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Large format E3 brings in three times the revenue of reduced show

E3 2009's return to the beloved large-scale trade show format resulted in a tripling of revenue for event organisers, the Entertainment Software Association.

Gamespot reports the latest ESA tax filings show E3 revenues grew to $11.76 million for the year ending March 2010, during which E3 2009 was held.

That's more three times that of the fiscal year of E3 2008, which only brought in $3.24 million.

When E3 was scaled back and began bringing in less revenue, the ESA tried increasing its membership dues to compensate, but to no avail - income actually dropped as a result.

Now that the premiere US games show is back on its feet, revenue from membership is still dropping off, but the ESA showed a 21 percent increase in total income for FY 2010.

The ESA counts most of the West's major publishers among its members, although Vivendi and its subsidiary Activision are notable exceptions.

The trade organisation advocates for industry bodies in legal and legislative matters, supports the ESRB, and of course, holds E3.

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