Paradox - Large batch of screenshots and video from GDC 2012
Paradox has sent over a massive lot of screens and video for the plethora of games heading your way from the firm.
In the gallery below, you will see screenshots from: Salem, Dungeonland, Warlock - Master of the Arcane, Napoleon's Campaigns II, Gettysburg: Armored Warfare, RED Frontier, The Showdown Effect, Manga Mundi, A Game of Dwarves, and Crusader Kings II.
You will also find GDC videos for some of these below, as well as one for Defenders of Ardania which lands on XBLA and PC next week.
So, go grab a beverage - hot, cold, fermented or otherwise - and enjoy it along with the assets below - which we are currently loading in. It may take a while.