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Fallout 76 Bureau of Tourism Repair Prickett’s Fort Ticket Dispenser - Is it Broken?

The world of Fallout 76 is a dangerous place. There’s other players, vicious robots and even a new hyper-intelligent race of ghouls to contend with. Here’s how to make sure you stay alive.

The opening missions in Fallout 76 are designed to slowly lead you through new areas of the map, giving much needed context and lore through the use of terminals and Holotapes. One quest in particular, called ‘Bureau of Tourism’ leads players to an area called Grafton, then along to an area called Prickett’s Fort. The problem is, many players have experienced a bug with one of the objectives, making the quest impossible to complete. In this Fallout 76 Bureau of Tourism Guide, we’ll lead you through the quest, and identify where the bug has been popping up. We’ll also be collecting information on a possible fix, keeping you updated for when you can continue with the quest.

For more on Fallout 76, be sure to head over to our Fallout 76 Guides Hub. It’s got links to all of our Fallout 76 Guides Content, including a look at best weapons, perks and more.

Fallout 76 Bureau of Tourism Quest

The Bureau of Tourism quest is an early questline which takes players up to the northeastern part of the map. It is picked up by heading to the area marked on your map, with the ‘tune into WGRF Grafton radio’ marker tied to it. All you need to do is get close enough to tune into the station, where you’ll be given further instructions. The first thing you’ll need to do is speak to the Grafton Mayor, so far so good. The Mayor will give you a handful of tasks to complete, including repairing a check-in terminal at Black Bear Lodge, opening the water valve at a waterpark, and picking up beer bottles at the shooting range. It’s the fourth objective where the issues lie though, so let’s take a look at the ‘repair Prickett’s Fort ticket dispenser’ task.

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Fallout 76 Repair Prickett’s Fort Ticket Dispenser

One of the tasks in the Bureau of Tourism quest is to head to Prickett’s Fort and repair the ticket dispenser. This should be simple enough, but things are currently bugged. Many players have been reporting that upon arriving at the Ticket Dispenser, there is no option to repair it. It seems that there is basically no hitbox detection for the machine, and as a result, players can just move straight through it. It isn’t possible to complete the Bureau of Tourism quest without finishing this objective, so for now players are being locked out.

Is Bethesda Working On a Bureau of Tourism Fix?

Given how fresh out the game is, Bethesda has yet to address any of the main bugs and glitches. At the time of writing, this includes the Bureau of Tourism error. Heading over to the Bethesda support site you’ll see that there are a ton of complaints from players flagging this bug as a problem. The more players that do so, the more likely it is to get fixed, so if you’ve experienced the bug, then be sure to report it.

Fallout 76 Bureau of Tourism Possible Fix

If you’ve encountered the ticket dispenser bug in the Bureau of Tourism quest, there is something that you can do to reset it. Some players are reporting that ‘world hopping’ can solve some of Fallout 76’s most prevalent bugs. This essentially just means exiting a server and then joining a new one over and over again. Not an ideal fix by any means, but it could work if you find yourself wanting to finish the quest.

If you're after all the Fallout 76 goodness you can handle, we've got plenty of Fallout 76 guides for you. Consult our Fallout 76 Atoms Guide to find out if Fallout 76 has microtransactions, find out about Fallout 76 Factions, take a look at all the Fallout 76 Perks, and discover how Fallout 76 Nukes work. We've also got a detailed guide on Fallout 76 Base Building and settlements, a page on Fallout 76's Best Weapons, and Fallout 76 Mutations