at the end (on the right). Collect the scrap on the ground, then move through the room and climb up the ladder on the far side.

When you reach the top, move through the doorway and pick up the History Relic on the ground just outside. Circle around to the left and down the stairs to find one piece of scrap on the ground in the room below, and another piece of scrap hanging on the wall. Break through the next door and move into the open area beyond to engage another group of enemies.

On the east side of the area (near the doorway where you entered) collect two more pieces of scrap on the ground. Look south to see the final Scrotus Insignia hanging high above. Shoot it down, then look in the tent to the east to find another piece of scrap.

There's a fuel can on the wall due south, just left of the two transfer tanks. Blow the tanks, then collect the last piece of scrap to the left of the stairs to the east. Head up the stairs, collect the ammo on the right, and use the fuel can here to blow the final transfer tank dead ahead. This completes all of the objectives in the camp.

Jugular Canyon Stank Gum Camp

There aren't any snipers that you need to worry about when it comes to this camp, however, you also can't get a good line of sight on the four Molotov Sling towers that line the road leading up to the entrance. Take them out one at a time using the harpoon or longshot as you approach the bridge that leads to the entrance. Once all four are down, look to the left of the bridge to see the red oil drum that fuels the flam spout. Pull it down with the harpoon to clear the perimeter defenses of the camp.

Get out of the car and head across the bridge. Collect the weapon and ammo at the alcove to the right, just before the path curves to the left. Continue down the path and engage the first set of enemies to the south. This is another camp that requires you to take down a set number of enemies (32) to clear the main objective.

At the end of the path you can climb up the wall directly ahead or head down the ladder to the right. For now, climb up the wall and continue down the path to see a Scrotus Insignia above a small structure to the right. Shoot the insignia down, then eat the food inside the structure if you're in need.

Continue east until you reach a junction where you can go right or left. Both lead to the same place, so for now head to the right and across the bridge. Take down the War Crier and other enemies in the next open area. There's a door to the west and another door to the north that can both be broken down. The door to the west leads to a room that holds a piece of scrap and leads to a bridge that takes you to the far side of the area. Pick up the scrap, but don't cross the bridge.

Head back outside and stand on the platform to the northwest. Look northeast to see a Scrotus Insignia on the outside of the building to the right. Shoot it down, then take the door to the north to find ammo, a fuel can and another piece of scrap inside, along with stairs that lead to the area above.

Pick up the fuel can and head up the stairs to find more scrap on the next floor. Climb up the wall to find another piece of scrap, then head up the nearby stairs and make your way to the left to find another group of enemies with a War Crier. Finish off the enemies, then refill you canteen at the water source to the northeast if need be. Use the fuel can you picked up before to blow open the door to the southeast. A Scrotus Insignia hangs on the wall inside, along with another piece of scrap and a fuel can. Collect the loot then use the zip line to reach the area across the way.

Take down the War Crier and the other enemies that attack, then head into the structure to the northwest. Inside move into the north room and head around the corner to find scrap on the ground. Take the stairs in the southern room to find another piece of scrap, food and a Survey Crew project part on the next floor. There's also another Scrotus Insignia in the far corner near the food.

Go back to area below and kick open the door leading into the structure to the southeast. There's a water source and a piece of scrap (in the corner) inside, and a bridge that leads back to the area you were just at. This is the bridge you didn't take in the previous location. You don't need to cross the bridge, but walk out onto it and turn around to see another Scrotus Insignia hanging above the outside of the doorway.

Shoot down the insignia, then head back outside and blow open the door leading into the structure to the northeast. You may need to go back to the previous fuel can location if you don't have any other way to blow the door open. Once inside, collect the ammo on the ground and the scrap hanging on the wall and climb up the ladder.

Circle around and head up the stairs, then climb the next ladder and head right into the next area. Break open the door to the immediate left to find the final piece of scrap hanging on the wall. Climb up the ladder and shoot down the last Scrotus Insignia hanging on the pole above. If you have one enemy remaining to defeat, the shot from destroying the insignia will likely alert them to climb up the ladder and attack. Either way, this completes all of the objectives in the camp.

Large Blade Top Dog Camp

As you approach the camp, use the long shot to take down the snipers guarding the entrance. As you approach, use the harpoon to destroy the Molotov launchers outside, then pull down the main gate and harpoon the gas tank just above the gate and to the left to clear the flames from the entrance.

With the perimeter defense down, exit the Magnum Opus and head inside. Kick down the door dead ahead, and take down the enemies that attack in the open area beyond. Head into the room to the west to find two pieces of scrap, then continue through the container to the south. Fill your canteen at the water source ahead, then collect the scrap between the debris on the right.

Shoot the War Crier as you round the corner, then finish off the enemies that swarm the area. On the east side there's a fenced in area. You can kick down the gate to this area need the middle of the east wall. Head inside to find more scrap on the far side.

Go back out to the main ahead and head to the northwest corner to find the entrance to the container on the west side. Break the Scrotus Insignia on the opposite end of the container, then head up the ladder on the north side of the area.

Continue to the right to find scrap near the entrance of the next room, and a History Relic on the far side. Head out onto the balcony to the south to find ammo on the ground and a Scrotus Insignia hanging over the doorway.

Head back to where the ladder is at, then continue past it and around the corner to the left. Kick down the ladder on the far right so you have an easy way back to the lower area when you need it, then continue along the upper path until you reach a wench at the end. Break the wench to lower the draw bridge, then climb up the ladder just beyond.

Follow the path as it circles upward, then climb up to the next path above when you reach the end. Once you're on the upper path, two enemies attempt to ambush you. Take them out and continue along the path to find ammo near the end. To the right of the ammo is another piece of scrap in front of the debris just before you reach the next ladder. There's also another water source to the left of the ladder. Refill your canteen, but before you climb up the ladder, continue east to find scrap, ammo and a large door you can break open.

Break open the door to find a Scrotus Insignia directly ahead and more scrap to the left of the entrance. As you leave the area and head back to the ladder, make note of yellow line on the ground to the northeast. This is the zip line you'll use to get back down to the ground level when you're done with this camp. The final piece of scrap and the last Scrotus Insignia are also at the bottom of the zip line, but defeat the Top Dog before you head down or you'll have to go all the way back up to where you are now to complete the camp.

Climb up the ladder you recently passed and continue to the platform at the top to face off against the Rim Jobbie. This is similar to every other Top Dog battle. Simply stand a moderate distance away until Rim Jobbie charges toward you, then dodge left or right and quickly pummel him with a flurry of punches. As soon as he blocks a single punch, dodge away to avoid his counter attack, then repeat the process until he goes down.

There are flames on one end of the area that you can knock Rim Jobbie into to cause some damage over time. In addition, there are weapons scattered across the ground that will inflict more damage than your bare fists. You can also use your shotgun but it's a waste of ammo unless you have unlocked unlimited refills at one of the strongholds in the Wastelands. Defeat Rim Jobbie to complete the camp, then loot the body to collect some additional scrap.

To obtain 100 percent completion head down the zip line you passed earlier to find ammo, the last piece of scrap and final Scrotus Insignia at the bottom. The insignia is hanging on the northeast pillar, so you'll need to use your shotgun to destroy it.

Rot 'N' Rusties Region

Twin Sisters Stank Gum Camp

While there are three snipers, two War Criers and several Thunderpoon Launchers you can target from a distance, approaching from the west you'll only have to worry about two of the snipers and one of the Thunderpoon Launchers. You are certainly free to circle around the perimeter of the camp and take out all of the defenses, but you don't have to if you're in a rush.

The camp is made of up two tower-like structures. Enter the camp through the southern tower. If the flame spout activates, the related oil drum is located at the top of the tower. The primary objective for this camp is to take out 37 enemies.

Head inside and down into the first area to engage 10 enemies. Once they're down, head through the doorway to the north and move around to the left to find scrap hanging on the wall at the end. Continue up the stairs to the southeast to find more scrap on the ground to the right as you make your way to the next flight of stairs.

When you reach the next floor, go right to find another piece of scrap on the ground at the end of the path. Collect the loot, then turn around and head east through the next doorway. Ignore the opening to the right (which leads to more stairs) and continue to the end of the path to find ammo.

Head up the stairs you just passed, moving up the northern staircase. When you reach the next floor, head left to find scrap on the ground just beyond the doorway. Continue through the next doorway to find a water source next to a door you can kick open.

Kick down the door and continue down the hallway and through the doorway at the end. Go up the stairs to the right to engage nine more enemies at the top. Turn the valve on the red oil tank to the west, collect the ammo on the ground to the north, then look inside the structure to the south to find a Scrotus Insignia on the wall and more ammo just outside, behind the insignia.

Look inside the structure to the southwest to find scrap on the ground, then head across the bridge to the north to reach the adjacent tower. Kick open the door on the far side of the bridge and continue down the next corridor and through the doorway at the end.

Go down the stairs to the far right to encounter two more enemies. There are seven more on the floor below who will likely climb the ladder to attack, so be ready for them. On the current floor, there's a water source in the southeast corner of the middle platform. Refill your canteen if need be, then climb down the stairs to the northwest, near the stairs where you entered the room.

Pick up the ammo to the left of the next ladder (ignore the ladder for now), then head down the stairs behind the ammo. Collect the scrap on the far side of the room, then head down the stairs to the west. When you reach the bottom, go right to find scrap hanging at the end.

Turn around and continue down the path to find more scrap on the ground just before the next flight of stairs. Before you head down the stairs, follow the path to the left of the stairs to find a History Relic at the end.

Collect the loot then head down the stairs to the bottom floor. Head through the doorway to the west and move to the far left to find another piece of scrap on the ground. All you have left to do is take out the enemies on the roof, so turn around and head back to the main room, the continue up the stairs to the south that you used to get down here.

Move down the corridor and up the next flight of stairs on the right, then up the stairs in the southwest corner of the next room. Head north and climb up the ladder behind the fence on the left. This is the ladder you passed earlier. Continue up the next flight of stairs, through the doorway at the end, and down the corridor to the right.

Go through the doorway at the end and up the stairs to reach the roof. Take down the enemies here to complete the primary objective. Collect the ammo and the fuel can on the platform to the north, and the ammo in the southwest corner, then break the Scrotus Insignia next to the door on the south side. Use the fuel can to blow open the door and find the last piece of scrap and a Survey Crew project part inside. This completes all of the objectives in the camp. You can use the zip line here to reach the adjacent tower and get back down to the ground floor.

Tyrant's Lash Top Dog Camp

The perimeter defenses of the camp include three snipers, several Thunderpoon Launchers, a massive gate that requires a level six harpoon to pull down and is ramming restricted, and two flame spouts covering the main gate. Approach from the southwest to get two of the snipers in your sights, then approach the camp and take down the remaining defenses. The red oil drums on both side of the main gate can be harpooned to turn off the flame spout.

To break through the main gate you need a level six harpoon or a bevy of Thunderpoons. If you have the necessary weaponry to break through the main entrance, go for it. However, don't waste your Thunderpoon ammo on it. Instead, head to the right to see yellow paint that marks a hidden entrance.

Take down the enemies in the first open area (to the right if you enter via the main gate, or the first area if you use the hidden entrance). Collect the scrap on the ground in the northeast corner, then climb up the ladder due south and look left to see a Scrotus Insignia high on the wall.

Shoot the insignia, then head to the right to find ammo on the ground to the left and scrap on the ground on the far side of this elevated area. Head back down to the lower area, pick up a fuel can on the east wall and use it to blow the door in the northwest corner. There are a large number of enemies in the open area ahead. Focus on the shielded enemies first, countering their attacks and taking them down first. This will make the remaining enemies much easier to take down because you won't have to constantly dodge the shielded enemy's attacks.

Once all of the enemies are down look inside the tent to the north (entrance on the west side) to find scrap on the ground. There's a flame spout to the southeast that's blocking your path into the next room, but you can't turn it off just yet. Instead, break through the door to the left of the flame spout and break open the container door at the end of the next room, on the left.

Collect the scrap inside the container, then head back out and continue through the container to the north. Climb up the ladder on the left to reach the area above. To the left is a Scrotus Insignia, straight ahead is a water source, and to the right is a ladder you can kick down and the valve that controls the flame spout to the right of the ladder.

Break the insignia, refill your canteen if need be, then turn the valve and break the ladder. Climb down the ladder to the area below and head southeast where the flame spout was previously blocking your path.

Climb up the stairs to the left and look in the southeast corner when you reach the top to find a History Relic. Continue north (ignoring the bridge to the left) to find ammo on the ground to the right, then follow the path to the left and collect the scrap hanging near the fence. Go back to the bridge you passed before and head across.

Go down the stairs to the left to reach the area below. Collect the scrap in the west corner, with more scrap to be found under the large tent on the west wall. Once you've collected the loot, head down the stairs to the north.

Continue through the next doorway and around the corner. Head into the first room on the right to find two ammo supplies on the right wall and a Scrotus Insignia in the far right corner. Continue through the doorway in the far left corner and down the next hallway. Head right at the end of the next room and continue through the next doorway until you reach the door you can break down.

Break down the door and take out the enemies in the next room. There are two doorways to the east. The one on the right leads to a door that requires an explosion to get through. Go through the doorway on the left and around the corner to find a fuel can to blow the door. Collect the scrap on the far wall in the next room, then head up the stairs.

Refill your canteen at the water source directly ahead, then break through the door at the end to find the Top Dog in the next area. This battle is very similar to most other Top Dog battles. Several enemies will fight alongside the Top Dog, so focus on them first. When he charges, dodge to avoid the attack, then pummel him with a flurry of attacks until he recovers and strikes again. Repeat the process until the Top Dog goes down.

Turn the valve in the west corner to remove the flame spout, then climb up the ladder to the south. Head around to the left to find ammo in the far right corner (where a sniper was positioned). Continue down the path to the north and drop down into the lower area to the left.

Head up the stairs in the north corner to find on piece of scrap hanging at the top, and two more pieces of scrap on the ground nearby. Go back down the stairs and climb up the ladder in the east corner to find the last piece of scrap to the right when you reach the top.

Continue to the left but do not take the zip line. This leads back to the previous area, but you're not done here yet. Head north through the next doorway, then to the right to find another ladder. Climb up to find the final Scrotus Insignia at the top. Break the insignia and you have completed all of the objectives in this camp.

Dead End Transfer Tank Camp

Three snipers, three Thunderpoon Launchers and a flame spout protect the outskirts of this camp. Approach from the northwest to get a good line of sight on all three snipers, then move in to clear out the Thunderpoon Launchers. Once the perimeter defenses are down, ram the gate to get inside.

Swing around to the far side of the rail car to the right to get inside. Collect the scrap on the west side of the rail car, then move around to the south side of the rail car to find a Scrotus Insignia mounted on the cement.

Climb up the ladder in the northwest corner to find more scrap on the west side of the container tops. Drop back down into the area below and climb up the wall between the rail cars to the north.

There are several enemies beyond the doorway, but before you take them out collect the ammo to the left of the doorway and the two pieces of scrap in the room to the right of the doorway. Take down enemies on the other side of the doorway, then look to the west to see a door that must be blown open. For now, head through the opening to the north instead and circle around to the left to find scrap on the ground.

Turn around and break down the door to the east to find one more enemy in the next room. Right next to the door you just broke through is a water source. Refill your canteen if need be, then it's time to loot the open area here. There's food next to the container in the southwest corner and inside the container there's scrap hanging on the wall.

There's scrap in the northeast corner next to the stairs, and you can enter the rail car due east. Collect the scrap and head into the rail car. Go up the rail car to the right, then circle around to the left when you reach the far side. There are some enemies (including a War Crier) in the area below, but you can ignore them for now.

Collect the ammo and fuel can next to the rail car, then head back to the door that required an explosion to open. Use the fuel can to blow the door, which should also blow up the two transfer tanks in the next room (if not, go back and get another fuel can to blow them). Head into the room and look in the southeast corner to see more scrap hanging on the wall.

With the transfer tanks down, head back to the room with the rail car and go back to the top again. Instead of circling around to the left where you found the fuel can, head right and drop down into the small area below to find another Scrotus Insignia.

Break the insignia, then head through the rail car in the south corner to reach the area below where all of the enemies are waiting. Clear out the enemies, then climb up the wall in the north corner to find scrap to the right of the stairs.

Drop back down into the area below, pick up a thunderstick from the rack to the south, then head east between the rail cars to find three more transfer tanks in the next room. Use the thunderstick to blow the tanks, then collect the scrap in the container in the southwest corner, and use another thunderstick to take down the Scrotus Insignia to the left of the container (between the container and the transfer tanks).

Head back into the previous area and go up the stairs in the southwest corner to reach the entrance again. Get in the Magnum Opus and use the harpoon to bring down the ladder on the south wall. Climb up the ladder and head into the room to the south to find a few more enemies. Take them out, then use the fuel cans in the northeast corner to blow the last two transfer tanks nearby.

Go into the adjacent room to find scrap and food on the floor, then look north to see the last Scrotus Insignia hang on the cage above. Head into the room to the east to find the last piece of scrap on the ground on the south side. This completes all of the objectives in the camp.

Grandrise Region

Old Hole Oil Pump Camp

The location of this camp is behind a mountain, which makes it moderately difficult to approach. As you round the mountain, move slowly until you see two guards standing in front of the entrance. Shoot them down as soon as they're within sight to avoid taking any sniper shots. Luckily there are no other perimeter defenses to speak of.

Once you're inside the first area, take down the enemies here, then head into the structure to the southwest to find scrap on the ground and a Scrotus Insignia on the far side. Climb up the ladder here to find another piece of scrap at the top.

Collect the loot, then head back into the main area and through the opening to the east. Refill your canteen at the water source to the left and pick up the scrap hanging to the right, then head down the stairs to engage more enemies. Four of the enemies are buried in the sand and will pop out as you approach (three of them are waiting by scrap).

Take down all of the visible enemies, then look under the tent to the northeast to find scrap on the ground next to a thunderstick rack. One of the four hidden enemies will appear as you approach the scrap. Pick up a thunderstick, then look southeast to see another piece of scrap on the ground. Two of the four hidden enemies will attack as you approach.

There's a door to the south that need to be blown up with a thunderstick. However, before you do, head up the ladder to the right of the door. When you reach the top head left to find a door that can be pried open. Once inside look up and to the left to see a Scrotus Insignia high above.

Shoot down the insignia then drop down into the area just below the insignia to find another piece of scrap on the ground. Head back out the doorway and down the stairs to the right to find food. Eat up, then drop down to the lower area and blow open the door from before.

Head down the stairs to the left to encounter a Top Dog. While this isn't a Top Dog camp, clearly it still has a Top Dog for you to finish off. Take down the Top Dog and his cohorts, then head into the small area to the south to find a valve that turns off the flame spout in the area, as well as the final Scrotus Insignia. and a piece of scrap to the left of the insignia.

Be careful once you turn off the flame spout as more enemies will attack from the far side of the area. Head north to find the oil pump you need to destroy to clear the camp, with scrap on the ground to the left of the pump. Before you blow the pump, collect the scrap, then circle around into the building to the right of the pump (ignoring the nearby ladder for a moment).

Collect the History Relic inside and continue to the far side of the building to find another piece of scrap just outside on the right. To the far left you'll find another piece of scrap on the ground next to a fuel can and some ammo just a bit further down. Head up the ladder you passed a moment ago to find the last piece of scrap in the makeshift structure at the top. On the far side is another fuel can you can use to blow the pump and complete all of the objectives in the camp.

The Drop Top Dog Camp

There are two snipers and four Thunderpoon Launchers that make up the perimeter defenses of this camp. You can take out the two snipers if you approach from the east, then move in closer to remove the four Thunderpoon Launchers.

Drive into the camp until you reach the main gate. Use your own thunderpoon or a level six harpoon to take down the gate, then head inside. The first room features a Scrapulance on the left and a Scrotus Insignia hanging above the car, along with ammo and a piece of scrap on the right. Remember to drive the Scrapulance back to the closest stronghold before you leave this camp.

Move into the next room to find a bevy of fuel cans and a piece of scrap off to the left. Collect the loot, then head down the corridor to the right. When you reach the next room several enemies ambush you. Take them down one by one, but be on the lookout for an enemy wielding thundersticks. When you see him, focus on bringing him down before the others so you don't have to worry about dodging thundersticks.

Pick up a thunderstick from the rack in the southeast corner and use it to blow open the door in the southwest corner. Hug the right wall and circle around into the adjacent room to find a water source, Scrotus Insignia and a piece of scrap.

Continue south down the next corridor and look in the first room on the left to find some ammo. Keep moving through the corridor and take out the single enemy in the next room. Break the Scrotus Insignia in the northwest corner (you'll need to use a shotgun or thunderstick), then pick up the scrap on the ground in the small room to the east and the two additional pieces of scrap in the room on the southeast corner.

Kick open the door to the east, then climb up the ladder to the left. When you reach the top, head south to find scrap hanging on the wall, then look in the room to the northeast to find more scrap on the floor. Move due west to find a Scrotus Insignia, then head north to find more hanging scrap.

Swing back around to the ladder you just climbed up and head northeast to the top of the bus, then look right to see more scrap. Collect the loot, then head around to the northwest to find another water source next to some ammo. Refill your canteen, then kick down the ladder just north to give you a quick shortcut back to the entrance (but don't climb down just yet).

Continue through the opening to the northwest to encounter another group of enemies and the Top Dog of the camp. This time there's also a War Crier in tow, but the Top Dog may not attack immediately. If he stays near his throne, let him be and attack the other enemies. He'll drop down once they've been defeated. If he attacks immediately, avoid his attacks and clear the other enemies before you focus on him.

Once the Top Dog has been dealt with, turn the valves on either side of the area to remove the flame spouts, then shoot the final Scrotus Insignia hanging in the southern corner. Collect the final piece of scrap at the end of the platform to the west to complete all of the objectives in the camp.

The Choke Transfer Tank Camp

Before you think about approaching this camp, make sure you've cleared all of the threat in Jeet's territory (Fuel Veins, Dry Gustie, Balefire Flatland, Blackmaws and Colossus regions) in order to upgrade the harpoon to level six. Without a level six harpoon you will not be able to get through the main gate into the camp.

Once you've got a level six harpoon, you can take out one sniper from a good distance southwest of the camp, before you can see any of the other perimeter defenses. You need to move a little closer to get the second sniper, but you can still hit him from a decent distance.

If you approach from the southeast you can take down the War Crier as well, but this is less important than the snipers. The best course of action is to clear the perimeter defenses on the west side, then circle around to the east side and clear the remaining defenses and the War Crier. Once the defenses are down, you can move under the east side of the bridge to find a hidden entrance, but unless you're good at jumping it could be risky.

However you wish to proceed take down the enemies beyond the eastern gate, then climb the ladder on the northwest side of the gate to reach the top. Head right along the top of the eastern gate to find scrap on the ground. Climb back down the ladder and head into the small structure to the south to find a few fuel cans and another piece of scrap.

Use the fuel cans to take down the nearby transfer tank, then go back to the structure and move as far south as you can to find a path that leads west. Follow this path until you reach a crane holding another transfer tank. Quickly break the wench holding the crane in place to destroy the tank, then pick up the fuel can to the west of the crane and use it to blow the transfer tank in the fenced area to the north.

It won't be long before enemies come flooding down the stairs to attack. Quickly move up the stairs to the west, then climb the wall on the right and engage the enemies holding thundersticks just ahead. From this bridge-like area you can see all of the enemies in the camp, and they can see you. If you stay here, most of them will come to you.

Finish off all of the enemies then head back to the point where you climbed up the wall. Instead of dropping down to the area below, head northeast to find scrap and a water source on the balcony. Head back across the bridge to find scrap hanging on the far side, then continue up the stairs to the right.

On the south side of the next platform there's a thunderstick rack and some scrap hanging on the adjacent wall. Move inside the structure here to find a Scrotus Insignia on the far side. Break the insignia, pick up a thunderstick and head back out of the structure and down the stairs to the north.

There's food inside the structure here, and ammo just outside on the eastern corner. Just below the ammo is another transfer tank. Use the thunderstick to blow it up, then head down the stairs in the northwest corner and make your way back to the open area below.

To the east is a Scrapulance, so don't forget to drive that to the nearest stronghold to score a lot of scrap. Climb up the wall to the far right of the Scrapulance, collect the scrap on the ground to the left and then head up the stairs to find another Scrotus Insignia.

Head back down and take the stairs just west of where you climbed up the wall. As you continue to move down each staircase, collect the ammo along the way, then climb up the ladder near the ammo to find a bevy of fuel cans and another transfer tank. Blow the tank, then head back down the ladder and continue down the next flight of stairs.

Refill your canteen at the water source ahead, then continue across the bridge. Break the wench on the far side to drop the final three transfer tanks hanging here, then collect the scrap hanging on the wall to the left.

Collect the final piece of scrap on the ground to the east, then head north and look to the left just before you reach the stairs to find the last Scrotus Insignia. Break the insignia to complete all of the objectives in this camp.

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