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Call of Duty Ghosts: smaller studios having trouble filling the triple-a market, suggests Rubin

Call of Duty: Ghosts' executive producer Mark Rubin has expressed concern that smaller studios are experiencing trouble, due to games being more difficult and expensive to make.

Speaking with GameInformer, Infinity Ward developer Rubin commented on the challenge posed to smaller teams by the might of the triple-a pack. "It's a scary thing," he said, "and I'll take my Call Of Duty hat off for a minute here, but games are becoming harder to make, more expensive to make.

"I feel like smaller studios are having trouble - I can't speak for them but I would think - are having trouble making games that fill the big AAA market because they're harder to do. It is kind of a bummer that games are getting so hard and difficult to make. People want better and better graphics, they want more realistic looking art assets and that comes at a cost and that's a hard thing to have to deal with."

Do you feel the solo-small-to-medium developers are in trouble? Are people only interested in realistic assets and high production value? Let us know what you think below.


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