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Saints Row 3 Cheats For Xbox 360, PS3, Nintendo Switch and PC

There’s a bunch of awesome cheats which you can trigger in Saints Row 3. Here’s how to enter them.

Saints Row 3 (or Saints Row: The Third) takes the series into even wackier territory, adding in wackier weapons, costumes, and abilities than ever before. This being a Saints Row game and all, there’s absolutely a ton of great cheats to play around with. From vehicle spawns, to weapon cheats, we’ve covered it all in this Saints Row 3 Cheats Guide. We’ll list all Saints Row 3 Cheats for Switch, Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. We’ll also make sure you know exactly how to enter cheats in Saints Row 3. Let’s get started.

Saints Row 3 Cheats

There are many different kinds of cheats that you can use in Saints Row 3. We’ve included a list of the best Saints Row 3 Cheats below, from weapon cheats, to ways to spawn in brand new vehicles.

  • Money ($100,000) - cheese
  • Weapons - letsrock
  • Repair car- repaircar
  • Add police notoriety - pissoffpigs
  • No police notoriety - goodygoody
  • Drunk (drunk pedestrians) - dui
  • Zombies (zombie pedestrians) - brains

Saints Row 3 Weapon Cheats

When looking at Saints Row 3 Cheats, you’ll definitely want to take a look at the weapons cheat codes. They will add new guns to your arsenal, some with one-hit kill capabilities.

  • Weapons - letsrock
  • Golden Gun (one-hit kills) - goldengun
  • Spawn 45 Sheperd - givesheperd
  • Spawn Apocafists - giveapoca
  • Spawn AR 55 - givear55
  • Spawn AS3 Ultimax - giveultimax
  • Spawn Baseball Bat - givebaseball
  • Spawn Chainsaw - givechainsaw
  • Spawn Cyber Blaster - givecybersmg
  • Spawn Cyber Buster - givecyber
  • Spawn D4TH Blossom - giveblossom
  • Spawn Electric Grenade - giveelectric
  • Spawn Flamethrower - giveflamethrower
  • Spawn Flash Bang - giveflashbang
  • Spawn GL G20 Grenade Launcher - givelauncher
  • Spawn Grave Digger - givedigger
  • Spawn Grenade - givegrenade
  • Spawn K-8 Krukov - givekrukov
  • Spawn KA-1 Kobra - givekobra
  • Spawn McManus 2015 - givesniper
  • Spawn Mini Gun - giveminigun
  • Spawn Molotov - givemolotov
  • Spawn Nocturne - givesword
  • Spawn RC Possessor - givercgun
  • Spawn Reaper Drone - givedrone
  • Spawn Riot Shield - giveshield
  • Spawn RPG Launcher - giverpg
  • Spawn S3X Hammer - givehammer
  • Spawn SA-3 Airstrike - giveairstrike
  • Spawn Satchel Charge - givesatchel
  • Spawn Shock Hammer - giverocket
  • Spawn Sonic Boom - givesonic
  • Spawn Stun Gun - givestungun
  • Spawn TEK Z-10 - givetek
  • Spawn The Penetrator - givedildo
  • Spawn Viper Laser Rifle - giveslm8

Saints Row Vehicle Cheats

You’ll need vehicles to get around in Saints Row 3, and some of the best are locked behind cheats. Here are all of the Saints Row 3 Vehicle Cheats you’ll need to know:

  • Spawn Ambulance - giveambulance
  • Spawn Anchor - giveanchor
  • Spawn Attrazione - giveattrazione
  • Spawn Bootlegger - givebootlegger
  • Spawn Challenger - givechallenger
  • Spawn Commander - givecommander
  • Spawn Condor - givecondor
  • Spawn Eagle - giveeagle
  • Spawn Estrada - giveestrada
  • Spawn F69 Vtol - givevtol
  • Spawn Gatmobile - givegatmobile
  • Spawn Kaneda - givekaneda
  • Spawn Kenshin - givekenshin
  • Spawn Knoxville - giveknoxville
  • Spawn Krukov -givekrukov
  • Spawn Miami - givemiami
  • Spawn Municipal - givemunicipal
  • Spawn Nforcer - givenforcer
  • Spawn Peacemaker - givepeacemaker
  • Spawn Phoenix - givephoenix
  • Spawn Quasar - givequasar
  • Spawn Reaper - givereaper
  • Spawn Sandstorm - givesandstorm
  • Spawn Shark - giveshark
  • Spawn Specter - givespecter
  • Spawn Squasar - givesquasar
  • Spawn Status Quo - givestatusquo
  • Spawn Taxi - givetaxi
  • Spawn Titan - givetitan
  • Spawn Toad - givetoad
  • Spawn Tornado - givetornado
  • Spawn Vortex - givevortex
  • Spawn VTOL - givevtol
  • Spawn Vulture - givevulture
  • Spawn Widowmaker - givewidowmaker
  • Spawn Woodpecker - givewoodpecker

Saints Row 3 Money, Police Notoriety, Gang Notoriety

There are even more player-focused cheats for you to take advantage of in Saints Row 3. These include money cheats, Police Notoriety, and Gang Notoriety. Check them out below:

  • Money ($100,000) - cheese
  • Weapons - letsrock
  • Golden Gun (one-hit kills) - goldengun
  • Infinite sprint - runfast
  • No vehicle damage - vroom
  • Repair car - repaircar
  • Add respect - whatitmeanstome
  • Add police notoriety - pissoffpigs
  • No police notoriety - goodygoody
  • Add gang notoriety - lolz
  • No gang notoriety - oops

Saints Row 3 Weather Cheats

You can even alter the weather in Saints Row 3. You’ll find all of the Saints Row 3 Weather Cheats you’ll need below:

  • Sunny weather - clearskies
  • Cloudy weather - overcast
  • Rainy weather - lightrain
  • Very rainy weather - heavyrain

Saints Row 3 Drunk, Zombie, Bloody Mess Cheats

Finally, we have cheats which will get you drunk, turn everyone into zombies, and seriously up the gore-factor. Here’s the cheat codes for Saints Row 3 Drunk cheats.

  • Bloody Mess (everyone killed explodes into blood) - notrated
  • Heaven Bound (corpses rise into the air) - fryhole
  • Vehicle Smash - isquishyou
  • Drunk (drunk pedestrians) - dui
  • Mascots (mascot pedestrians) - mascot
  • Pimps and Hos (pimps and prostitutes pedestrians) - hohoho
  • Zombies (zombie pedestrians) - brains

How to Enter Cheats in Saints Row 3

In case you didn’t know, you’ll need to use the phone in Saints Row 3 to enter cheats. Just bring the phone out and select ‘Extras’. Now, head to ‘Cheats’. From here you can enter cheat codes, though be aware that this will disable Achievements.

Saints Row 3 Achievements

There are a bunch of Achievements to work towards in Saints Row 3. You'll find the full list below:

AchievementHow to Unlock
A Better PersonBuy your first Upgrade from the Upgrade Store.
And Boom Goes the DynamiteComplete all instances of Heli Assault.
Bo-Duke-EnHijack 50 vehicles - Dukes style.
Bright Lights, Big CityComplete all City Takeover gameplay in the entire city of Steelport.
Bromance in the RowPlay sr3 co-op for 5 hours.
Cowboy UpFully upgrade one Weapon in each slot.
Crew of TwoComplete all instances of Activities in Co-op.
Dead PresidentsComplete 'when good heists...'.
Double Dose of PimpingComplete all instances of Snatch.
Everything is PermittedKill all of the hitman Assassination targets.
Fence Killa 2011Complete all instances of Mayhem.
Flash the PanDestroy all Gang Operations in Steelport.
Gangstas... In Space!Complete act 3 in another way.
Gellin' Like MagellanExplore every hood in Steelport.
Gender EqualityPlay for at least 2 hours as a male character AND 2 hours as a female character.
Getting the GoodsFind 25% of all Collectibles.
Go Into the LightComplete all instances of Guardian Angel.
Gotta Break Em InComplete 'the ho boat'.
Hack the PlanetComplete all City Takeover gameplay in the Stanfield district.
Hanging With Mr. PierceComplete all City Takeover gameplay in the Downtown district.
Haters Gonna HateKill 1000 gang members.
Have A Reality ClimaxComplete all instances of Professor Genki's Super Ethical Reality Climax.
Hi-Jack ItSteal and deliver all Vehicle Theft targets.
I Heart Nyte BlaydeComplete 'stag party'.
Jumped InCreate and share a character online.
kill-deckers.exeComplete 'http://deckers.die'.
Kuh, Boom.Complete act 1 in another way.
Life of the PartyFind 100% of all Collectibles.
Love/Hate RelationshipTaunt AND/OR Compliment 50 gang members.
Mourning StarsComplete all City Takeover gameplay in the New Colvin district.
Mr. Fury Would Be ProudComplete act 3 in one way.
Murderbrawl 31Complete 'murderbrawl xxxi'.
Once Bitten... BraaaaaaainsComplete 'zombie attack'.
Opulence, You Has ItComplete 'party time'.
Ouch.Complete all instances of Insurance Fraud.
Ow My Balls!Do your first nutshot AND testicle assault.
Partners in CrimeBeat all Missions in Co-op.
Pimped Out PadUpgrade one Stronghold to its full glory.
Porkchop SandwichesComplete all instances of Trail Blazing.
Shake and BakeComplete your first Challenge.
Stay Classy SteelportKill 25 Gang Members each with 'the Penetrator' AND the Fart in a Jar.
Tank You Very MuchComplete all instances of Tank Mayhem.
The American DreamCustomize 10 vehicles.
The Welcome WagonComplete 'i'm free - free falling'.
Third and 30Spend over 30 hours in Steelport.
Titanic EffortComplete act 2.
Tower DefenseComplete act 1 in one way.
Tune In, Drop OffComplete all instances of Trafficking.
We're Takin' OverComplete 'we've only just begun'.
Who Loves Ya BabyKill 50 brutes.
You're My Hero!Complete all challenges.
You're the Best...Complete all City Takeover gameplay in the Carver Island district.
Your Backseat Smells FunnyComplete all instances of Escort.

If you see any cheat codes that we’ve missed, or if you find any that aren’t working, be sure to leave a comment below. We’ll be sure to keep this list up to date.

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