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Gas Powered Games situation looking "much better"

Wildman and Gas Powered Games seem set to forge ahead despite the developer's recent difficulties, at the urging of fans, backers and friends.

Speaking to Polygon, Gas Powered Games boss Chris Taylor said things are looking up since he asked backers whether he should close down Wildman's Kickstarter or persevere.

"I don't want to make any assumptions at this point, but things look much better, and I think it's still going to be a long road ahead, but we're prepared to work very hard to make this happen," he said.

"I'm already making phone calls and setting up meetings to talk to key people about coming back, to see the campaign through. At least now, everyone has their eyes wide open, no surprises."

Talylor also explained why he'd suggested closing the Kickstarter and pulling out; he said an industry friend recommended it, as Taylor's "reputation was at stake".

Happily for those keen to see the game come to fruition, both consumers and other industry insiders had a different opinion.

"It never occurred to me that the industry would rally like it did, and that people would then invest, not only in Wildman, but in helping me to save GPG and the team (in fact, it's probably the other way around, and I think the Kickstarter has become about saving a company and the game is a distant second)," Taylor added.

Wildman has attracted more than $260,000 of its $1.1 million goal. Get on board at Kickstarter.

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