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Enslaved is finished, just getting some polish


Namco Bandai Partners VP Olivier Comte has said that Ninja Theory's Enslaved is already finished; it's just getting some polish at the moment.

Speaking with CVG in Barcelona, Comte said that not only is the game getting some spit-shine, but the publisher also thinks this is "the best game" the developer has "ever made".

"There is no doubt, this is priority number one," he said. "The game is already finished as of a couple of weeks and months ago and they are polishing the game.

"Everything is on track. The studio has a good track record and I think this is the best game that they've ever made. They have the best music, the best art design, the best writers... honestly, we have everything to build a very, very strong franchise. I will be very sad if we miss it.

"I don't know if it'll work but I can't imagine it won't. What I know is that I can guarantee that this will be the priority number one title for the company worldwide and we will make all the effort necessary to make it a success and to build the franchise."

VG247 was in Barcelona and had a look at Enslaved as well, and you can get our interview with Ninja Theory boss Tameem Antoniades here.

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West releases this fall for PS3 and Xbox 360, and a demo as well as story-based DLC is "on the cards" for the title.

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