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Saints Row 4 pops up on artist's resume

Saints Row 4 has surfaced on the LinkedIn resume of artist David Payne, where it states he was the lead prop and weapon artist for the title.

The resume, brought to our attention by a tweet from Superannuation, shows Payne has been working on the Saint's Row series since its second offering, and he's currently working on the stand alone expansion to SR: The Third, Enter the Dominatrix.

If the resume entry is correct, the game is slated for current-gen consoles.

Back in November, THQ’s Danny Bilson told X-Play Volition was already working on Saints Row 4.

"I already know what Saint’s Row 4 is about, and it is wilder than this one," he said. "It’s a good example of how you take what you have and you say, ‘What can happen in the next?’”

Last night, during its financial call to investors, THQ announced the Saints Row franchise has shipped 11 million units world wide, and Saints Row: The Third had shipped 4.25 million units.

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