Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Wedding Crashers quest guide
Whether it's with the Blacksmith or the Miller, Henry needs to speak to Lord von Bergow at the wedding by any means necessary!
As the first major point of divergence in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, the Wedding Crashers quest gives you a taste of the choice and diverse range of options given to Henry as he completes his mission across Medieval Europe.
The task at hand seems simple: crash the wedding of the young Lord Semine to the daughter of the Troskowitz bailiff so you can speak to the Lord of Trosky Castle.
However, stripped of his possessions and forced to conduct his business as a pauper, Henry can’t just pole up to the fancy occasion and expect anything other than a swift kick to the rear.
Instead, he must ingratiate himself into the local community and find himself an invite to the wedding as the plus one of an understanding citizen of the surrounding area. With Sir Hans Capon AWOL, Henry needs to look after himself, using whatever resources he can muster and skills he can develop to get the job done.
Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Wedding Crashers quest guide
After speaking with the barkeep in Troskowitz, Henry learns that there are in fact plenty of willing employers in the region who could lend him a hand. The first is the Blacksmith, Radovan, in Tachov to the north of Troskowitz, or the Miller, to the south of Semine.
At this stage of the game, unfamiliar with the map as you are, the Miller looks extremely far away. However, it’s actually a very simple ride (or walk), southwest on the main road from Troskowitz, through Semine and down into Lower Semine, again on the main road, to reach the Miller’s farm.
Should you choose the Blacksmith or the Miller for the Wedding Crashers quest?
The Blacksmith and Miller are both equally valid routes to take in the Wedding Crashers quest, but rely on different skillsets to reach your ultimate goal. Think of the different quests as tutorials or introductory quests for different mechanics within Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.
First, the Blacksmith’s series of quests introduces you not only to blacksmithing and crafting, but combat, survival, horseriding and speechcraft.
On the other hand, the Miller’s series of quests serves as an introduction to the dark arts such as thievery, pickpocketing, stealth, lockpicking, hand-to-hand combat and deception.
It’s also worth remembering that these quests are also not exclusive. Once you’ve finished the Blacksmith’s work, you’re more than welcome to head down to the Miller’s farm and complete his quests. In fact, this is what we’d recommend.
If you complete both quest lines, it gives you a much better grounding within the world and mechanics of Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, offering an invaluable chance to grind up your skills, collect a decent pot of gold and feel more comfortable with the often finicky and inscrutable systems at play in this game.
So, rather than thinking of whether you should choose the Blacksmith or the Miller, it’s more a question of who you should visit first!
In this sense, we’d recommend heading northwards to the Blacksmith first. This is because you gain quicker access to a horse, get some introductory points into combat and a well positioned bed to rest and save in more quickly.
You can then grab the useful items from the Miller’s farm, like a dagger, at a later time.
Where to find the Blacksmith for the Wedding Crashers quest
To reach the Blacksmith, head north out of Troskowitz, either by the western road or through the fields, and you’ll reach Tachov on the other side of a wood.
Radovan is easy even to find, clinking away in his forge by the main road. He’s happy enough to take you on as a hand, especially given Henry’s background as the son of a blacksmith. After passing a simple smithing tutorial, the real work begins.
In The Jaunt quest, you need to ride southwest on the main road from Troskowitz to Semine to track down Radovan’s missing forge hands. After arriving at the manor house in Semine, you get set on a linear path with the Lord Semine and Captain Gnarly to solve the mystery.
This is the easiest way to get a horse in the early game and sets you up with some great combat experience and loot.
Next, when you’ve returned to the Blacksmith with the news of your misadventures, he’ll send you off to get materials to forge the wedding gift sword. This is The Hermit quest.
After asking around at the inn, at the alchemist’s shop and speaking to the beggar in Troskowitz, you can dig up the Conciliation cross to the west of town to find evidence of an ancient order of knights active in the area.
With these items, you can speak to the shepherd to the east of town to get a direction of where to search on the road through Apollonia to the north. Ride up the road until you reach a stream, and on your right you will find a well-fed black horse that seems to be the apparition the villagers saw. Now go up the hill. Hidden within the rocks, past the well and pond with beer cooling in the water, you find a path leading to the hermit’s shack.
Speak to him about the evidence you’ve found and he’ll come clean that he’s not who he’s pretending to be, but Konrad, a knight on the run. However, he will agree to give you the metal you need, if you head down to Troskowitz and settle a debt with a widow for him. Re-bury the body as instructed, then head back to the shack.
When you return, more knights from the order have tracked down Konrad and you now have to either join up with the knights, or help Konrad fight them off. Whatever your choice, the sword you need is found at the edge of the forest to the west, next to a tree with split branches.
With the broken sword in-hand, return to Radovan, forge the wedding gift and your invitation is sealed!
Where to find the Miller for the Wedding Crashers quest
As discussed, when you first start the game the Miller’s farm can seem very far away, tucked down in the south west corner of the map behind grey clouds. However, it’s actually a much easier journey than you might think.
First, head west out of Troskowitz on the main road south, keeping left at the forked signpost.
Ride along the long road down to the village of Semine, passing the manor on your left before going straight through the middle of the settlement on the main street.
On the other side, ride through the forest until the road turns back on itself, where you go down a hill to reach Lower Semine, where the only settlement is the Miller’s large farm.
During the day, you’ll find the Miller working at his grindstone by the front of his house. Speak to him there and he’ll let you work as a labourer carrying heavy sacks from the barn to a wagon.
Complete this task and you’ll be well on the way with the Materia Prima quest where the Miller asks you to steal an important document from Troskowitz jail for him. This serves as an introduction to stealth and lockpicking, as well as the visibility system of your clothes which makes you easier to spot.

You first need to get Kreyzl’s sneaking clothes back from the Zhelejov bathhouse at the Wagoner’s Inn. Here you can either pay up for the washing, don a fancy outfit and persuade the maid that you’ll tell all your friends about her services (thus showing the power of having a second set of clothes with high Charisma), or sneak upstairs in the bathhouse and steal the clothes from the locked chest at the top of the stairs.

With the clothes, you need to head to Troskowitz Rathaus, which is the big building in the middle of the town where you find the Bailiff and Scribe. On the northern side, behind the town, there’s a secret staircase leading down underground. If you sneak through here, you get directly into the cellar where you find the document in a locked chest at the bottom of the stairs.

To find the key, you need to search the hay next to the bench in the open cell nearby. You can then high-tail it back to Kreyzl for your reward.
What follows is a pretty linear quest, Forbidden Fruit, with the Troskowitz gravedigger on the trail of saltpetre, which nets you a great pair of gloves. But then your last test is much twistier.
Opus Magnum tasks you with setting up Kreyzl’s heist on Trosky Castle, where there’s an alchemy book he desperately wants. The Castle chamberlain, Ulric, is a reportedly vile fellow who abuses women, so convincing someone to help you is difficult.
But after a visit to the bathhouse, you meet Enneleyn at the Nomad Camp who’s undaunted. You then need to buy her an expensive red dress from the Troskowitz tailor, get her some perfume (which Betty wants an absolute king’s ransom for if you don’t swipe it from her lockbox upstairs in the inn’s pantry), as well as some wine which can be sourced from merchants or bandits in the area.
With that, it’s time to make your way to the wedding on this route too. Given Krezyl’s quest continues from here, don your best peacock-feather hat and go with Enneleyn to the wedding!
At the wedding
When you finally arrive at the wedding, Lord von Bergow is not yet in attendance. However, it seems your plan with Enneleyn has worked, with the chamberlain immediately drawn to her.
It’s out of your hands for now, so take Lord Semine’s advice and speak to the Bailiff’s son in the yard - but not before swiping as much choice food as you can carry.
Speak to the Bailiff and Hunter’s sons and they’re surveying the scene and deciding what to do next. Depending on your performance during the brawl at Betty’s with Hans you get the chance to win some reputation here, but really, you’ll be fine as long as you’re not a stick in the mud and join in with some hijinx.
Agree to step in with the woman being unduly chatted up by another party guest. You need to treat her like a person, rather than a damsel to be won, saying instead that you should both leave her alone.

Impressed by your candour, she takes you to a nearby jetty looking out onto the lake. After a brief conversation she asks you about who you are and what you’re doing. Saying you’re from Skalitz and they mined silver there progresses the conversation to where you can take her to the dancefloor, if you so wish with another beau waiting back in Rattay.
After winning the bet, return to Svatya and regale them with your exploits. With that, time passes and you get a save.
If you speak to Gamekeeper Vostatek, he asks you to keep him away from the booze. So every so often you need to talk to him and take his drink away.
Next, in the courtyard, speak to Sir Jan Semine and offer to help. He’s worried about his Moravian relatives causing trouble, as well as the beggars outside the manor gate. Henry will pledge to do his best with both.
Talk to Jurko and have a drink with them, but it's a horrible watered-down batch of ale. It seems Lord Semine has tried to keep them in check with weaker booze. The Moravians ask you to fetch their better quality alcohol from the cellar so they can have a nice time and not get rowdy.
Head into the cellar via the door nearby and the guard is bored on a bench inside. He asks for a couple of jugs of beer to pass the time, which Henry duly obliges. You can find plenty of pitchers around the party on food tables. If you give him normal Troskowitz beer, he asks for something different, which you can fetch from the party.

However, this is also your chance to silver tongue the door to the cellar open so you can get what you want. If you’re successful, grab the specifically Moravian Schnapps and get out of there.
Return with the booze and that’s one problem solved!
Speak to the Guard Captain Tuma and he’ll ask for some help with the beggars. He says the cook has refused to share out the scraps from the kitchen and is the kind of obstinate character who won’t be persuaded easily.

Despite the warnings, if you speak to the cook in the kitchen she indeed won’t budge on sharing food with the poor. The only way to get her to leave so you can sneak in and grab some is to scrounge as much for yourself as you can, then, when she leaves the kitchen to restock, you can swoop in and grab what you need from behind the closed door next to the range.

In a basket on the floor inside the pantry, you find a specific item - cooking scraps - to dish out to the hungry.
Tuma will thank you for the help and more time will pass.
This time the chamberlain will disturb your time-skip. He’s lost your partner in crime and you need to find where she’s gotten to. The only clue you get is that she was talking to someone dressed in yellow.
In the corner of the courtyard you find Scribe Gaibl, he’s dressed in yellow but not the man you’re looking for. You need to go to the barn where the fistfighting tournament is happening, then go up the small staircase in the corner.

There you find Enneleyn with a familiar face. She was repulsed by the Chamberlain’s advances and breaks off the deal, giving you a ring he gave her as a bargaining chip. Your only choice is to return to Ulric and try not to get thrown out of the party.
Given your sparkling regalia, choose the Charisma option. Even though he’s not impressed, he’s not quick to anger either.
But to make matters worse, it seems that Lord von Bergow is MIA, and so the festivities must continue without him. Watch the lovely scene unfold and at the end of the ceremony you get another save point.
Head back downstairs to congratulate the newlywed couple, but first, as the night draws to a close, it's time to make the most of festivities.
Now you can play dice with Bailiff Thrush, the Chamberlain, Blacksmith and the Apothecary for badges if you wish, but it’s optional. If you lose, the only wager is that you have to drink more and more for each loss. The other matches give you a tin badge, with the final match against the Bailiff netting you a gold badge.
Since these matches are down to a massive amount of luck, I'd recommend saving before each one using the "save & exit" option in the menu.

The Apothecary already lost his, so it’s just the blacksmith and Ulric you need to beat. The Blacksmith gives you tin badge of might which lets you add an extra die to your roll once per game. The chamberlain gives you tin badge of headstart. When you manage to beat Thrush though, it transpires that he already lost his badge to the innkeeper, Betty. If you can persuade her, she’ll play you, but for a 50 gold wager. If you win, it nets you the Gold Wedding badge which lets you re-roll up to three dice once a game.
You can also participate in Captain Gnarly’s swordfighting tourney now if you wish. You first fight Captain Gnarly himself, who is a tough opponent but just be patient, counter his strikers in a flurry until you can land one hit yourself, then back off.
Don’t worry, you don’t have to wear down the entirety of these people’s massive health bars. Just hit them a few times and they yield.
Your next opponnent, Svata, is in the courtyard, but he seems an easier opponent than Gnarly. Finally, the old Lord Semine is the last bout. He seems to deck you in one hit, which is a bit strange. But if you lose he gives you a ring which is decent for charisma. It’s quite easy to score a quick hit on him, but because you’re afforded no leeway it’s an incredibly frustrating challenge that I genuinely think you’re not supposed to win.
When you’re done, head to the cellar where you got the booze for the Moravians to find the couple and instigate another cutscene.
Defend yourself from whoever steps to you in the hilarious royal rumble that ensues before the chamberlain breaks up the party and this whole storied saga comes to a conclusion. But your journey is nowhere near to complete yet, as the For Whom the Bell Tolls quest begins...