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Pokémon GO Turns One, Mario Will Never Die, and the Rest of This Week's Headlines

ENDING CREDITS | Taking a look a back at this week's headlines and everything else you might have missed on USgamer.

This article first appeared on USgamer, a partner publication of VG247. Some content, such as this article, has been migrated to VG247 for posterity after USgamer's closure - but it has not been edited or further vetted by the VG247 team.

Ahh. There's nothing like being clasped to summer's warm bosom.

Provided you have air conditioning.

We've ambled into the hottest part of the year, and what's typically a slow time for games. Think of it as the dog days of gaming.

Just be careful who you use the term "dog days" around. Some folks find it offensive.

That doesn't mean we here at USgamer took it easy all week. No, sir. We believe in a firm work ethic 'round these pages. Hey, does anyone know if I can mix Fireball whisky with Coke, or will that make the Tooth Fairy scream in horror? I'm asking for a friend who doesn't have a firm work ethic.

Here's what made headlines this week:

  • Splatoon 2 is around the corner! Nintendo gave us one last Splatoon 2 Direct, during which we met two new pop idols, Pearl and Marina. The internet is in love.
  • Pokémon GO is a year old, and Niantic is celebrating! Pikachu has a new hat, meaning Ash will have to spray for lice and ticks next time he wants to wear it.
  • Is Platinum teasing games for the Nintendo Switch? It might be. And speaking of indies, what does Falcom think of Nintendo's new system? Hello, yes, I'd like all the Ys games for the Switch, please.
  • There are no Game Overs in Super Mario Odyssey, which means Mario is immortal, which means he's doomed to eternal misery. That's gotta be rough for Luigi, but he'll stick it out. He's the best Mario brother, after all.
  • Hopefully you like Sonic Mania, because it could represent the future of Sonic games.
  • Kat and I finally have time to do a little RPG catch-up over at Axe of the Blood God. This week: We talk about the Breath of the Wild DLC, and Mike comes on board to talk about Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood.
  • The first part of the Netflix Castlevania series is out, and we're already getting a second season. We're also getting an Assassin's Creed animation.
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Today's End Credits theme isn't an actual ending tune. Rather, it's just … a tune. But what a tune. Nothing reminds me of summer like Skate or Die, primarily because when I was a kid I stayed indoors and played the game instead of going outside. Ech. Sunilght.

Some people swear by the Commodore 64 version of the Skate or Die theme. I don't – I think it sounds like a kindle of agonized cats screaming into a cheap microphone – but hey, I'm not an agitator. Let's just put it here for parity's sake.

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