Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Sells Crazy Fast, Morrowind Turns 15, and the Rest of This Week's Headlines
ENDING CREDITS | Taking a look a back at this week's headlines and everything else you might have missed on USgamer.
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Well, that's another week done. What are your plans for the weekend? If you said "More Breath of the Wild and more Persona 5," congratulations, your weekend stands to mirror my own.
We're in a bit of a news lull, but that didn't keep us from publishing lots of cool stuff this week. Our number-one priority here at USgamer is to thrill and entertain you.

Here are this week's most notable headlines and features:
- The Nintendo Switch continues to sell at a bonkers rate. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is no small reason for the push. In fact, it's the fastest-selling Mario Kart game in history. That … that's fast.
- Speaking of the Switch, Morrowind is 15 years old, and I'd love to see a Skyrim-style remaster for Nintendo's new system. I suppose if wishes were dragons, beggars would ride. Something like that.
- Kat attended a fascinating discussion by Tim Sweeney about how Deep Learning might open new possibilities for game AI. Your RPG waifu is currently trash, but with the help of Deep Learning, she might improve.
- The first DLC for Breath of the Wild was outlined this week, and among other things, it lets you dress up in Tingle's tights. That's awesome, because Tingle is awesome.
- Speaking of DLC, the DLC for Nier Automata is … baffling. John Learned offers his thoughts.
- Look, we're probably going to get a Mario / Rabbids crossover RPG, so make peace with your god now.
- Outlast 2 dishes out a whole lot of gore and shock tactics, but that doesn't make the game memorable in a good way.
- Jeremy Parish concludes his excellent A Link to the Past Design in Action series by dissecting the game's masterfully-designed dungeons.
- Caty outlines how the corruption you encounter in Persona 5's "Palaces" mirrors actual instances of corruption in Japanese society.
- Finally, Mike got to go hands-on with a bunch of cool Nintendo 3DS / 2DS stuff earlier this week. He has a breakdown of the New Nintendo 2DS XL, a preview of the upcoming RPG Ever Oasis, a preview of Miitopia, and impressions of the upcoming 2D Pikmin platformer.
Thank you for joining us for another week. I'm feeling inspired by the "Mega Man 2 vs Mario 3" Twitter war, so I'll choose my ending music sample accordingly.
"So which will it be, Nadia? The melancholy credit roll from Mega Man 2, or the upbeat calypso-inspired ending sequence for Super Mario Bros 3?"
Why, the ending music for Castlevania III, of course.