Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Spotlight
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Review
The night begins to shine.
Netroidvania Castlevania: Nocturne is Netflix's next animated take on video game vampire hunting
This next series will focus on a new but familiar Belmont, Richter.
PLAY HAS NO LIMITS The best PS1 games to play in 2024
Still have your PlayStation kicking about? Here are some of the best games you can still play on it today.
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Feed

Still have your PlayStation kicking about? Here are some of the best games you can still play on it today.

Netroidvania | Castlevania: Nocturne is Netflix's next animated take on video game vampire hunting
This next series will focus on a new but familiar Belmont, Richter.

Koji Igarashi is Begrudgingly Appreciative of the "Die, Monster" Line from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night's Western success took Konami by surprise, and Richter's infamous quip might've played a small part in it.

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Wouldn't Have Happened Without Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest
From a horrible curse comes a symphony.

10 Things You Didn't Know About Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
STARTING SCREEN | This game's 20 years old and I'm learning new junk about it every day.

Sympathy for the Vampire: Castlevania II Is Way Better Than People Give It Credit For
STARTING SCREEN | Happy 30th anniversary, Castlevania II: Simon's Quest! You're not a perfect game, but you're a damn ambitious one.

Which of the Other Metroid-style Castlevanias Are Worth Revisiting?
We look back at Circle of the Moon, Dawn of the Sorrow, and the rest and render our verdict.
![Video Archive: We Press Our Luck in Symphony of the Night (Again) [Archived!]](https://assetsio.gnwcdn.com/symphony-stream-thumb-2.jpg?width=320&height=180&fit=crop&quality=80&format=jpg&auto=webp)
Video Archive: We Press Our Luck in Symphony of the Night (Again) [Archived!]
By popular request, Jeremy revisits his Luck Code playthrough of this Castlevania classic.

Retro Challenge: Six Challenge Runs Everyone Should Try
Looking to try something new? These Challenge Runs are not only fun, they will give you a greater appreciation for the games they appear in.
![USstreamer: Come Enjoy the Symphony of the Night! [Update: Over!]](https://assetsio.gnwcdn.com/usstreamer-sotn1-thumb.jpg?width=320&height=180&fit=crop&quality=80&format=jpg&auto=webp)
USstreamer: Come Enjoy the Symphony of the Night! [Update: Over!]
Jeremy takes on the Castlevania classic in hopes of finally answering that all-consuming question: What is a man?
![USstreamer: Mike Plays Crypt of the Necrodancer at 2pm PST/5pm EST [Done!]](https://assetsio.gnwcdn.com/Crypt-Header-01.png?width=320&height=180&fit=crop&quality=80&format=jpg&auto=webp)
USstreamer: Mike Plays Crypt of the Necrodancer at 2pm PST/5pm EST [Done!]
Come hang out with USG's editors while they play through and share their thoughts.

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Gallery
Games from the Castlevania franchise