How to turn enemies into friends in Bitlife
Looking to make amends with your enemies? Here’s how to turn enemies into friends again in Bitlife.
Throughout the various lives you live through in Bitlife, you’ll find that it’s rather easy to turn your friends into enemies if you’re careless or neglectful. Some Bitlife challenges even rely on this. For example, the Karen Challenge, which tasks you with starting rumours about ten different enemies.
But let’s say you’ve had a change of heart, or perhaps you’re trying to complete the King of the Court Challenge which tasks you with transforming an enemy into your best friend. Turning enemies into friends isn’t the easiest feat, but it is possible. To help you out, here’s how to turn enemies into friends in Bitlife.
How to turn Enemies into Friends in Bitlife
To turn an enemy into a friend, or best friend, in Bitlife, you first need an enemy. Fortunately, turning existing friends into enemies takes no time at all. Take a look at our guide on how to make enemies for more.
After you’ve wound up with an enemy or ten in Bitlife and have decided that it’s time to make amends, you can fortunately do so, but be prepared to put some work — and hard-earned in-game cash — into it.
Under the ‘Relationships’ tab, select the enemy that you wish to befriend. To slowly worm your way back into their good books, your best bet is buying them expensive gifts. Be careful to pay attention to what gifts they like and don’t like, as gifting them something they dislike will damage your relationship further.

The best gift that you can give to an enemy is Bitizen Membership, so if that appears as you supply your enemy with dozens of gifts, be sure to purchase it for them. This will improve your friendship massively, and once you’ve managed to rebuild some of your relationship with your enemy, you can then manually adjust your friendship status.

Select your enemy from the ‘Relationships’ tab and press the three dots beside their name to manually set your friendship status. If you can’t yet befriend your enemy again by adjusting this, you will need to spend some more time improving your relationship with them first.
If you need to turn an enemy into your best friend, you can also do this manually if your relationship with the character is high enough. If they reject you, keep showering them with gifts that they like until your friendship is maxed out and try again.
For more on Bitlife, take a look at how to get Twins or Twiplets, what your chances of winning the lottery are, how Karma works, and what the best jobs in Bitlife are.