Red Dead Online's latest Legendary Bounty is wanted for embezzlement and murder
There's a fella on the loose this week in Red Dead Online who needs to be brought to justice.
Lawmen across the country are asking for your help in apprehending a criminal, Red Dead Online players.
The man's name is Philip Carlier, and he's wanted for embezzlement and murdering an employee of the Lemoyne Trading Company. As this week's Legendary Bounty, the fella can be found hanging around the swamps of Lagras. Be warned: he has a "taste for dissociative chemicals," so approach with caution.
This week, Halloween comes to the west. Pay Madam Nazar a visit to obtain various scary masks which are sure to frighten folks across the range. These masks will be available for a limited time.
You can also nab a free, exclusive mask if you are in any of the three Specialist Roles. Licensed Bounty Hunters will receive a variant of the Creature Mask; Traders will be handed the Swine Mask; and Collectors the Masquerade Mask.
There's even more mask fun to be had for Outlaw Pass holders who have hit Club Rank 10. It is an exclusive variation of the Freak Mask. Outlaw Pass holders at Club Rank 20 will also receive the mask plus a variation of The Horror Mask. all players who log into and play GTA Online before December 12 will unlock a color variant of the Slaughter Mask.
Collectors this week should be on the lookout for the Cheater's Suit. There are three pieces, and Madam Nazar will give you the list.
Also, everyone who plays this week will receive an additional 2,000 Club XP and a 30% XP Boost towards progress in the Wheeler, Rawson & Co. Club and The Outlaw Pass for various activities. You can look over the list at the link.
Finally, this week the Free Aim Series is Make It Count. This last standing mode is locked to Bow and Arrow or Throwing Knives.