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Guerrilla co-founder Brussee departs for Visceral Games

Guerrilla Games co-founder Arjan Brussee has left the Dutch developer to head to Visceral Games as an executive producer.

Brussee founded the Killzone developer in 2004 alongside Arnout van der Kamp as a merger of two previous studios to form Lost Boys. Before then, he worked at Epic on Jazz Jackrabbit.

In an email sent to Guerrilla staff, which Control-Online has gained hold of, he said his time at Guerrilla had been "a great ride".

"Every year there was something ambitious, new and inspiring to put my energy into. For me, I now want to find a new personal challenge, which I hope to find at EA HQ near SF,CA and who knows where this will take me next," he said in the mail.

Brusse has been an executive producer, production director and development director on all the games Guerrilla has released to date, including Shellshock Nam '67, all three main Killzone installments and Killzone Liberation for PSP.

Thanks, Maurice.

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