Dead Rising Wii isn't the best thing ever, says first review
IGN's put up the first review of Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop, scoring it 6.9.
The Wii adaptation of Capcom's zombie actioner just didn't cut it, apparently. Snip:
So Dead Rising continues to be fun even if you scale back the visuals, reduce the zombie count, and ignore the hero's photographic abilities. Capcom must have really hit on something with the "zombie killing playground" design. A lot of corners have been cut to get this game on the Wii and the result is not the impressive next-gen experience it was on the 360. Rather, it's a breezy weekend diversion with some fun gameplay and subpar graphics. Mowing down (small) hordes of zombies is a mindless pleasure, but the experience system and exploration lend the game some depth. The addition of multiple save slots is an improvement, and the Wii controls work well. What was a showcase title for the 360 is an average, but fun, Wii game.
It's out in Europe, um, yesterday, says Gamespress.