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Watch Dogs: Backstage pass - 416 Assault Rifle, access codes, security hack

Increase your firepower and then break into the building to steal and use the access code.


Objective: Purchase the 416 assault rifle

Use the map to find the store and head on over there to buy the 416 Full-Auto assault Rifle. You'll need $1200 so if you don't have enough cash at this point wander around and hack people's back accounts to get the required funds.

Objectives: Locate and hack a guard with the access code, reach the servers, leave the area

Once you're done in the gun store check your map and head to the next mission marker. Around the east side of the building is a ramp that leads to the upper level. Firstly, hack the camera on the right and use the crane to take out the guards.

Using the camera behind the crane you can spy inside and track the movement of the guards. There's an explosive device next to one of the guards so use that to take him out, then use the security cameras and hidden cameras until you find the guard with the access code. Save one of the explosives on a guard for use later.

Once you've got the code climb the palettes and get over the fence. Near the container you dropped on the guards earlier you'll find some palettes just inside the building. Position yourself there and hack the cameras to watch the guard on the lower level. Hack the explosives he's carrying with him. This just leaves you with one more guard to deal with.

If you hack his explosive it will attract more guards making it harder to escape later. It's much better to get close, access his camera and locate the object behind him to distract him using the Attract option. When he turns his back to you perform a takedown and you can now access the hack point beyond him.

This hack is a little minigame. For the first hotspot turn the hack point at the top once to unlock the point at the top and hit it a second time to go to the next hotspot. With the second hotspot rotate the point in the middle three times, then shift it one more point to the left and turn twice. Move another point up and then right one point, then rotate another three times. Unlock the last point to move to the next hotspot.

At the final hotspot you need to start with the point in the upper right corner and turn it once. Now move the bottom left point twice. This is now timed, so turn the point above three times and unlock the point at the top to complete the hack. If you're too slow you'll have to start again as it resets itself.

Now you have access to another camera. aimed it straight ahead and you'll see the final hack. Now you can leave the area the same way you came in and there's only one guard. You'll find him at the end of the hallway where you're currently standing, so wait for him to move then head back over the fence and across the street, outside of the white circle on the minimap. Mission complete.

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