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Dead Rising 3 PC gets a release date - in the Steam Summer Sale?

You might have noticed one of today's Steam Summer Sale items is Dead Rising 3, a game that won't release until September. Let's talk about that.


In a quite unusual move, Capcom has added the pre-order to the Steam Summer Sale; you can pick it up for 25% off during the first day of the bargain-fest.

As highlighted on Capcom Unity, the Steam pre-order is the first mention of the former Xbox One exclusive's September 5 PC release date. Bit odd.

In a recent Twitch stream, as reported by Blue's News, Capcom confirmed PC users will be able to up the frame rate from the 30FPS the Xbox One version is locked to, but made some rumblings about the consequences of doing so.

Now, in a Steam Community post, the publisher has provided two chunks of footage showing off how the game looks at an uncapped frame rate - although using a V-Sync monitor. You'll want to download and watch these, as uploading them to YouTube defeats the purpose; YouTube videos are locked to a lower frame rate.

"While Dead Rising 3 is optimized to run at 30 frames per second for gameplay reasons, you can expect it to still run fine uncapped under most conditions provided you have a capable enough hardware," a representative wrote.

"We can’t guarantee that there won’t be issues, and obviously depending on your rig you may see different results. Rest assured the beefier your gaming machine, the smoother your zombie killing experience will be.

"Bear in mind the frame rate will fluctuate in uncapped mode in certain areas, particularly later in the game, where streets are literally filled with zombies and other complex objects. Couple that with an open world sandbox game engine, big explosions, complex physics interaction, and huge draw distance and you’re bound to experience dips here and there."

Dead Rising 3 was announced for PC earlier this month.

Thanks, Blue's News.

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