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Virtuix Omni treadmill demo'd with Oculus Rift, Kinect

Virtuix makes omni-directional treadmills, which may not seem relevant to your life interests until you see it in partnership with Oculus Rift and Kinect, bringing us one step closer to 1980's sci-fi virtual reality experiences.

Virtuix has been using the Kinect for some time now and hopes to ship the new Omni treadmill with its own proprietary sensor array - but this is the first time it's shown off its tech in conjunction with the Oculus Rift headset. The video below shows off a session of Team Fortress 2 with this set up.

The end goal of this project is a unit you can afford to purchase and set up in your gaming den, and Virtuix may take it to Kickstarter.

Running is not actually an activity I enjoy; can someone just invent man-machine interfaces already so I can lie on a bed being fed artificial happiness ala The Matrix?

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Thanks, Engadget.

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