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UPDATE: Xbox One consoles will not include bundled headsets

Xbox One consoles will not come bundled with headsets, contrary to report that surfaced earlier today. It was claimed that Microsoft's UK product distributor confirmed the inclusion today.

UPDATE 2: MCV confirmed that the Xbox One will not include a bundled headset, before saying that the source changed their statement to "no comment." So we're back to square one folks.

UPDATE 1: OXM has just tweeted the following:

We're still waiting to hear back from Microsoft on the matter.

ORIGINAL STORY: Electronic Theatre claims it was told by Microsoft's official UK product distributor Gem that Xbox One consoles will now include bundled headsets.

The news follows Microsoft's original headset reveal, which said the peripheral was not included with consoles as Kinect doubles up as a microphone. The move caused the company further backlash from fans.

We've asked Microsoft for comment to see if the above is actually true. Stay tuned.

Thanks Eurogamer.

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