Where to find Riju in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Let's go and find the chief of the Gerudo.
You'll have now finally entered Gerudo Town in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, which is just a sandy shell of the bustling town it once was. What's more is that this time around, Link does not have to disguise himself as a Gerudo, but he does have to sneak in before any Gerudo soldier gives him the time of day.
Once we reach Gerudo Town, our first priority is tracking down the chief: Riju. Without further ado, here's where to find Riju in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Where to find Riju in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
When you reach Gerudo Town, head into the underground shelter straight ahead. You’ll be told that you cannot enter the shelter as you are a voe (man), but you can seek shelter on the surface above.
Go into the Throne Room which is above the underground shelter. Behind the throne is a sand seal statue. Move the statue using Ultrahand to reveal a small well that Link can jump down into.

Press ahead to infiltrate the underground shelter, where the Gerudo folk won’t be very happy with your appearance. That said, Buliara will recognise Link, and provide him with permission to freely wander Gerudo Town, including this shelter.
Buliara will also advise you that Riju has gone to some ruins to the north of Gerudo Town to train, so we’re going to head right there and follow her.
The easiest way to reach Riju is via the underground shelter. Explore the shelter freely, stocking up on resources where needed, and head toward the east when you’re ready. Once you pass the two sand seals, you’ll be in the Valley of the Silent Statues.

Continue ahead, collecting resources and minerals around the ruins. There’ll be a few Gibdo’s toward the end; tackle them with Chu Chu Jelly to melt their armor and then attack. They’ll drop Gibdo Bones, which are a great material to fuse to your weapons, adding 40 fuse power.
Once you exit the Valley of Silent Statues, you’ll be at the North Gerudo Ruins with Riju training in front of you.
Speak with Riju, who’ll tell you that she is practicing her electric ability, and will ask Link to help her out. Fire one of Links arrows at the targets, and Riju will send out an electric blast.

After target practice, a Gerudo soldier will come along to notify Riju that Kara Kara Bazaar is being swarmed by Gibdo. Make your way back to Kara Kara Bazaar (you can fast travel via the Mayatat Shrine), where a fight will ensue.
This fight is a further test of our ability to use Riju’s lightning attack. Much like we did during target practice, we want to ensure all the Gibdo’s are within the yellow orb, and then fire an arrow at them, so Riju’s ability can melt the enemies.
Rinse and repeat until Riju eventually points out that the Gibdo are coming from these tall mushroom pillars around the area. Take care of Riju, though, as if her health depletes, we’ll have to restart the fight.

What we now need to do is wait for the mushrooms to begin glowing pink. When they do, we need to fire an arrow at them to unleash Riju’s lightning and halt the Gibdo swarm.
When the fight is over, we need to make our way back to Gerudo Town; you can fast travel here via the Soryotanog Shrine. Once there, speak with Riju outside of the Throne Room.
How to complete the battle of Gerudo Town in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Up next, we have another battle at Gerudo Town. This time, things play out as a strange RTS-style of fight, more so than our usual Zelda combat. After looting the area of resources, speak to Teake to arrange which soldiers will defend which gates of the town.

You don’t have to do this, but it can help if your first run was unsuccessful and you don’t like where the soldiers are taking up position. When you’re ready, go and let Riju (who is still in the Throne Room) know that preparations for the fight are complete.
Once the fight begins, listen to Riju’s callouts, and go where she suggests; this will be where Gibdo are spawning, so we can attack them as we just did before eventually aiming for the large mushroom that is spawning them.

All in all, there are three large mushrooms around Gerudo Town that are spitting out Gibdo. We’ll need to destroy all three while keeping Link and Riju safe for the fight to be over; make sure you’re using Riju’s lightning ability throughout the fight, as this is pivotal to it being a success!
Riju will then request that you meet her in the shelter underneath Gerudo Town to investigate a mural. Head back underground to speak with her. To continue our walkthrough of the Gerudo Town questline, move on to how to solve the Gerudo pillar puzzle.
For more on Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, take a look at what you should be using Bubbul gems for. Similarly, take a look at our money-making guide to see which minerals you should sell, and don't forget to collect Impa's Geoglyphs as you explore Hyrule.