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What Game Have You Been Playing Since the Holidays?

COMMUNITY QUESTION | It's a slow season for games this month, at least until Kingdom Hearts 3 and Resident Evil 2 hit.

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It's been a slow time in terms of new video games. Today, Nintendo released two slight remasters, but other than that, it's mostly been a time for ports (like Catherine on PC).

Fittingly, some of us have used the time to start coasting through our backlogs, while most of us haven't been diving into anything substantial at all. And that's what this week's community question is focused on: What game have you been playing since the holidays?

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Mike Williams, Reviews Editor

I've received a number of review games, but the truth of the matter is I've mostly been playing XCOM 2? There's something magical about having an entire squad pool made of your friends and then seeing who lives and dies. Because most of them are going to die. That's just the way it is.

I've also been chipping away at Assassin's Creed Odyssey's world in the background, but that's kind of an ongoing battle that will never end.

Nadia Oxford, Staff Writer

Been playing a great deal of Red Dead Redemption 2, and thinking deep thoughts about its characters.

I've also been playing Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom, which is a delightful little platformer that should come naturally to fans of Shantae. When my Big RPG Mood starts flaring up, I switch over to Phantasy Star 4. I downloaded Sega Genesis Collection for the Switch.

Oh, and uh...I've downloaded the new Ragnarok Online adaptation for mobile. I've been a Ragnarok Online fan since 2003, and I'm thrilled this adorable MMORPG universe is still ticking on. The mobile adaptation is pretty good, actually! Porings 5evah.

Caty McCarthy, Features Editor

My answer is really boring, but I'm actually making a conscious effort to play less games this year. In compiling my 2018 best of list, I realized I played a stupid amount of games, and by the end of the year, barely remembered most of them—even the ones I reviewed! So instead of forcing myself to play every game that ever releases just because, I'm prioritizing the important ones: what I actually want to play, and what I have to play for work. Oh, and I guess Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, which I still dip into most nights for a couple rounds. Anyways, I've been reading Min Jin Lee's Pachinko over the past couple weeks, which is excellent. I'm a little over halfway through and I highly recommend it!

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