Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 modders inevitably declare war on saviour schnapps and have made the game playable on a toaster if you don't care about nature
Hey, it's ok, I'm sure giving up picking stuff yourself because you literally can't see it won't make things any less immersive.
Good news, people who want to play Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 without having to fully opt into the whole playing a game with some kinda annoying mechanics that requires some decent hardware part of it. Modders have immediately deployed in force to help you save whenever you like and start getting medieval on an ancient laptop you've dug out of the attic.
KCD2 only came out yesterday, but it was already obvious even before it released that it'd have a pretty active modding community right out of the gate. Sure, you could imply that from its predecessor, but having the latest game's first mod arrive a day before it even did pushed things into dead cert territory.
Anyway, with the game now out, KCD2's modding community has well and truly roared into life. Among their first key quests was the inevitable - make it so that people can save whenever they want, rather than having to collect and burn through saviour schnapps. After all, not everyone wants to have to worry about losing progress if they don't have any drinks handy.
If you're among this group of save scum, you'll probably want to check out modder EddieShoe's 'Unlimited Saving II', the sequel to their incredibly popular work for the original KCD that did the same thing, if the title didn't give that away. It boasts unlimited saving at any time by pressing the F5 key, and won't even disable achievements, which is cool.
What might be even cooler though, is another returning mod from the original. 'Ultra Low Graphics Mode' for KCD2 is the sequel to modder Jindra1403's work of the same name for the first game. As you'd expect, it makes everything render in PS1-level graphical fidelity, in the hopes of letting you run the game at a decent frame rate on older hardware that might otherwise take one look at KCD2's requirements and promptly explode.
There is a catch, though. "Herbs are not visible, so they can't be properly picked and can only be bought," the modder explains. Oh no! How will you cope if you're a nature lover desperate to go herb picking in KCD2 on a basic PC you've cobbled together out of twigs, shrubbery, and a motherboard someone's chucked in a skip?
Well, you could try another mod Jindra1403's quickly put out, 'Very Low Graphics Mode', which looks to be slightly less drastic and comes without any herb hangups.
If you're on console and can't try any of these, that's too bad, but our Connor reckons the game's pretty damn good in vanilla form anyway, as he outlined in his review.