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Just Cause 2 demo to feature "35 square miles" of island


A Square Enix community manager's dropped a ton of detail on an upcoming Just Cause 2 demo, saying the tester will feature around "35 square miles" of play area.

Mike Oldman, told fan site Panau Island that the demo includes "approximately 35 square miles of sandy desert, featuring towns and settlements, military bases, runways (and planes) and plenty more".

He added: "The demo will give you a pretty good snapshot of what the final game has to offer. So in terms of Rico's abilities and the crazy stunts he can pull off - it's all in there.

"There's also one whole multi-stage faction mission for you to try, a race challenge and ample opportunities to cause chaos at pretty much every turn. There's a good mix of vehicles, everything from tuk tuks to planes, helicopters to jeeps, military and civilian.

"We really want you to play it again and again, to try out as much as you can. If you don't fancy tackling the mission for example, don't. See if we care. You'll easily find something else to keep you occupied."

The game itself, developed by Avalanche, looks fantastic in latest trailers, and should be well up on your list for this month.

There's no date on the demo as yet. Just Cause 2 is out on March 26 for PS3 and 360.

Thanks, Eurogamer.

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