Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Miri Fajta Quest Guide
Here's where to find Marika, rescue Tibor, and reunite the Voivode's family in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2!
After being run around from pillar to post in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, when you stumble on the Nomad Camp west of Troskowitz someone is finally happy to see you.
In the Miri Jajta quest, the Voivode, or patriarchal leader, of the Camp is distraught at the disappearance of his only daughter, Marika, and asks Henry to look into the situation. Apparently, both the Voivode and his wife saw an outsider who could resolve their problems in their dreams, and now here’s Henry to lend a helping hand.
What follows is a tangled web of intrigue, feuding and misinformation, so here’s how to bring Miri Jajta to its best conclusion!
Where to find Marika in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
First, the Voivode gives you leave to search Marika’s belongings, which you can find behind the rest of the tents on the western edge of the Nomad Camp. Unless you have strong enough lockpicking to garner a clue from her lockbox, this won’t turn up much, so your best bet is to flex your contacts in the local area.
Go a little northeast and speak with the Herbalist, Bozhena. Given your dealings with her in the past - and hopefully your equally helpful hand in the Bad Blood quest finding her own daughter - you’ll be able to convince Bozhena to spill based on your previous relationship.

Bozhena points you to the eastern area of Apollonia, on the rightmost side of the map. Here, in the rocky hills, you should find a tucked away cave. As you approach from the west, past the herb garden at the foot of Trosky Castle, you will see a natural archway with a small rock wedged between two larger ones.

Go down the hill through the arch, then take the first right.

On the left will be a ledge which leads to Marika’s hiding place.
How to convince Marika to return
Speak with Marika and after assuring her you’re sympathetic to her predicament she’ll level with you that she didn’t just disappear but ran away from home with her beau, Bohush, a young man from the nearby village.
Apparently, offended by his daughter’s relationship with an outsider, the Voivode tried to push the pair into a quick marriage. But when the Bohush wasn’t immediately keen, even further offense was taken. Slighted by the perceived insult to their father, Marika’s brothers, Gejza and Tibor, jumped Bohush, leaving him gravely wounded.
Armed with this new information, you’re tasked with returning to the Nomad Camp, retrieving medicine for Bohush, and securing the Voivode’s special amulet as a gesture of goodwill for Marika’s return. Ride or fast travel back, then speak to Aranka, Marika’s mother. She gives you some supplies to take to her daughter, but is all out of Comfrey.
You can grab more sprigs of Comfrey from Bozhena’s meadow or from the herb garden just to the west of Marika’s hiding place. If you’re incredibly unlucky (like me) and Bozhena’s meadow only gives you 3 sprigs of Comfrey, there’s more to harvest in the front yard next to her house.
Before you do that though, speak to the Voivode. He tells you that he won’t part with his amulet under any circumstances. It’s his magical protector he’s had since he was a child and is an important part of his sense of self. Either way, he’d never hand it over at the behest of an outsider either.
To prove yourself the Voivode gives you another task. He tells you after Marika’s brothers fought with Bohush, there was further violence with the village. His hot-tempered son, Gejza, pulled a knife on a group of woodcutters and was killed in the skirmish, while his other son, Tibor, was taken captive.
Your next job is to rescue Tibor from Semine without raising the temperature of the conflict any further so that they can find and bury Gejza according to their traditions.
How to rescue Tibor
You can rescue Tibor in a few different ways, but since the Voivode asked you to be discreet your best options are either stealth or speechcraft.

Tibor is being held at the bottom of the main street in Semine village, in the saddlemaker’s shed.
For the stealth route, approach the barn from the south - preferably at night while everyone is asleep - while wearing dark clothes. There’s an open window through which you can see Tibor, tied up and beaten.
Clamber through, untie the nomad, then leave the way you came.

Alternatively, if you have a set of nice clothes with high charisma, it’s a relatively simple task to talk your way into the barn. Speak to the saddle maker and ask about the nomads. He’ll make his feelings known and tell you to stay away from the shed.
Immediately ignore him and approach the hired hand standing watch at the entrance. Speak to him with your fanciest clothes on and choose the charismatic option, appealing to his better nature of not wanting to escalate the feud further. He should let you into the barn, telling you the keys are on a box just inside, and that he’ll look the other way as you escape from the same window as if you were sneaking.

Tibor will thank you for your help, but reveal that the woodcutters have strung Gejza up as a trophy and a warning not to cross them any further. You’ll need to retrieve his body before hauling it to his favourite spot in the woods nearby.
The woodcutter’s camp is just to the west of Semine. Either wait until nightfall and the camp is deserted to grab Gejza from the trunk on the western side of the camp. Otherwise, you can use your silver tongue again to convince the foreman to hand him over.

Speak to the foreman while wearing your fanciest clothes and scare him with superstitious tales of traveller curses. This should be enough for him to want to see the back of Gejza.
Next, pick up Gejza (remembering to take off your fancy clothes if you took the charisma route) and carry him to the map marker in the forest, where you’ll see Tibor standing overlooking a cliff.

After a service, you’ll be taken back to the Nomad Camp, but to no avail. The Voivode still won’t hand over his amulet because Marika apparently stole the letter of safe conduct King Sigismund granted to the nomads. If you can bring it back, he says, then he’ll consider reconciliation.
Getting the letter of safe conduct
Head back to Marika and Bohush and ward away the wolves sniffing around their cave.
State the Voivode’s demands and after some back and forth where you need to convince Marika you’re on her side, she’ll reveal where she hid the letter. However, she will only return to the camp if the Voivode trades the letter for his amulet.

From Marika’s cave, head down the hill as she directed until you reach a small pond with a pot of beer chilling in the water.

Next to the pond you find the letter of safe conduct. You can now return to the Nomad Camp once again with a new bargaining chip in-hand.
But, resolute in his insistence, the Voivode will refuse again. Speak to his wife, Aranka, and she’ll mention that the Voivode is a gambler and can’t resist a wager. She’ll also offer to help you when the time comes.
Bring this proposal to him and you’ll be pitted against Tibor in tests of skill. The first is a horse race which, unless you’ve stolen a ridiculously fast horse, is so one-sided that it’s not even worth trying to win. At least you’re not given the indignity of even thinking you could finish first if you re-tried.
Next if a fistfight, which thankfully, is much more straightforward. However, it’s not a cakewalk. The key to prevail is patience. You cannot force any of the fighting mechanics in this game. Do not deviate from the pattern of perfect block, riposte, perfect block, riposte, until you land a hit.
Like I say, do not try and force it. Even if Tibor is on a sliver of health, if you’re dumb he’ll land a series of hits and you’ll be in deep trouble (even though this unfairly breaks the rules of the combat system you have to abide by in this extremely fair and definitely serious simulation game).
After your victory, there’s one final test: a game of dice. Don’t even try to take the Voivode on. It’s absolutely hilarious how stacked against you this game is. He’ll check out in just one or two turns every single time.
What you need to do is speak to Aranka. She’ll give you a special, supposedly magical die which will give you the power to prevail.
Equip it at the start of the game, focus on picking up strings of 1s, 5s or multiples of the same number, and you should come out on top.

With that, a bet is a bet, and the Voivode will travel with you to make up with his daughter. By taking this course of action, Henry brings the Miri Fajta quest to a close with its happiest conclusion: Markia and Bohush are together, the family is as reunited as it can be, and Henry is always welcome in the Nomad Camp. Your reward is money from the Voivode, a good reputation at their camp’s shops and services, as well as a place to sleep in Tibor’s tent.
For what to do next, check out our Kingdom Come Deliverance walkthrough for more side quests and items!