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Cassandra Khaw (Page 3)

Payday 2 Review

Payday 2 Review

Can you keep your cool when the stakes are high, the A.I is frustrating and there are more policemen outside than there are stars in the sky? Payday 2 wants to know.
Lunch Freebie: Synermous

Lunch Freebie: Synermous

Our free game of the day is a weirdly beautiful multiplayer exploration of life, color and death.
Lunch Freebie: Treasure Trap

Lunch Freebie: Treasure Trap

Today on Lunch Freebie, we've got a browser-based title that let you play as the soul of a displaced monarch, one who wants nothing more than to keep his tomb safe.
Lunch Freebie: Berserk Ball 2

Lunch Freebie: Berserk Ball 2

For today's 'free game you can play RIGHT THIS MINUTE', we have an old favorite: Berserk Ball 2. How far can you hit a nerd? (No, really.)
Lunch Break Special: Second Chance

Lunch Break Special: Second Chance

With the Monday blues weighing on your shoulders, do you think you have what it takes to save the world? Today's Lunch Break Special wants to know.
DotA, You've Grown Up: A Look Back

DotA, You've Grown Up: A Look Back

With Dota 2 released, Cassandra spends some time reminiscing about how far this community-made mod has come.
M is for Molydeux: Rad Games from the Molyjam 2013

M is for Molydeux: Rad Games from the Molyjam 2013

Creepy forests, aggressive sausages, and far, far too many kicked puppies. While last weekend's Molyjam was not terribly kind to animals, it certainly produced some nifty stuff.