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Retronauts' 8-Bit Superhero Sampler Returns with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Batman

This week on USgamer's classic gaming podcast, we look into two of the more memorable comic book games on the NES.

This article first appeared on USgamer, a partner publication of VG247. Some content, such as this article, has been migrated to VG247 for posterity after USgamer's closure - but it has not been edited or further vetted by the VG247 team.

The first installment of Retronauts Micro's 8-Bit Superhero Sampler didn't feature the finest comic-book-inspired video games known to man—in fact, they just might be some of the worst.

This time around, we're much more positive, seeing as we're discussing games that stuck around in our memories for the right reasons. Despite the sheer oddness and uneven nature of the NES' Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, it remains one of the most-played games of the 8-bit era, largely due to its green heroes who've been bigger than Jesus since 1987. (But hey, you can't dispute the quality of its kickass soundtrack.) And, of course, there's Batman: While Sunsoft games weren't always of the highest quality, when this developer was on, they were on. Even if it's a relatively short experience, most of us who grew up in the NES era would likely rank Batman as one of the better games in the system's library. That said, we'll probably return to this subject again, so until then, enjoy the second half of this carefully dissected recording!

Joining us on this one is Chris Antista, captain of the Laser Time Podcast Network, Henry Gilbert, who now works for Wikia's Fandom group, and Chris Baker, author of WRONG! Retro Games, You Messed Up Our Comic Book Heroes! . As always, you can keep up with the latest Retronauts news via our Twitter and Facebook accounts, and check out some of our video content over on our YouTube page. And, in case you forgot, Retronauts is fully funded by our Patreon campaign, so if you can afford to donate even a dollar a month, please consider it! Every little bit really helps our cause.

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