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USgamer's RPG Podcast Ponders Pokémon Go's Impact on the Series

AXE OF THE BLOOD GOD: Will Pokémon Go spur interest in Sun and Moon? Is Monster Hunter Generations worth playing? We discuss these questions and more in the latest RPG podcast.

This article first appeared on USgamer, a partner publication of VG247. Some content, such as this article, has been migrated to VG247 for posterity after USgamer's closure - but it has not been edited or further vetted by the VG247 team.

Axe of the Blood God is our weekly RPG podcast hosted by Kat Bailey. You can find the previous episodes here.

In this week's episode of Axe of the Blood God (download link here), I discuss Pokémon Go with Bob, who is possibly the last holdout on Niantic's megahit. Then we dive into Monster Hunter Generations and what separates it from the rest of the series.

Like everyone else, I've been swept up in the mania surrounding Pokémon Go. Its RPG elements are a tad threadbare - most of the depth that makes Pokémon great is missing - but it's still worth discussing in relation to the rest of the series. As for why Bob is holding out, I'll let him explain his reasoning in the episode.

In the second segment, which starts around the 24 minute mark, we dive into a series that Bob does like - Monster Hunter. Monster Hunter Generations flew in under the radar a bit amid the craziness surrounding Pokémon Go, but it's still worth discussing. It also fits rather neatly with this week's monster theme. All that and more in this week's episode of Axe of the Blood God.

Next week: I'll be on vacation, but Bob and Nadia will be handling the podcast in my absence!

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Show Description

Pokemon Go mania has gripped the Internet, but not Bob Mackey, who is this week's guest. Kat and Bob debate the merits of Pokemon Go, then review Monster Hunter Generations (24:00) in this monster-filled episode of our RPG podcast.

Music from Axe of the Blood God is courtesy of Lena Chappelle, who has also contributed the themes to Active Time Babble and Roleplayers' Realm. I also use music from the RPG Music Pack over at Check it out!

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