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Animal Crossing (Page 4)

Why Animal Crossing Succeeded Where Social Games Failed

Why Animal Crossing Succeeded Where Social Games Failed

Seemingly everyone is playing Nintendo's new life sim at the moment -- even those who would never normally touch social games. What's Nintendo done differently to the hundreds of Facebook game developers out there?
A Life Less Ordinary: Living a Virtual Life

A Life Less Ordinary: Living a Virtual Life

"Life sims" are an interesting spinoff of the strategy and RPG genres, and with the current popularity of Animal Crossing: New Leaf, they're at the forefront of the public's attention at present. Pete investigates some of the most intriguing examples over the years.
Shorting the Turnips Market

Shorting the Turnips Market

Eurogamer's Chris Donlan investigates Animal Crossing's strange spin on Wall Street.
Before Amiibo Cards, Nintendo Gave Us e-Reader

Before Amiibo Cards, Nintendo Gave Us e-Reader

The notion of transmitting video game data via trading cards may seem strange, but with Amiibo Cards are simply another instance of Nintendo repurposing an old idea.