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Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion pumpkin riddle explained

Go to where the trees rot, or you’ll return to the bot…

Turnip Boy stands in Grim Graveyard in Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion
Image credit: Graffiti Games

Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion is a rather simple game, but it certainly has its moments that get you thinking, even if they are few and far between. The Pumpkin riddle that takes place in Grim Graveyard for example is one that will no doubt have you stumped.

Grim Graveyard is an area that doesn’t confine itself to the laws of time and space, and one wrong turn sees you back at Veggieville. The Pumpkin here dishes out various riddles that lead the way, but they become increasingly difficult. To help you out, here’s how to complete the Pumpkin riddle in Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion.

Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion pumpkin riddle explained

After arriving at Grim Graveyard and speaking to Tots in Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion, you’ll meet a strange Pumpkin that speaks only in riddles. These riddles tell you which way is the correct way to go, and going the wrong way means starting all over again in Veggieville.

Turnip Boy listens to a Pumpkin telling him a riddle in Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion
North first! | Image credit: Graffiti Games/VG247

The first riddle is ‘go where the trees rot or you’ll fall to the bot’, which hints at you to follow any decaying, hollowed out tree stumps you see. That means north first!

Turnip Boy listens to a Pumpkin telling him a riddle in Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion
West next. | Image credit: Graffiti Games/VG247

Up next, you’ll need to dig some graves with your Soil Sword to reveal a Boombloom. Use this to access the second Pumpkin, who says ‘the direction to go that’s the best, well... rhymes with best.’ Time to go west next.

Turnip Boy listens to a Pumpkin telling him a riddle in Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion
North, where the yellow flowers are. | Image credit: Graffiti Games/VG247

Use your Soil Sword again to dig up the graves until the Pumpkin appears. He now advises that ‘unless you want to join me below, seek the truth where it’s yellow.’ Look at the flowers in the area, and go north where there are two yellow ones.

Turnip Boy listens to a Pumpkin telling him a riddle in Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion
East! | Image credit: Graffiti Games/VG247

Speak to the following Pumpkin, who’s riddle is as follows: ‘If you want to be right, you best get out of my sight.’ Then, use the Movemelon and your Portable Petal Portal to go east.

Up next, you’ll be presented with multiple Pumpkins to speak to. One is telling the truth, the rest are lying. You must check the inconsistencies in what they all have said to work out who is telling the truth. Here’s what they all say and how to work out who isn’t lying:

Turnip Boy stands near 6 pumpkins in Grim Graveyard in Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion
Image credit: Graffiti Games/VG247
  • Top-right Pumpkin: ‘You should go south! Also, the pumpkin below me is telling the truth.’ (talking about middle-right)
  • Middle-right Pumpkin: ‘You should go east! Also, the pumpkin below me is telling the truth.’ (talking about bottom-right)
  • Bottom-right Pumpkin: ‘You should go south! Also, the pumpkin above me is telling the truth.’ (talking about middle-right, and they can’t both be telling the truth!)

I very quickly ruled out the Pumpkins that accused other Pumpkins of telling the truth. After all, multiple Pumpkins can’t be telling the truth, right? This means that the top-right Pumpkin, the middle-right Pumpkin, and the bottom-right Pumpkin — all noted above — are all liars.

  • Bottom-middle Pumpkin: ‘You should go west! Also, the pumpkin above me is lying.’ (talking about middle)
  • Middle Pumpkin: ‘You should go north! Also, the pumpkin on my right is lying.’ (talking about middle-right)
  • Middle-left Pumpkin: ‘You should go west! Also, the pumpkin on my right is lying.’ (talking about middle)

This leaves us with the bottom-middle Pumpkin, the middle Pumpkin, and the middle-left Pumpkin, who all accuse others of lying. The middle Pumpkin accuses the middle-right Pumpkin of lying, and considering we’ve already written the middle-right Pumpkin off as a liar, this leads me to believe the middle Pumpkin is the one telling the truth.

On top of that, both the bottom-middle and middle-left Pumpkins accuse the middle Pumpkin of lying; they can’t both be telling the truth… so we’re left with just the middle Pumpkin, who advises that we go north.

So, off you go! That’s the Pumpkin riddle finished with, but for more on Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion, take a look at our guide to all locations, characters and key items in the game, as well as how to unlock all hats.

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