Breath of the Wild Muwo Jeem Shrine Walkthrough
There are going to be plenty of times where Link is facing off against Guardians in Shrines of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and some are tougher than others. In this Zelda Breath of the Wild Muwo Jeem Shrine guide, we'll be walking you through all the details that you need to know in order to defeat the Guardian of this particular Shrine.
Breath of the Wild Muwo Jeem Shrine Walkthrough

- Preparation is key to success with this Trial. You're going to need to go in with as many heart containers as possible (seven is a good number but you could do it on less), and a stack of high damage weapons (20+ damage) and strong shields. If you can lay your hands on explosive and ice arrows, they will also come in very handy too. A Bokoblin camp at the base of the hill leading up to the shrine is heavily guarded, but defeat them all and you'll be able to grab a few decent weapons.
- Once you enter the Trial room you'll come face to face with an enemy. This foe looks similar to one you've likely already fought in the Ta'Loh Naeg's Teaching Trial. It won't take long to realise that this mechanical warrior is a lot more powerful and can withstand an extreme amount of damage.
- The slightly amusing looking enemy has a few different attacks. The most basic is just a melee attack, which you dodge and counter with a flurry of your own strikes. The robot will also charge at you, but if you're stood behind a pillar it will smash through it and be immobile for a short period. Use this time to run in and attack.
- Other attacks come in the form of projectile blasts that can be dodged with a side hop and a stationary move in which the monster spins round a long leash that can deal a lot of damage. When the leash spin is being performed you can shoot arrows from distance (with ice arrows freezing the beast and giving you a moment to run in and strike).
- Even if you know the tactics, the result will be heavily determined by your weapons. You can't really grind the robot down due to weapon breakages, so high damage swords, clubs, and axes are the way to go. Your remote bombs sadly don't deal very much damage. This is a battle of attrition and item management, but if you can win you'll be rewarded handsomely.
- Our resilient triped foe drops an Ancient Battle Axe + (45 Damage) and a Guardian Shield +(30 Defence) - plus some ancient items that will come in handy. Now it's simply a case of going through the opened door, taking the bow from the chest and then completing the trial to gain another Spirit Orb.

It's worth seeing how to most quickly build up your rupee supply and if you're tired of battle you could take some time out and relax with a horse of your very own. In order to survive you're also going to need to know how to kill Guardians, and getting hearts and stamina will help with that. It wouldn't hurt to know how to cook special recipes too.
If you're looking for more on Breath of the Wild, be sure to read Nadia's op-ed on why BOTW 2 needs to be as weird as Majora's Mask.. Elsewhere, there's Mike's original review of the game.