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Disney Infinity vs Skylanders: Activision "flattered" by new rival

Disney Infinity has a lot of parallels with Skylanders, Activision's goldmine "toys to life" debut, but the publisher doesn't seem too worried about its new competitor.

"We are thrilled by the incredible success that the Skylanders franchise has had in such a short period of time. We are also flattered that one of the leading family entertainment companies is joining our toys to life category," consumer marketing boss John Coyne said in a statement issued to Forbes when asked about Disney Infinity;s reveal today.

"We continue to focus on delivering innovative and immersive entertainment experiences to kids around the world and are pouring more creativity into our games. As a result we are well positioned to continue leading the category.”

Skylanders was almost solely responsible for an enormous surge in accessories sales in 2011 and early 2012, but despite the release of sequel Skylanders Giants, didn't have such a hefty impact on 2012 US retail figures.

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