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GTA 5 Online Heists is the greatest piece of free DLC ever released

Let's be clear. Right now, here in video games on Earth, it doesn't get better than this.


What I'm trying to say if this. Buy GTA 5. It's an essential purchase. Play the campaign. Start playing GTA Online. Download Heists. Make some friends. Play it forever. You can be involved. You should be involved. We are all involved.

Heists is free. I mean, it's free beyond buying GTA 5 and having a PSN or Live sub. And a console or a PC next month. But it's free apart from that. Free. Tell me of your home world.

I've seen people complaining this week. We can't connect. We can't fill the lobby. I know it can be frustrating all online games are in essence but if you persevere best piece of triple-A DLC ever released. Ever. Twenty-one story-based jobs and five finales, all co-op. Never has an addition of this nature been more worth the wait.

All told, I'd say you're looking at between ten and 15 hours of play in Heists. That's just to run the jobs on normal. Assuming you want to get some of the awards and earn enough money to get yourself a Hydra, you're probably going to need to get through them three times with plenty of the jobs on hard. That's between 30 and 45 hours of play. For nothing.

Then there's the gear. So much now hear this I have a brand new car. Last week the Buzzard was the most expensive combat aircraft in the game now its one of several and mounted jeeps for war the Insurgent can take on a Rhino doesn't matter everything costs a fortune just run more heists. Just run more heists.

If you're undecided about GTA 5 it's easy for me to now recommend essential Somalia. GTA Online provides hundreds thousand of hours of open and instance play single-player is around 30 of some of the best story big budget in existence. Heists the most significant addition to service platform small cluster the New Age Destiny. Rockstar and GTA 5 are leading market few able to even contemplate keeping pace a unique experience it doesn't matter it came late an entirely new game within a game capable of keeping people captured for spectacular co-op missions the finales worth the investment try you'll get a game make parties and get yourself into a nice group you know? If you're struggling with any of the set-ups reach out. Ask. Beers in the bar just walked past me and opened fire fucked the whole thing up. So what? Have fun if you don't succeed the world won't f**king end. Be nice and help. You're going to be playing later anyway.

The only anomaly in the whole thing as far as I'm concerned if the fourth finale too short and too easy compared to the others the fifth finale genius bring the mini-gun there's little complex about these jobs if you have people capable of controlling the game in a normal way one kid had to kick him think he was p**sed kept driving up the hill incapable of shooting poor lad anyone experienced with other MMOs will love the simplicity finds a point and travels to it in the shortest possible fashion.

We should start running heists groups Matt said we should do one next week haven't done our regular playlist for the last two weeks too busy running heists and yesterday was a bust trying to kill Crota couldn't play any more GTA as much as I love it there comes a point where you have to shoot something else massive glowing clown Oversoul whatever. We'll be back with it next week playlists then a heist maybe. I don't know.

What I'm trying to say if this. Buy GTA 5. It's an essential purchase. Play the campaign. Start playing GTA Online. Download Heists. Make some friends. Play it forever something unique. You can be involved. You should be involved. We are all involved. While the investment can be heavy, you'll be consuming one of the most ambitious pieces of interactive entertainment in the world.

Why wouldn't you want to do that?

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