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Dota 2 update adds Elder Titan, revamps UI

Valve has issued a new patch for Dota 2 adding a whole new hero along with various user-friendly tweaks.

According to the Elder Titan's wiki page, our hero once "studied at the forge of creation" before tinkering with the wrong thing and ending up trapped inside his own shattered world - which explains why Dota 2's lore is full of so many weird and wonderful characters.

The Elder Titan can summon an Ancestral Spirt, who wil join him in another ability called Echo Stomp to cause both magical and physical damage - deadly when combined with Natural order, which reduces resistances. Every enemy damaged by the Ancestral Spirit grants the Elder Titan a damage and movement speed bonus.

On the UI side, the community page has been updated; icons now indicate league matched in various menus; the Tournament Scheduling interface has had a good brush up; and switching betwene heroes while spectating should be easier.

There are also small changes to Steam Workshop integration and some new lines for a couple of characters.The full patch notes are available on the Dota 2 dev forum.

Thanks, Ausgamers.

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