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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare patch fixes blue name exploit, breaks Regiment tags in the process

Yesterday's Modern Warfare patch brought a welcome fix to a big problem, but not without breaking things in a different way.

The recent launch of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's Season 2 introduced a new feature to the game: Regiments. Those are essentially clans; groups where players can all carry the same clan tag and get other benefits such as double XP for one hour each day.

Registering a Regiment name changes the colour of the associated tag to gold, indicating that it's unique. Unfortunately, players quickly discovered that you could change the colour of the tag to one of several other colours.

Because this wasn't intended, it introduced a bug whereby the entire character name colour would also be changed. This essentially allowed players to have permanent blue names, which is the default colour for teammates in core game modes. You can already guess how this has been abused.

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This week's Modern Warfare patch, released last night, addressed this particular problem, alongside a few other minor issues. It was not the best fix, however, because players are now reporting that it broke the entire Regiment tag structure for everyone.

If you're part of a Regiment yourself, you may have noticed that it has "3" or "3 3" in the tag field. 3 is the code for gold, which is the colour the tag should be in, but it appears the patch broke that so it turns into the code instead of changing the text colour.

This is obviously much less of a problem compared to blue tags everywhere, but it's a bit amusing that every other Modern Warfare patch seems to break things in new ways.

Read on below for the full change log of this week's patch:

  • Fix for Regiment tags not appearing as intended.
  • Fix for players receiving the "Jockworth" error while in Gunfight tournaments.
  • Fix for a bug where numbers on the team roster and numbers on the COD Caster minimap did not correspond.
  • Pointman: Fix for an issue where Killchain scores were being given for killstreak kills without having Killchain equipped.
  • Fix for a CDL Gunsmith exploit.

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