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The Witcher: Versus storms App Store, immediately goes on sale

Which Witcher is which? Well, Witcher: Versus is the Witcher bewitching your iPhone, and it's available now. Witcherly.

The game's a duel-based MMO that lets you pick between three classes: Witcher, Sorceress, and of course - the most overused fantasy cliche of them all - Giant Bug Monster.

As you might expect, fighting, completing challenges, and things of the like grant you access to treasure troves of loot and new skills. We're hoping to get our Giant Bug Monster an absolutely delightful hat, for instance.

Best of all, in celebration of all the day one hubbub, Witcher: Versus is on sale for a mere 99c/59p. So get to it, or else we'll make more Witcher puns. And that's not a promise; it's a threat.

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