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Xbox One (Page 153)

Win Me Over, Titanfall

Win Me Over, Titanfall

Can Titanfall get its claws into a hardened shooter cynic like Pete? After ten matches, he has an answer.
Battlefield 4: Disaster Report

Battlefield 4: Disaster Report

Eurogamer contributor Jon Denton charts the collateral damage of EA and DICE's catastrophic launch.
Definitely Not on Rails

Definitely Not on Rails

Eurogamer's Wesley Yin-Poole on Lionhead's post-Molyneux era. And Fable, of course.
Craig Sullivan's Need for Speed

Craig Sullivan's Need for Speed

Eurogamer's Martin Robinson talks to the former Criterion creative director on the challenge of Rivals and the series' annualization.
What ID@Xbox Means for Gamers

What ID@Xbox Means for Gamers

Eurogamer's Wesley Yin-Poole speaks with Microsoft's Chris Charla about Xbox One's self-publishing program.