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Destiny 2 Black Armory: next update focuses on Ballistics Logs, stack limit, lore drops increase

Changes are coming to the Black Armory later this month in Destiny 2.

Bungie has outlined some of the changes Destiny 2 players can expect to the Black Armory when update 2.1.4 lands January 29.

According the weekly blast, the studio has been collecting player feedback on Black Armory weapon forging.

When the update arrives, Ballistics Logs will no longer be removed at reset and the stack limit will be increased to five per character.

Weapon frames will also be refunded into logs or reports when carried across reset. Gold frames will refund into one Ballistics Log, and Silver frames refunded into Modulus Reports. You will still only be able to purchase up to two Gold frames per week.

You'll also find instances of Radiant Matrix will be removed on weekly reset, and the issue with frames missing from Ada's inventory on a week-to-week basis has been fixed.

If you lose any Modulus Reports or Ballistics Logs, you will find them at the Postmaster.

Drop rates for Black Armory Lore will increase from 10% to 20%, and now required a "successful forge ignition" for chance to drop. Forge emblems will be awarded when completing a forge, and no longer require a specific bounty to be completed.

Finally, the quest step requiring you to defeat a "high-value target on Nessus" has been changed a bit. You will no longer need to land the final blow.

A list off issues which will be resolved with update 2.1.4 was also provided by Bungie. You'll want to look those over on the official website.

You will also find more information on Bungie's plans for weapons tuning, which includes upping the damage on underutilized weapon archetypes.

If you need help with the Black Armory Mysterious Box, we have you covered at the link. And be sure to check out our help page on the Niobe Labs puzzle while you're at it.


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