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How to get Clippers in Bee Swarm Simulator

Here’s how to get Clippers and use them to farm Pollen in Bee Swarm Simulator.

The player stands on a platform surrounded by bees with a mushroom and egg signpost behind them in Roblox's Bee Swarm Simulator
Image credit: Onett/Roblox/VG247

Roblox has an abundance of different simulator games or obstacle courses for players to take part in, with many games blending the two together. Bee Swarm Simulator is one of these. The jovial game allows you to command your own enormous swarm of bees — each with unique abilities — to farm endless amounts of Pollen and Honey to spend on upgrades or better bees and so forth.

Rinse and repeat, and soon enough, you’ll have your own empire of colourful worker bees to run around collecting Pollen with from the various fields and hidden areas available in Bee Swarm Simulator. And let’s not forget the adorable bear NPCs who dish out plenty of quests for you to complete in exchange for rewards, one of which requires you to use the Clippers. Here’s how to get (and use) the Clippers in Bee Swarm Simulator.

How to get Clippers in Bee Swarm Simulator

To get your hands on some Clippers in Bee Swarm Simulator, you’ll want to pay a visit to the Noob Shop, which is the big red building to the left of the Hives.

The player looks at the Clippers item in the Noob Shop in Roblox's Bee Swarm Simulator
Clippers can be purchased from the Noob Shop for 2200 Honey. | Image credit: Onett/Roblox/VG247

Here, you can buy a range of items to help you collect more Pollen quickly, and Clippers can be purchased in exchange for 2200 Honey. This isn’t the easiest feat when just starting out, but hatch some Eggs, take your bees to collect Pollen from the various fields, and convert that Pollen into Honey at your Hive. Also, keep on top of your quests from the bears. You will be able to afford them soon enough!

Once you have Clippers in Bee Swarm Simulator, you can then use this to farm Pollen from flowers. For every flower you use the Clippers on, you will collect nine Pollen.

A better version of the Clippers — a tool that costs more, but yields significantly more Pollen — are the Scissors in Bee Swarm Simulator, which will set you back 850,000 Honey at the Pro Shop, but will also retrieve all Pollen from an entire patch of flowers!

For more on Roblox, take a look at our Demon Soul Simulator codes, our One Fruit Simulator codes, and our Sonic Speed Simulator codes for more in-game freebies.

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