How to get smarter in Bitlife
A solid Smarts attribute is all you need to be successful in Bitlife, so here’s how to get smarter.
A lot of the best jobs in Bitlife require that your character has a relatively high Smarts attribute during their lifetime. For example, those wishing to become a Brain Surgeon will need to have high Smarts before they can begin prodding people's brains. Similarly, a successful CEO or Scientist will need plenty of wit to get by.
If you’re just starting out your character’s life in Bitlife and found that they’re low on Smarts, this can fortunately be changed by taking part in a few different activities as a Bitizen. Without further ado, here’s exactly how to get smarter in Bitlife.
How to get smarter in Bitlife
If you’re looking to increase the Smarts attribute of your character in Bitlife, there are fortunately a few ways in which you can do that. Don’t forget that the God Mode Expansion Pack also allows players to choose the starting attributes of their characters when beginning a new life in Bitlife.
Before we delve into the other methods for raising your Smarts, however, it’s worth noting that the most important time for boosting your Smarts is while you’re attending school and college in Bitlife. You’ll see improved increases to the attribute while at this age, compared to when you are much older.

To improve your Smarts, you want to take part in the following Activities:
- Study hard at school - under ‘Occupations’, select your school, and choose to ‘Study harder’ each year.
- Read books - under ‘Activities’ and ‘Mind and Body’, select ‘Book’ to read a book. Though, be careful what books you read, as some can have a negative effect on your Smarts.
- Watch documentaries - under ‘Activities’, choose to go to the ‘Movie Theater’ and watch documentaries.
- Memory Test - under ‘Activities’ and ‘Mind and Body’, the ‘Memory Test’ activity is a real memory testing minigame that can boost your Smarts if you perform well.
- Visit the library - under ‘Activities’ and ‘Mind and Body’, you can visit the library.
- Tend to your garden - under ‘Activities’ and ‘Mind and Body’, you can choose to tend to your garden. This not only relaxes your character, but benefits their Smarts too.
For more on Bitlife, take a look at how to get Twins or Twiplets, what your chances of winning the lottery are, how Karma works, and how to get famous in Bitlife.